Ch. 42

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Cigarette Song~Raury


      It's an early morning here in Sherman Oaks. Okay that's weird. It's really fucking early and I have to go to school. It's about 4:25am and my moms in the car waiting for me. I grab last minute packers and put my airplane pillow around my neck. I put my makeup bag in my carryon and I make sure my charger is there as well. I walk outside and see my mom tiredly sitting in the drivers seat with a thermos of coffee so I know that means I should hurry my ass up so she can come back home and sleep.
    When I get to school I see Angie kissing her mom goodbye. I kiss my mom goodbye for two whole weeks and meet Angie in the parking lot. "Here's your coffee" she says and hands me a coffee. "Oh and a muffin." She says and hands me a Starbucks pastry bag with a pecan muffin in it. "Oh god thanks I could really use as much coffee as possible." I say and sip my coffee. Obviously Angie didn't bother changing when she woke up this morning because you can still see the bed winkles on her cheetah print pajamas. I laugh at my last thought because I'm still in my pajamas too.
We finally make it to the back of the school but only to find everyone waiting outside. Everyone's half asleep, in their pajamas, at school, at 4 in the fucking morning. Crystal still has her curlers in, Isaac is attempting to find a comfy position to sleep In on his dinosaur teddy bear and Daniel is chugging two cups of coffee. Let's just say the fashion trend for the morning is pajamas paradise.
About ten minutes later this bitch finally shows up to be a teacher and let's us in her classroom. "Oh I'm terribly sorry you guys had to wait for me, I had to feed mi gato." Ms. De Leon says and we all groan back at her. I sit at my desk and Angie sits on my lap. I rest my head on her back and she tries to go back to sleep while our teacher goes over rules and the schedule.


"Okay guys our bus is here lets go." She says. It takes a while to wake everyone up but by 5:30 we're off to the airport.

I take a seat next to Angie and put my earbuds in. She shoves a piece of her muffin in her mouth and leans on my shoulder to go to sleep

At around six we get to the airport. Our luggage is rolled to us by the driver and we pile into the airport gateway. We stand in a small student pool and wait for our tickets to be handed to us. Thankfully my seat is next to Isaac but it's a middle seat.
We follow Ms. de Leon and the other two chaperones to get searched and to check our bags.

I stand behind Angie and watch her get searched. We hear a digging noise coming from next to us. Of course it's Crystal. "Don't worry guys, it's the underwire in my bra." She says and the security guards let her go. "Um how thick is that underwire." Angie says while her arms and legs are spread apart.
I pass the inspection thing in a breeze and stand with the rest of my class. When the rest of our class shows up Ms De Leon gives a small speech before we board the plane. "Ok so when we get to Rio de Janeiro we're going to our hotel so you guys can get some rest and frankly this isn't an educational trip. It's a relaxation trip. So that was the small surprise for you guys." She finishes and everyone all of a sudden wakes up when they learn that we aren't gonna be doing much in Rio besides relaxing.

As we board the plane, Angie says something to me. "I'll see you in Rio babe sleep well." She says and catches up with Daniel since she's sitting next to him.
I find my seat and Isaac shortly arrives after I sit down. "Are you excited?" He asks me while holding my hand. "Of course I am. Two weeks in a tropical country with my, beautiful boyfriend." I say and he kisses me.

We fasten our seat belts and the plane takes off. 14 horrifying hours on a plane with my boyfriend and some of my closest friends. What couldn't be better? But in 14 hours I'll be in Rio de Janeiro.

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