Ch. 63

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      All work and no play. I put in nothing but work with Paulina. Does she really not love me anymore? How can you go from super straight to super gay within two weeks. This has to be just a phase. We're almost three years. She has to be really heartless if she's leaving me right before our anniversary. When I think of my Paulina I think of the sweet girl I met and harassed for so long. I was such a dick to her when we first met and thats just because I was so attracted to her. She was nerdy and genuine and so not like me. I loved that about her. The fact that she wasn't like me. I was so careless and she cared so much about everything. She was like a version of Angie just not that far. Angie has always been the way she is and I don't think that will ever change. But I impacted Paulina. She went from skirts and flats to skinny jeans and docs. She went from caring about what people thinking to not caring. She went from feeling to not feeling. All because of me. I ruined a perfectly good girl. I ruined a perfectly good person. I can't blame this on her because she was pushed away from me BY me. I let go of the most important aspect in my life. And it was all so unnecessary. 

         I grab my phone and hesitate calling Paulina. Instead I make another decision. 

"Hello?" Angie's voice says through the phone and for a few seconds I'm silent because its all so surreal. 

"Isaac?" she repeats.

"Yeah Hi." I say pacing my floor.

"We need to talk" I say switching my view from the floor to the ceiling.

"About?" she says sounding a little less interested.

"You and my girlfriend." I say angrily.

"Isaac don't sit here and interrogate me. She's your girlfriend so work it out with her. I have my own problems with Daniel." Angie says trying to keep herself calm. I hold my phone against my cheek and concentrate on the warmth its producing. 

"Alright well I'll just talk to Paulina but you have to too" I say and stretch the skin under my hair in an act of stress.

"Yeah." Angie says and hangs up on me. 

Next I call Paulina and wait for the time to start counting down under her name. I feel an unforgivable amount of anger bubbling under my skin and within the canals of my arteries. I hear her answer and I hold my breath. 

"hello..." I hear her say with an attitude. 

"paulina." I say using the built up anger between my teeth to bark her name.

"Yes?" she asks 

"Are you busy?" I hesitantly ask and squeeze my eyes shut

"We got back from Rio 19 hours ago. Im trying to get my shit together and that includes my sleeping schedule so goodbye now if you're not dying." she says sounding as if she's moving fucking furniture. Instead of bowing down to her like I have been doing for the past two years of my life and waiting at her hand and foot I try and demand some sort of reconcile. 

"Come to my house. As soon as possible." I say and hang up


The conversation I just had with Isaac was rather weird and different. he wants me to come over as soon as possible but right now I'm in the middle of separating clean clothes from dirty clothes in my suit case. I take a pause on my chores and put in the effort that Isaac kind of demanded from me to go to his house. I should've expected this from him considering I got a text from Angie saying that Isaac called her and got on her case about whats going on between her and I. 

My mom drives me to Isaacs house for what reason? I don't know? The doors open when I get to his house but the only person insight is his mom.

"paulina, hi honey." she says with a smile while wiping her hands on a dish cloth.

"Hi Mrs. Jones." I say and hug her. 

"Isaacs upstairs." she says and I shoot her one let smile before walking up the stairs. With every pair my feet become heavier and heavier as if they don't want to lead me to Isaacs room. When I get to the top of the stairs I peer into the door to Isaacs room and see him sitting on the floor in front of his bed. When I walk in he sits up and and fixes the fit of his shirt on him.  Instead of making the situation harder I just sit down next to him. 

"We need to talk" he says without looking up at me.

"Ok. I think you deserve an explanation. " I nod. 

"Whats going on with you and Angie?" He asks and I already knew he would ask that. 

"She's my best friend." I say 

"But do you like her?" He says raising his voice and his levels of anger rising. 

"yes." I say and I look over at him to see his face fall a million feet and his eyes fill with fluid. 

"Ok then whats gonna happen between us" he says and clears his thoughts.

"Are we breaking up?" I ask not knowing which answer I want more. Yes or no.

" I dont want to but I want you to be happy." he says and my heart fills up with the same love that it used to for Isaac. 

"Is it bad I wanna kiss you right now?" he says and I go into an ecstasy shock.


"Is it bad I wanna do the same thing?" Paulina shockingly asks and before I know it she's crawling onto my lap just about ready to kiss me. Its just like the older times. she cradles my neck in her hands and I don't know what better to do than to grab her by her waist. My hands hinge around the place they used to know. My fingers gaze under her shirt and witness the feeling of goosebumps growing on her honey like skin. a smile spreads across her face and memories of us scroll through her deep brown eyes. I line up my first four fingers and run them down the trail in the middle of her back. While the deep eye contact continues she plants her lips on mine. They feel just like I remembered. Soft, hydrated and the only difference is they're colder than I remembered. They have been missed. My lips hungered for hers and they have a mind of they're own wake exploring the skin on Paulina's lips. I move my lips from hers down to her neck. The skin is still sweet and warm. I lose my mind when a slight moan escapes her mouth once my lips apply pressure to the tender skin under her ear. Her hips start to make movements only I know. Only I remember. her hands grip tighter on my neck and thats my queue to continue what I'm doing. 

"Isaac...stop" She says between sighs. I don't wanna stop kissing her but if I don't it won't be consensual. I stop and hold onto her. I look at her. She has slight tears in her eyes and I'm lost at what to do. 

"Whats wrong?" I ask still breathing heavily from the erection she gave me that I can't relieve. 

"I love you and you'll be the only guy I ever love" she says wiping her tears with one hand still on my shoulder. I stare at her blankly waiting for her to finish her statement. 

"But I wanna be with Angie." she says and my heart has officially stopped. All I can get out right now is a nod. So that is the answer she gets. She gets up off my lap and grabs her bag.

"So thats it? You come for an easy conversation and a make out session?

"We're West Side kids. Everything comes easy to us." she says and walks out of my room.

I follow her downstairs and out the door. 

"I love you Isaac." She says from a distance while walking down the sidewalk. 

I dont know whether to feel relieved she finally told me the truth or upset that I lost my girlfriend. Either way both hurt.

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