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Its been three months since my break up with Angie. I really and truly miss her but I had to break up with her if I wanted to stay in my group of "friends". Hovo made me break up with the love of my life.

"Angie, uh can I talk t for a second?" I ask her politely trying not to trigger her sensitive emotions.

"Uh Daniel, what are you doing here?" she asked me looking surprised

"I wanted to um know if you know uh wanted to hum be my girlfriend again?" I stutter

"I really miss you and i couldn't eat, sleep or interact socially anymore after I got rid of you." I say

"I love you Angie and I want you, I need you" I feel my tears about to pour

She starts to cry and then leaps into my arms.

"Oh Daniel you don't know how bad my life has been since you dumped me. I want you back too. I love you Daniel." She says

As soon as the words leave her mouth, I'm kissing her. I forgot how good her small sweet lips taste. She looks so different but she will always be my beautiful Angelina. We walk away holding hands to go tell everybody that we're back together.


"Oh my god, Grace did you hear, Angie and Daniel are back together." I say

"Really?!" She says

"Yeah. They got back together this morning." I say

"Wow, I bet Angie is as happy as a sunflower in May." She is way to smart for me. I mean using similes when not needed.

"Where's Paulina and Kassidy" I ask

"They're on their way over here." She says

" good cuz I gotta tell them the good news." I say


I see Paulina and Kassidy turn the corner to Graces locker. I immediately tell them that Angie is now back together with Daniel and instantly they freak out.


I can't believe that Angie and Daniel are back together. I wonder why he broke with her in the first place. Oh here comes Angie now.

"Hey Angie, I heard the news. So is it true? Are you two really back together.?" I ask

"YES we are!" She beams

"Why did he dump you anyway?" I ask

"Oh, he said it was because that kid Hovo made him or else he would be kicked out of the group." She says

"But why?" But why an I so curious

" because none of them have girlfriends and I guess they didn't want him to have one either."

"Ooh" I say

Isaac is coming over and once he gets here he kisses me. I can see in his eyes that he expects Angie to break down into tears but when she doesn't he's shocked.

"Woah, Angie you feeling better now?" He asks and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, Daniel and I got back together." She proudly says.

"Really! That's great, I'm happy for you" and he gives her a hug.


Oh my god, I did it again. She's gonna leave me. Oh god, what do I do? She's fed up with my cheating. Oh no, she coming with Angie.

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