Ch. 27

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Song for the chapter:

I'd risk it all- The Vamps


Im waiting by Isaac's locker because we're supposed to be having lunch together so we could talk about our science project. Sean comes up to me and takes my lollipop out of my mouth and puts it in his. That's disgusting.

"So, why don't you dis that Isaac dude and go for a more intimidating dude like me." He says and moves his eyebrows up and down.

"Okay, look Sasquatch I'm not interested in you." I say and try to move away from him but he puts his arms on the lockers behind me which is now blocking me from moving. I see Isaac coming so I try wiggling out of his arms but I can't. Isaac drops his books and stuff once he sees what's happening. He runs toward me really fast. He pushes Sean off of me and punches him.

"Don't ever mess with my girl." He shouts

"Well your girl is pretty hot." Sean says and tries to hit Isaac. A fight forms between the two of them. Isaac throws a few more punches before Sean slaps him. Isaac is now infuriating. He starts punching and kicking. I try to stop what's going on but when I take a step closer to Isaac he accidentally hits my cheek and it's red and starts bleeding. I trip over his books and fall on my ass. I get back up but I'm too late. Sean hit him so hard he fell over.

Crystal walks up and slaps Sean. She takes him away and tells him what an ass he is. I crawl over to Isaac and lay his head on my lap.

"Oh my god, babe are you okay?"I ask and stroke his hair out of his face.

"Paulina, your cheek. Oh man I'm so sorry baby." He says and reaches a hand up to gently rub my cheek.

"Don't move." He tells me.

"Why" I ask

"Because your boob feels good as a pillow he says and I laugh. I kiss his forehead and wipe off the dirt from his lavender V neck. Angie and Daniel come running towards us and we're still sitting on the floor.

"Oh my goodness. Paulina are you okay honey?" Angie ask

"Yeah I'm fine. Isaac's the one who got hurt." I say and look down at him.

"Here, clean up his wounds with this." Angie says and hands me a wet one from her backpack. She cleans up mine and it stings a little. I gently dab his wounds and he squeezes my leg because it hurts.

"Ooh, babe I'm sorry." I say and finish cleaning him. Ugh that potato with eyes ate my lollipop. I really wanted it.

"Thanks Angie." I say

"No problem, any time." She says and walks away with Daniel. I get Isaac off the floor and take him to the nurses office. So we spent half of lunch on the floor and the other half in the nurses office.

"Go to class Polly." He says

"No Isaac. I'm not leaving you here alone." I say

"Well I'm telling you to, now go." He says so I get up and walk towards the door.

"Come here." He says. I walk over to him and he gives me a kiss.

"Are you sure you'll be fine without me." I say as I exit the nurses office.

"Yes I will now go to class." He says

"I love you." I say to him

"I love you too." He says and I leave.


After school I go to Isaac's home room so I can help him get his stuff from his locker. I out his books in his back pack and walk him to his moms car. I kiss him goodbye and go to my moms car.

I can't believe Isaac would ever do that for me. He did tell me that he'd do anything for me but I never thought he would fight one of my friends boyfriends.

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