Ch. 41

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Cry to me~ Solomon Burke
Duke of Earl the~ Gene Chandler

       "WE'RE GOING TO RIO TOMORROW" Angie says excitedly after first period. She talks the whole way to my locker and doesn't bother to take a breath of air between sentences.
           Isaac meets me at my locker and we go to Angie's locker. "I don't think I wanna go to Rio anymore baby." Isaac says while looking at the ground. "So you're gonna leave me all alone in a fucking tropical country?" I bitterly squeal. "Yeah man. Basically" this prick says and shrugs his shoulders. "Suck your own dick then" I say and walk away.


"You were kidding weren't you?" Angie asks. "Yup" I say. "ANGIE!!" Paulina yells halfway down the corridor. "Bye Isaac, I'll let her know you were kidding." Angie says and leaves. I contemplate whether or not I should go find Paulina and apologize. I look on the ground and see a condom. It looks like the ones Tommy gives me. I keep it just in case because it's obviously Paulina's.
At lunch I'm not surprised to see Paulina ignore me and go to the lunch table alone. I wait for Angie to come and get me because I'm actually scared to go and talk to her alone. After waiting for a few minutes Angie finally comes and she takes me to Paulina. Everyone's already sitting with her so I could've just came earlier. I take my seat next to her and quietly wait to see if she'll speak first. Shockingly she does. "Hey Isaac, you aren't going to Rio tomorrow right" she asks while stirring her yogurt. "Oh yea babe sorry" I say and shake my head. "What are they doing?" I hear Daniel whisper. "They're being a couple just pay attention." Angie whispers back to him. "Oh my fucking God, Paulina he's joking. He's still going to Rio." Crystal yells from across the table. "Oh I know I, just waiting for him to tell me." Paulina says and smiles at me.
         "Hey Isaac look over there" Paulina says and my dumb self actually looks as if something were there. When I turn my head she takes a spoonful of her yogurt and slaps it on my cheek and when I turn my head again to look at her she takes another spoonful and smears it on my other cheek.  He starts laughing and starts licking her yogurt off of my face.
           The bell rings and we go to PE. "What time are you getting here tomorrow?" Paulina asks me. "Umm 4:30" I answer and dread the early morning before me. "Alright I'll be here by then. I'm gonna sit next to Angie on the bus to the airport but I'll be with you on the plane."  She says and unbuttons her cardigan. "Oh sorry babe I'm gonna sit next to Tommy on the plane." I say to mess with her but she's already angry. "If you're fucking with me Isaac I swear to god I will go gay and date Angie. "Okay okay I'm kidding baby I'm sorry" I say and hold her hand. I watch her roll her eyes at me and it's the most pleasing sight I could ever lay my eyes on.


          After school I kiss my girlfriend goodbye until tomorrow morning and go home so I can finish packing. When I get home I put my suitcase on my bed and FaceTime Tommy.
        "TOMMY" I shout because he answered but his screen is black. "Don't call me out bro" he says and shows himself. "Are you packing?" I ask and shove a few pair of underwear in the front pocket. "I finished that man." He says and takes a sip of some purple beverage. "Is that lean?" I ask and squint my eyes to look closer at the color. "Nah man it's grape juice. Of course it's lean" he chuckles. "Chill out with that stuff oh my god" I say in complete disgust. "Are you going gay on me dude?" He says and looks at me and I shrug it off because I'm as straight as a pole.
         "What're you gonna do first? Hook up with a couple of easy ones or check out sun bathing Rio de Janerio babes" he says and swallows the rest of his lean. "First of all you dingus they're Brazilian and second of all I have a girlfriend so I'm not even gonna try and do that." I say and zip up my suitcase. "Lighten up its not like Paulina's gonna watch you make out with a really really hot tan foreigner." Tommy says and continues to daydream about the new girls he's going to meet. " he says with literally no care in the world. "Ok whatever it's your relationship." I say and hang up because I'm getting tired of his bullshit


     I'm extremely hyped for tomorrow so I FaceTime Angie. "Hello" she says and takes a bite of her granola bar. "Hey babe" I say and she pouts. "Which bikini should I take I ask and hold up a white halter and a maroon strapless. "Both duh" she says and puts deodorant in the front pocket of her suitcase. "Which should I take? Matter of fact I'll take all four" she says and shoves four different bikinis in her suitcase. "Angie no put one back" I say. "But.." "Now." I strike as if I'm her mother. "Jesus Paulina you're no fun" she says and smacks her teeth. "What do you want from Starbucks tomorrow?" She asks me and finishes her granola bar. "Just get me a coffee" I say and out a few bras in my suitcase. "Blonde or dark roast?" She asks without looking up. "Dark roast." I say and zip up my suitcase.
         "I'll see you tomorrow Ang, I'm exhausted." I say and Angie agrees she's tired too. "Meet me in the front of the school and we'll walk to Ms. De Leon's together" she says and we say our goodnights before hanging up.

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