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Song for the chapter:

Another world- The Vamps

Shout about it- The Vamps

Paulina has been glued to her phone for about three days. She tunes us out when we try talking to her and we can call her name as loud as we want, she won't look up from her phone. I guess it's because her mom took her phone away for a week and now there's a lot she has to catch up on.

It's lunch time and everyone's here because we have to talk to Paulina about her phone obsession.

"Okay, Paulina we love you....." Angie starts but stops because of course Polly isn't paying any attention.

"Paulina?" I say

"Paulina" I say a little louder.

"Kiss her." Grace says. I lean over and kiss her on the lips but she doesn't budge. She just sits there starring at her phone.

Crystal reaches over the table and grabs her phone out of her hands. "You could've just done that dumbass." She says and puts her in her pocket. Paulina's fingers are still moving even though her phone isn't there. I crack her thumbs and she whines.

"Ow, that hurt, what do you want." She says and rubs her thumbs.

"We need to talk to you." Angie says.

"About?" She asks

"About your phone obsession, babe.? I say. "I kissed you and you didn't even notice." I say

"Oh I noticed, I was hoping you'd do it again though." She says with puppy dog eyes.

"Again?" I say and I kiss her....again.

"Alright guys that's enough, we're here to talk about her "problem" Angie says. I stop kissing her and we both wipe our mouth.

"Okay I'm sorry, I won't spend as much time on my phone anymore." Paulina says

"Promise?" I ask

"Promise." She says

"Promise kiss." I say and she kisses my right cheek then my left cheek and finally my lips. When we first started dating, we made up this thing called a promise kiss. She kiss my right cheek then my left cheek and she kisses my lips. It's our way of keeping a promise.

"Lunch is almost over so we gotta go." Angie says and walks away with Daniel.

Grace gets up and walks with Kassidy and Tommy to class. Sean and Crystal walk to class together and Paulina kisses me before I walk her to her class. I grab her hand as we walk to her class and I play with her fingers.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too." She says and walks into her class.


"Are you still with that jerk, Isaac?" Riley asks

"Excuse me?" I ask even tho I heard her.

"You heard me. Are you or are you not dating that jerk, Isaac." She can't be serious.

"May I remind you that you're still dating that douche bag, Robert." I say

"He only cheated on me once." She says in an attempt to defend

"And how many times has Isaac cheated on me?" I ask sarcastically. She stays silent for the rest of the period.

I walk to sixth period alone. I'm late because I had to pee. When I get there, everyone has already started working on their projects. Angie and Daniel are partners as usual, Kassidy and Tommy are partners as usual but Isaac doesn't have this class with me so I decide to do my project with Grace.

Everything goes smoothly until ten minutes until the periods over where I just think about Isaac and tune everyone out.

Since it's Tuesday, home room is really short so the whole time I play with this damn rubber and I found.

After school, Isaac walks home with me. When we get to my house, he plops on my bed holding a picture of us kissing that Kassidy took.

"I remember this." He says with a smile. I sit next to him and stare at the picture.

"Babe? I was talking to Riley today and she called you a jerk." I say

"Paulina I already told you, Riley is a desperate whore looking for "Mr. Right" he says and pulls me closer to him.

"But it got me worried and it bothered me all day because you've done nothing." I say

"Nothing people say will ever tear us apart. Got it?" He says

"Got it." I say and kiss his cheek. I get up and tug my hair into a pony tail." Through the mirror I see Isaac starring at me with a smile on his face.

"Why are you starring at me?" I ask

"Because I can't believe my girlfriend is Paulina Miranda Casburn, the most beautiful creature to ever walk the face of the Earth." He says and I blush

"I just want to tell the whole world that you're my girlfriend forever and always." He says and I feel my eyes tear up.

"Are you about to cry?" He ask

"Uhm no my um perfume got in my eyes." I lie and rub my eyes

"Awww it's okay baby, you can cry." He says and hugs me. I start to cry because of what he said. Their my tears of joy so it's okay

He just has the sweetest way with words that it even brought me to tears. He doesn't have to use my full name all the time though but I'm still the luckiest girl out there because I have him.

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