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Make it Nasty~ Tyga

It's high school season. Everyone's applying to their favorite high schools and will be awaiting February for acceptance and rejection letters. My choices are simple. Champs, and Grant. I'm simple and I don't really care to be spending a ton of money on applications and tests for fancy schools when I have to do the same for college four years later. Angie hasn't been her self lately. She's been running around like a chicken with its head cut off to get letters of recommendation. She applied to Campbell Hall, Notre Dame Harvard Westlake, and Daniel Pearl. Three of the four schools are actually really prestigious and hard to get into. Daniel and her planned to apply to Daniel Pearl together forever ago and both still kept their promise.

It's not my business and I really hope Daniel doesn't follow Angie to high school because he's torturous and I won't be there to do my thing. I keep begging her to go to grant but she shits on it so much as if she's any better than the people going there. The idea of June coming scares me. This year went by so fast. I'm not ready to leave my friends or my small bubble in middle school. Or you guys. Will you keep reading? Will you care that I'm older and the story will change? Some of you will leave and others will stay and keep the page turning. I make it seem like I haven't been in school. I go to school but nothing eventfully happens here. The end of first semester party is this Friday and I'm literally so tired of partying but Everyone's going to dance and have a good time. Plus I want Angie to go and get her mind off of her high school stress. She's the only one stressing out about this.

After sixth period I walk to Angie's locker with Tommy and her backpack strapped to the front of my body. She gives me her backpack after fifth because she can't make it to P.E in time if she stops at her locker to put her backpack away. When she walks around the corner, I see Crystal with her hand on Angie's back. She's hysterical. Tommy and I meet them halfway to see what's going on.

"What's the matter?" I ask conceded.

"She broke down on the lawn and I've been asking the same damn question," Crystal says while Angie tries to get it together to talk.

"I can't do this. I can't do this," she says taking in heavy breaths.

"You can't do what? Angie what's wrong?" I ask and try to look at her face. When she looks up her cheeks are soaking wet and stained red from P.E. She starts to cry harder.

"She's having a fucking panic attack moron," Crystal says when she realizes how Angie's crying.

"I'm not gonna pass the test or get into a good high school. I'm such a loser," she cries and puts her hands over her face.

"You are I promise. You are the smartest person I know you'll be fine but you have to get to homeroom the bells gonna ring Ok?" I say in an attempt to calm her down. She inhaled and coughs. Her shaky hands go for her backpack but instead of handing it to her, I help her out it on because she's still in the depths of a panic attack.

"Smartest person you know huh?" Crystal asks when she walks away to go to homeroom.

"Yeah, why?" I say and she raises her eyebrows.

"The girl was shocked when her Kombucha exploded after she shook it EVEN THOUGH the bottle says "DO NOT SHAKE"," she says and laughs.

"Honest mistake," I say and walk away. 


Today makes the fifth day that Daniel hasn't been at school. I'm not saying that because I care but I'm saying that because it's amazing. He was brutal and venomous. We don't need that stress in our group. 

At lunch today we have that end of the semester party in Burrell Hall. I didn't want to but Angie dragged me. We give our tickets to the front door usher and he lets us in. The vibrating music gets louder as we walk in. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and the strobe lights.

"There's no booze but I can still get down. HEEEEYYYY," Crystal says and dances past us.

"Oh my god this is my song," Angie says when some trap shit starts blaring. She tucks her yellow hankie in the back pocket of her jeans and takes off her sweater.

"Girl, it's our song come dance with me," Kassidy says when she comes up to Angie. She grabs her hand and finds an empty spot on the dance floor. I stand in front of them watching them dance. I watch the two of them grind on each other in sync with the music. It's kind of cute but I'm not the one dancing with Angie. 

This reminds me of Rio all over again. Crystal is roaming around doing her thing, Grace isn't dancing at all, Kassidy is of course dancing and Angie. Like fire. In this one spot that she's standing in shes burning. I can see this magical lightning ora around her and it's not just because I'm crazy about her. She has wings. Power. It's beautiful. 

While Kassidy and Angie are busy grinding on each other, I run my eyes along Burrell Hall. I see Daniel. He's standing in the corner with a drink in his hand and he's just quiet. Instead of looking away I make sure to make eye contact with him. he sips from his cup and still doesn't look away. After a maybe 40 seconds of staring at each other, he throws his cup and yellow napkin to match in the trash. He walks out the back door and I force my mind to forget about his mysterious abrupt presence. 

The bell rings for fifth period. I meant to dance but I totally forgot. I'm just happy Angie came and got loose and cleared her mind of all her stress with high school. 

My fifth period is wild before the bell rings and Ms. De Leon is just sitting there. Not caring. It's unlike her. 

"Damn Paulina you look like you smoked 10 different types of crack," Sean says when he sees me walk in class.

"That's what I gave your mom money for last night after she sucked my dick," I say in an annoyed tone because I'm not in the mood to have comments thrown at me after I've been fighting a week-long hangover. 

"Yeah, Sean. Get off her dick," Crystal says and laughs because Sean is lowkey an idiot. 

It's funny how Crystal can be so chill with me but still hate my guts.

Hi all. So I received a few questions about the characters and I'm sorry to say that I can't say too much about them because they are based off real people whose personal information and characteristics I cannot disclose. I also was asked about a second book. Well, we'll see! Feel free to ask more questions and keep reading!

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