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Too Close~Ariana Grande
"Dude, Paulinas been mad dogging you all morning what did you do?" Tommy questions totally forgetting the fact that we got fucked up last night.
I get up from our table and walk over to Paulina. "What the hell is wrong with you today?" I ask trying to touch her. "Don't fucking ask me what's wrong, Isaac. You know exactly what happened last night. The kush couldn't have fucked you up that badly. Besides you've been lying to me since you told me you stopped but you were smoking like a pro." She says and waves her hands around. My blood heats up because I knew sooner or later I'd have to tell her I started smoking again.
"Paulina, baby" I try to ease into the conversation. "I hope you're not calling me baby. Last night you wanted pussy so badly you got my best friend high expecting it from her or me" she says. "Paulina I didn't want to have sex with her. She was stressed and she needed to cool down. Baby, I'm sorry I said whatever I said to you last night." I say attempting to save my ass. She stares at me with that look telling me I'm an idiot. She stands up and comes closer to me which makes me feel that fire we had months ago which burned out once we got here. "Listen Isaac. What you gave her last night was too strong and she was fucked up. It made her worse and because of your dumbass, I had to deal with it. She hasn't been high before and you gave her shit laced with ketamine. If you ever fucking do that again you can kiss me and this relationship goodbye. That's not a threat it's a promise." She says in a low voice trying to make her point. Even though she threatened to break up with me she ignited something in me that just made me look at her like how I used to when we were brand new.

I walk away from Isaac because just thinking about how he approached me last night upset me. Today we're supposed to be going to the National Museum Of Brazil which isn't too far out of town but that means following a tour guide with a thick accent in a hot museum filled with tourists for four hours and then write about what we liked best and then eat an oily lunch sitting on the grass while getting attacked by flies in 87 degree humidity weather. Sounds fun!
I got up to my room to grab my bag and sunglasses before we leave. When I finally get my key to work I open the door to Kassidy Crystal and Grace staring at me. "Where's Angie?" I ask. "Why is that always the first question you ask?" Kassidy asks and I see Crystal nod. "Why are you always in my business?" I fire back. "She's in the bathroom," Grace says and before she finishes her sentence I barge into the bathroom door next to me. "Jesus maybe you can knock first" Angie says she sees me.
I slam the door behind me and shut her up. I kiss her and her hands don't even touch me. "God I needed to kiss you," I say. She stares at me with a blank face as if I just committed a crime I shouldn't have. I start blushing because what if she didn't want it as bad as I did. "Can you zip this up please?" she asks me and turns around so I can zip up her yellow sundress. I zip up her dress and adjust her necklace on her neck just so my hands can have more time near her.

I don't have words. Am I supposed to tell her I enjoyed the taste of her lips or that I enjoyed having her hands explore the surface area of my neck? I did enjoy it and I wanted her to kiss me again but I can't get any more attached to her than I already am. It's not right. She's my best friend, not my girlfriend. I have a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend.
After she zips up my dress we walk out of the bathroom casually and everyone's gone. "Shit," Paulina says and looks out the window to see everyone already loading onto the bus. "Let's go," I say and grab her hand and start running down the hall. We run to the elevator but it takes too long so I take her hand again and run to the stairwell. We run down the several flights of stairs until we come to the last door. We run out the door and make it just in time for our bus. We sit down and start laughing because we just had a work out before noon. "Thanks for making me run," she says with tears in her eyes from laughing. Ms. De Leon clears her throat and looks at us with a passive aggressive smile. "As you know my set of educated young minds, Rio de Janerio is famous for its beautiful Copacabana and Ipanema beaches and let's not forget the Christ the Redeemer statue which reaches a staggering 38 meters tall." Ms. De Leon shouts in her loud voice. "Just what we need to hear so early in the morning," Paulina says with a smart chuckle.

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