Ch 16

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Song for the chapter:

Birthday~ Selena Gomez


My birthday is on Thursday but I could care less. Grace said Isaac has something planned. Angie attempted to lie to me and told me she forgot that it was my birthday this week. She's not a very good liar. Grace told me what everyone is doing for my birthday except for what Angie and Crystal are doing. I guess it's because they know she's a blabber mouth and she would tell me so they didn't say anything about it to her.

I go straight home after school because I'm extremely tired. When I get home, I see my brothers in my room playing with my bras and reading my diary. Well trying to read. They can't read yet. I call my mom in and she just starts laughing. I kick her out of my room and send her two sons with her. I plop down on my bed. I let out a loud sigh as if I wanted someone to hear me.

"FUCK" I yell

"Mommy, sissy said a bad word." Oh you've got to be kidding me

"Stuart, I'll give you a nice shinny new penny if you don't tell mom" I'm seriously trying to bribe a three year old.

"Deal" he says and I hand him the penny

"Good boy" I say and send him out my room. I slam the door and lay back down. I feel lonely so I call Isaac. No answer. I call Angie but it goes straight to her ridiculous voice mail. I then for some reason call Daniel, thankfully he picks up.

"Daniel?" I ask

"Yes Paulina?" Daniel says sounding out if breath

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Uh, I'm um helping Angie with some stuff" he says

"What stuff?" I ask

"I have to go Paulina I'll see you tomorrow, bye." He says and hangs up the phone.

What could Daniel be doing that got him so out of breath? Then again he's always out of breath while doing certain things.

I eventually fall asleep and dream about In N Out. Since I went to bed so early last night I wake up at around five. I decide to get dressed since I don't feel like going back to sleep. Who could possibly be awake at five fucking thirty in the morning. OH RIGHT, Angie duh. I give Angie a call and she's already happy.

"Good morning Miss Paulina." She beams

"Good morning sunshine" I say

"Why are you up so early?" She asks

"I went to bed really early and I feel well rested too." I say

"Well I'm glad you feel well rested." She says

"Angie, have you noticed that no one noticed that it's my birthday on Thursday?" I ask her

"It's your birthday on Thursday?" She's still trying to lie to me.. Wow..

"Angie, stop acting like you don't know." I laugh

"I really didn't." Is she serious

"Angie, you're one of my best friends. How could you forget?" I'm very mad at her now

"Paulina I'm sorry..." She didn't finish her sentence because I hung up

I think I over reacted just a little.


When I get to school. No one talked to me. It's like I was invisible. At nutrition, I was all alone. I saw Isaac but he didn't even acknowledge me. Was it because of what I said to Angie this morning. Is she mad at me? I fucked up three days before my birthday. Nice going Paulina.

After school I see all of my friends walking with their boy friends and I'm just her like a loner. Because Isaac decided to desert me.

I guess I'm not that important after all.

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