Ch. 43

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Take You to Rio~Ester Dean
Bam Bam~Chaka Demus &Pilers

When I wake up from my airplane nap I look outside and the first thing I see are fluffy clouds hovering over large beds of palm trees. We're getting real close. Isaac is still sleeping so I decided to make myself look alive. I take out my makeup bag and begin to have a one on one beauty session. First I curl my eyelashes before putting on mascara. I then attempt to cover the dark circles under my eyes which only partially works. Makeup really isn't my skill, it's Crystals, so I quit.
At 2am, west coast time, we land. I text my mom and tell her I'm alive. At the airport we all grab our bags and go to the bathrooms to freshen up. We don't bother changing since we'll be going to our hotel after this. "Oh my goodness we're in Rio. This is terrific. Do you know all the" Angie's cut off mid excitement by Crystal. "Angie Angie. Shhhhhh" Crystal says while putting her finger over Angie's mouth. "Is there a Starbucks here? I need coffee." Angie says after she moves Crystals hand away from her face.
Ms. De Leon stands in a corner waiting for everyone to come together before she gives us an update. "There's a small cafe here so this is the only breakfast you'll all have to pay for." She says and points us in the direction of the cafe. Kassidy and Grace finally come out of the bathroom and join the rest of our class. "What's going on?" Kassidy asks while smiling stupidly. "There's a fucking cafe here and we have to pay for breakfast." I angrily say because I really don't enjoy having to explain shit to people.

We drag our luggage over to the empty cafe and quickly order coffee and breakfast. Since this is Rio I stick to a simple strawberry yogurt with an iced coffee. Angie does the same but hot coffee instead of iced. Kassidy and Grace basically order the whole menu while Crystal eats off of them since she's too cheap to pay for one meal. "For dinner tonight I'm gonna have black beans and rice with banana slices." Isaac says to Tommy as he walks by to go to the cafe. "Why Isaac? why?" I ask and he stands next to me. "What haven't you ever seen Pass the Plate? Disney Channel?" He says and looks at as I gaze back at him puzzled. "OOOHHH YEAH WITH BRENDA SONG" I say as I finally come to my senses. "It's ok babe just have s little more coffee." He jokes and pats my shoulder.

After breakfast we finally get the chance to walk outside but that's just to go to our bus. It's absolutely stunning outside. The countless amount of palm trees make the sky seem green instead of blue. "Wow it smells so good out here." Ivy says. Literally no one asked this hoe how it smells. Last time I checked we all had noses. I assume Isaac say the face I made when she decided to speak because he started hugging me. "You're really sexy when you're annoyed baby." He says while his hand inches down my lower back. "Later"I say to him and kiss his jaw.

On our bus, we drive through small twisty streets. Roamers wave at us because they can tell we're "foreign" to them. They're all very sweet and distinctly hot. I find that half of the windy road we've been in leads to our hotel. When we get there I'm shocked to learn that our hotel is actually a resort. There's a beach connected to one side and pools on every side. "So your curfew for the next two weeks is 10pm. You don't have to go to sleep at that time you just have to be in your rooms by ten." Ms. De Leon says while counting room cards. Grace begs Crystal to room with us so she can be with Kassidy but Crystal wasn't gonna sleep with Kassidy anyway so she says yes. "Can we sleep together." I ask Angie from behind Isaacs head since he refuses to move. "Paulina, I have a boyfriend." She says and grinds her teeth. "So I can keep a secret." I joke and bite my lip. "You have a boyfriend too" Isaac says and slaps my thigh. "I'd eat a pussy." I say and shrug. "Yeah not mine" Angie says while looking at her phone.

We get dropped off at the door and the driver hands out our luggage. Ms. De Leon hands me a tiny folder with four room keys in it for me and the girls but Grace is rooming with us now so we have to take her key out of another envelope. "ANGIE HERE." I yell and hand her her room key.
We go up to our room which is on the fifth floor. I open the door first and walk inside. Everything is neatly set up for us like the staff knew we were coming. They did but this is special treatment. Isaac and his buddies run past our door to their room like little children at Chuck E. Cheeses and shriek when they get into their room. "Why I question my relationship." I say and lay on the enormous bed. "Honey I'm home" Angie says and throws herself on top of me. "Fuck what is this" Kassidy says while sitting on the edge of her bed. "What is it?" I ask. "Ms. De Leon seriously had them put our schedule in our room." Kassidy says and puts the piece of paper back on the nightstand.
We won't be doing much but on the schedule it says that we're going to a few parties.
"What are you guys gonna do today?" Grace asks. "I'm not doing shit today fuck that." Crystal says and lays down on the small additional bed in our room. "I don't fuck with jet lag. I say and lay back down. "Oh well we're going to the pool." Grace says and follows Kassidy into the bathroom so they can change into their bathing suits. "The first thing they do is go to the pool. We'll be here for two weeks good lord chill." Angie says and lays down next to me. "Tomorrow we'll do something ok. I'm way too tired right now. Or maybe tonight we can go to the jacuzzi before curfew." I say and get comfy to take a nap.


At dinner, Isaac kept his promise of eating a plate of black beans and rice with banana slices because as he's eating he's smiling. We all finally changed out of pajamas and took showers. We have dinner an outdoor restaurant at the resort since it's almost 7. It's truly even better looking at night outside here and not too many people are here which is just perfect.

"Are you gonna go to the pool later?" I ask Isaac. "Maybe. Are you?" He asks and drinks his lemon water. "Yeah. I was gonna go to the hot tub with Angie."
"Oh ok then I'll join you." He says and finishes his dinner. "Did you enjoy your bananas babe?" I sarcastically ask. "I did" he smiles "you're such s big baby." I laugh and he looks at me with their ridiculous creepy smile. "What" I say because he's still looking at me. "You're just so beautiful." He says and kisses me.

After dinner Ms. De Leon lets us go while her and the chaperones go to the lounge in the hotel. "I'm gonna go change into my bathing suit, try not to miss me. I smirk and Isaac gets fidgety because he's getting hard.
Angie and I go to our room to change and Isaac goes to his.
"Can you tie this?" Angie asks and turns around so j can tie her bikini top. She ties mine and we grab towels before going to the jacuzzi.

"Shit this feels good" I say as soon as my entire body is submerged in hot water. Daniel comes in after the three of us are in the water. "Ok seriously dude you caused a tidal wave" Angie says when Daniel sits next to her in front of a jet. "I think I want s bell button piercing." I say and play with my belly button. "Paulina no. You're not a slut." Angie says. "I'll chip my tooth on it." Isaac says and puts his arm around me. "Ew Isaac" Daniel says and we laugh at his dirty remark. "Ok well what if Angie got a belly button piercing? That wouldn't stop you because if Paulina got one that sure as hell wouldn't stop me." Isaac says and I put my hands over my face because we're talking about pussy ok. "I'd put my hand over it while you know..." Daniel says and gestures to Angie. "Ahh see my boy I told you" Isaac says

Ten minutes later I really wanna make out with Isaac so I give up and just do. "We're gonna get out so we can.... Play patty cake." Daniel lies and him and Angie leave the jacuzzi. He slaps her ass as they trot away soaking wet. They're gonna have sex or make out because he needed a dumb excuse to leave when we're gonna do the same thing.

"Are you ok?" Isaac asks me. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask and float onto his lap. I start kissing him to let him know I'm more than ok. I'm really in the mood to make out somewhere that isn't California so I try as hard as possible to get sexual in a hot tub. His back pushes against the jet causing a mini water explosion which interrupts our make out session. "It's 9:30 babe lets go to bed. He says and I kiss him one last time before getting out.

I kiss him goodnight and go up to my room. Everyone's already relaxed in bed and I'm standing there in a bathing suit. I decide to take a shower in the morning before breakfast since I'm still worn out from today.

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