Ch. 45

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       When I wake up I feel like complete shit. I turn over and see an empty strange pill packet. "Tommy wake up"I say and shake Tommy awake. "What Jesus." He says with a half waken voice. "What the fuck is this?"I ask and show him the empty. "Oh those are muscle relaxers dude. You took two so good luck." Sean says with a laid back hippie voice. "Did I give any to Paulina?"I ask concerned. "Yeah man we all took them." Tommy says and before he finishes I'm on the mission to find Paulina to make sure she isn't fucking dead. "Fuck" I say while struggling to put my pants on. I rush out the door and run to her room praying she's awake.


   "Why is he so worried? She might actually suck his dick with these in her system." Sean says and I laugh at how he actually gets more than I do. "Where's Isaac?" Daniel asks as he wakes up. "He went to find Paulina." I say. "Did she take he Cyclobenzaprine?" He asks. "Dude just call it a muscle relaxer." Sean says and turns on his side to join the conversation. "Well it isn't just a muscle relaxer. It has some of the qualities an antidepressant would but since they're not American they can't be classified as an antidepressant nor can they be classified as a muscle relaxer therefore they're just a bypass drug." He says as if we cared. "Go back to sleep." I say because he literally just woke up and he's already talking.


I knock on the door to Paulina's room and Crystal answers. "Isaac you can't be in here so hurry up." Crystal says and I run over to see Paulina who's lagged over Angie's lap. "She said she can't walk and her head hurts." Angie says and brushes the hair out of Paulina's face. "I didn't want to give her Advil because she already has medication in her." She says and I try looking at Paulina but she closes her eyes. "Shit Paulina don't take anything from Tommy." I say and start rubbing her. "You gave them to me." She softly says. "I did?" I ask and instantly feel disappointed in myself. "Why would you do that Isaac?" Angie asks worried for her friend. "I didn't know I'm sorry" I say and lift her up to take her to the bathroom. "I can't walk Isaac." Paulina says so instead of attempting to lead her I carry her to the bathroom and sit her on the counter next to the sink. "Just take these." I say and hand her two Advil. I soak a small towel in cold water and dab her face with it. Her eyes look sleepy and her lips look extremely red.
       "You're a jerk" she says and leans on my shoulder. "I'm sorry munchkin. Just don't take anything foreign because it might hurt you." I say and squeeze her cheeks. She tries jumping off the counter to try and walk but she slips. She starts laughing and I help her up. "Carry me" she says and holds her arms out. I pick her up like a baby and take her back to bed. "You can go back to sleep for a little ok." I say and kiss her goodbye for an hour. I make a clean getaway out of their room and back to mine.


      I calmly sit on the beach with Angie trying to tan. "Isaac you've been trying for a summer and a half to tan and all you do is turn red." She says without moving from tanning. "Ah but Angie I put on sun tan lotion." I say and close my eyes even though I'm wearing sunglasses. "You'll still turn red." She says. Our beings are in synchronized potions as we wait for our skin to crisp but I feel weird because tanning is a female sport. "Is Paulina coming down soon?"I ask. "She was still sleeping when I left but I assume she'll be coming soon." She says.

      When I open my eyes not only Angie is next to me but Daniel, Crystal, Sean, Kassidy, Tommy, Grace and even Paulina are lined up in the boiling sun. "Paulina?" "Yeah babe?" She asks without opening her eyes. "Ok I was just making sure you were here." I say and lay back down.


Five glamorous Rio boy who were also staying at the resort made their way over to the American newbies they thought we prettier than a hibiscus. Lets distribute them shall we. Rico, a little pipsqueak who didn't let his size stop him from getting what he wanted, was the first to step up his game and hit on Grace. Obviously she fell instantly in love with the sun kissed skin boy. Luis, the Brazilian that looks Dominican, chooses Kassidy as his prey. She isn't nice about it though so she blows him off like he were a pesky fly stuck in your bathroom. Crystal allows Jonathan, the foreign flesh, to hit on her even in front of the boy she calls her boyfriend. Ah but now it gets tricky. Jose, a polite pick up line stud who choose Angie, taken but too nice to say no, as his perch. "You have beautiful hands miss" the Rio boy says to Angie as he picks up her hand to kiss it. Angie takes off her sunglasses to get a better look at the stranger who decided to kiss her hand. "Um thank you but I have a boyfriend." She says and motions to Daniel who is at the Juice bar. He turns around and when he sees a random boy flirting with his girlfriend his smile immediately fades. He rushes over to her and sits next to her. "Hey BABE" he says and obviously attempts to display how Angie is not available.
"This is your girlfriend?" He asks and Angie bites her lip at the sound of his thick Brazilian accent. "Um yeah she is my girlfriend." He says. "Oh my friend you're very lucky." He says and makes seductive eyes toward Angie before leaving.
"Oh that feels good Isaac" Paulina says while flipped over on her stomach thinking Isaac is rubbing sunscreen on her back when it's really a sharp-jawline fellow, Pedro. "What babe?" Isaac asks while resting. Paulina realizes Isaac isn't the one touched lower back area so she sits up as fast as possible. She uses a towel to cover her half naked body and Isaac finally gets up to see what's going on. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Isaac shouts while trying to shield Paulina. "Is this your girlfriend?" The Rio boy asks and points to Paulina with a smirk on his face. "I don't know what's thicker, your accent or your skull. I think how mad I am establishes she's my girlfriend." Isaac says angrily. "Bye" Paulina says rudely and Pedro gets up to walk away.


"Can you finish rubbing this in baby."I tell Isaac and lay back down so he can finish running the sunscreen in on my back. He slowly starts to rub in the lotion but when he's down I feel his hands pick me up. He runs over to the crystal clear ocean water and tosses me in. I kneel in the shallow water soaking wet. He's of course laughing uncontrollably. I assume Daniel got the idea to do the same thing to Angie because he throws her in the water and she splashes next to me. "I'm going home." She says and fixes her bikini top. Isaac gets in the water and he starts frolicking like a child. Sooner or later everyone joined. Ivy is swimming awfully close to Isaac so I throw myself in Isaac's arms. I'm so happy I'm not rooming with her. I can just imagine the things she'd do. I'm just not gonna go there.

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