Ch 79

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Little Things~ One Direction

Boyfriend~ Tegan and Sara

"We're gonna need you to join this shitty group Paulina put together" Crystal says to Brenton during his club.

"What is this band I'll be joining?" He asks and crosses his legs.

"Aren't you tired of getting pushed around Brenton?" I ask him and he raises an eyebrow.

"If so then you'll join." Angie backs me up.

"Whats in it for me?" He asks and smirks while mentally adding all of his to his spank bank.

"I suggest you don't do that." Crystal says in a somewhat kind tone before rolling up her sleeves.

"Ok ok fine. I'm in" he says and we can now cross his name off the list.

So far we have the music geeks, Herbalists thanks to Hannah math club and science nerds. So far this warlike unity is working.

Ever since my talk with Isaac he's been different. he's still hanging around us but he's just weirder. I didn't break up with him because I'm questioning my sexuality but because things were rocky and he was losing trust and so was I. I mean maybe I might be gay. Dicks are ugly fucking skin sticks that go where they don't belong when they want to. They're just squishy rods waiting to explode like a sticky volcano. Girls know what you want.

I don't know if I'm still attracted to boys anymore. Ive been spending too much time focusing on Angie. I don't know why I keep doing that either. Man fuck eighth grade. Its so hard to tell if Angie feels the same or not. In rio it was obvious but now its like she's delaying her feelings for me. She isn't with Daniel anymore so I don't know what the hold up is. She touches my back and shoulders a lot and when were sitting she would graze her hands down my legs. I don't know what the fuck she's trying to do but I cant take the teasing anymore. She's doing what I did with Isaac. I remember I really liked him even after having a deep hatred for him. I asked Kassidy for advice. She said and I quote, "Touch his legs a lot like by his dick," so if this is the same advice Kassidy gave to Angie I applaud her for her affective use of words. I took Kassidy's advice and it worked so well that I lost my hand-virginity to Isaac within two months of us dating.

That is totally beyond the point right now because I'm not with Isaac. I want to be with Angie which I've said a thousand times. She's the definition of perfection. I want her. All of her. Her ridiculous laugh, loud sneezes, her nails that are painted a different color every week and her brightly colored skirts that always match her shoes.

Anyways I cant keep fucking wasting my time thinking about some unrealistic mentally generated relationship between me and someone I consider my sister. Isn't that like incest or some shit like that. Ugh life is hard.

At lunch I have to meet in Ms. De Leons for the second try at getting this going. If the same three people show up again and no one else I'm gonna have a stroke.


When I get to De Leons the classroom is full and some people are even standing. When I walk in I'm in shock and everyone turns around to the door to stare at me. I walk to the front of the classroom and in the front seats I see Crystal with her feet up, staring at her nails and Angie sitting as if she's waiting for instruction. Everyone's eyes follow me as I make my way to the front of the classroom and even when I set my shit down.

"You gonna talk or keep staring at all of us as if we're in the wrong place?" Crystal asks and I come to my senses after realizing I was staring at them as much as they were watching me.

"Oh shit ok well I didn't expect this many of you to show up. But first of all thank you for actually showing up. And second of all we all need to have a chat." I say starting off my speech. "You all are sadly considered nerds and you all place at the bottom of the societal food chain when it comes to middle school." I finish and clap my hands together.

"Um excuse me," some kid in the back says and stands up causing my attention to flock that way.

"Yes?" I ask and stand on my tippy toes to see him.

"We don't typically like to be called 'nerds' perhaps a more intellectual entitled term like Genius which most of us identify as." he says and I furrow one of my brows.

"Who are you?" I ask

"Terrance Joice director of the aquatics club." he says

"Uh can I say something" I hear Angie say from two feet away from me.

"Of course." I say and she stands.

"If you have to refer to yourself as a genius you most likely aren't one. A genius is never pointed out by himself in the matters of self vision. Public opinion is the one way to determine whether or not someone is a genius and usually it is never said. Sorry to crush your status but it is the fair truth." she says and I'm at a loss for words because she just schooled him in the most educated form possible.

"Im sorry but isn't my presence what you have been seeking? I should be honored with such a title who do you think got the school its turtle pond?" he says and crosses his arms.

"Listen Joice if you want to start shit with this club as if you're the god then take a nice seat outside, we asked you to be here and we can easily ask you to leave. so shut the fuck up and sit your carrot top ass down." Crystal says to him without facing him. His cheeks turn as red as his hair and he sits down without saying anything.

"Finish Paulina." Crystal says and I wait for everyone to settle down.

"ok you all will be nice to each other and you all will be united as one." I say and before I can finish people are already getting mad.

"wait wait wait, you want the naturalists club to be ok with the robotics club? Do you know how much gas they use for their dumb toys and how much pollution they're causing our Mother Nature?" Hannah says and I wait for her to finish her rant before I answer her.

"I don't care how much beef you have with anyone or what club hates who. You guys are all tormented by the populars because you refuse to set aside your differences and come together to help each other not remain at the bottom of the freaking food chain I mentioned a thousand times." I say getting angry.

Nerds are a lot bitchier than you think.

"yeah I mean Hannah is right. Fashion club and I aren't on the best of terms." Angie says and grinds her teeth.

"Angie what the fuck costume design and fashion design are like the same thing." Crystal says

"Actually Costume design is the art of creating clothing for the theater and movies and shows while fashion is more for..." she says and is interrupted.

"Ok wait I don't care." Crystal says and Angie sits in her seat frustrated.

"If y'all are done I'd like to continue." I say and and raise my eyebrows at Crystal and Angie.

"carry on" Angie says and sits back.

"You will all make friends with each other even if there is a platonic feud between any club district or team. Membership is key and we are all going to be members of this collaboration. meeting adjured." I say and everyone gets up to leave.

"You do know we're going to have to get Daniel in on this right?" Crystal says to me inconspicuously so Angie can't hear.

"He's head of foreign language club." Crystal says and now I'm tied.

"We cant do that." I say. "We cant be friends with someone who hurt our friend."

"You don't think I know that? But if you want to have a proper committee you kind of have to include him." she says "He's in line for valedictorian.

"ugh, we'll see. It's going to kill Angie." I say

"yeah so will eating four cups of yogurt a day but she'll get over it." Crystal says and we walk out of class.

for the next chapter I'll most likely be fast forwarding in a month a two just to speed up the process of Paulinas dorkgasm and because I'm hoping to finish Jones by chapter 100 or at most 110. Which most likely won't happen.

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