Ch 58

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Jonas Blue~Mama
Peabo Bryson~ Lost in the Night

     My mind is blank as I stare out into the early morning skyline overlooking the ocean. Two years ago i asked Paulina to be my girlfriend and two years later here we are in the midst of it all ending. I never thought I'd lose the love of my life like this. I never thought I'd lose her at all. Ever since i met her, i felt a strong gravitational pull towards her. Her attitude, her personality, her spirit, her body. Once all of that became mine i became more thankful for the things I came across.
     The wind blows my hair across my face and the scent of the sea fills my lungs. I feel at peace and I feel hopeful. I close my eyes and wait for the wind to carry me but sadly it can't. The purple blue sky will soon turn into a sweet sorbet color. I close my eyes and listen to the song the ocean has to sing. I hear footsteps. So I come back to reality but I keep my focus on the ocean. "Isaac? What are you doing?" I hear Paulina ask me while walking towards me from the stairs leading down to the outdoor lounge.
"Thinking" I plainly say because a deep conversation with Paulina will trigger everything.
   "Isaac it's fucking 5am go back to your room" she says wrapping her arms around her torso to keep warm.  I stay silent which causes her to come and sit down next to me.
I give her a look of discomfort because we haven't been close to each other for a while.

"How are you?" She asks me casually.
"Fine?" I question because that was an odd question.
"Listen Isaac I don't want you to feel obligated to stay true to me if you think we won't be going forward together." She says while squinting at the sunrise.
"I'll always love you Polly." I say and turn towards her.
"I love you Isaac" she says and smiles softly.
"Does this mean we have to break up?" I ask and look into her glistening eyes.
"I don't know." She says keeping her eyes fixated on mine.
She leans her head on my shoulder so I take my hand and run it down the length of her hair.
"Thank you for being my girlfriend." I say and wrap my arm around her. She puts her soft cold hand on mine.
We watch the sun rise. It's almost 6am and everyone should be awake in about 2 hours. She lifts her head off my shoulders and looks at me again. I study the corners of her face and watch as every beautiful feature glistens under the fresh morning sun. Her clean skin shines when the sun kisses it with its morning rays.
"Isaac?" She slightly says.
"Yes?" I ask with my eyebrows raised in concern.
She undoes the necklace around her neck that I bought her last week at the gift shop.
"This doesn't belong to me anymore." She says and as the words leave her mouth a lump grows in my throat that I can't choke down. My heart is broken. It seems officially over. She puts the small island necklace in my hand and closes my fingers around it.
"I'm sorry" she says with slight tears building up in her eyes.
"Paulina." I say on the verge of crying.
"Isaac, don't. We can't. I can't. You can't. I love you alright?" She says.
"Okay" I whisper and look away from her.
"What happens from here is unknown but we'll see ok?" She says and I nod since my ability to speak has been taken from me.
We watch the sun rise into the early morning dewy sky and listen to awakening of the ocean and the birds.
"Good morning" she says
"Good morning" I respond.
She gets down from the cabana and starts walking back to her room.
"I love you Pauls." I say loud enough so she can hear.
"I love you more Isaac" she says when she turns around with a simple smile. She strolls back to her room and I watch as her hair sways side to side from both sides of her back. She looks at me as she walks up the stairs and I give her a smile. When I know she's inside I get up and let my tears fall. She brought out the man in me. The emotion in me. She made me free. She let me fly. I was at my best with Paulina and she always brought out good in me. There was never a doubt when it came to her and I'm sad she's letting me go but all I want is her to be happy and always have happiness. I'm far from it now.


   It's been two years. I'm letting go what most of my life revolved around. I feel horrible. I did it for Angie and myself. I was happy but I'm finally discovering myself. I want more for myself than just a closed relationship. I love Isaac and I probably always will. He made me feel special and like I was more than just a body. More than just a person in a classroom or the world. He made me feel like I had a meaning so strong that no dictionary could properly define me. I was in love with him. I was on cloud 9 with him and I know I had him there too.
     I walk back into my room and everyone is still sleeping. I try to be as quiet as possible but when I close the door Angie shifts. She doesn't wake up though so I'm lucky. I take off my slippers and my sweater. I slowly and as quietly as possible try to crawl back into bed next to Angie. She groans and opens her eyes.

"Paulina?" She asks with her eyes half open.
"Go back to sleep Ang. You're dreaming." I say
"I am?" She sweetly asks.
"Yes you are. We're on a cloud made of cotton candy having a tea party. You're the host." I say and get under the blanket.
"I love cotton candy she says and lays on my chest and goes back to sleep. That was close but I dodged a bullet of her waking people and possibly never going back to sleep. I'm sure I can scrape together another two hours of sleep so I close my eyes and go back to sleep.


I only show up to breakfast to grab some food and go outside by the beach. I want to clear my mind and think to myself. The atmosphere here is so much lighter and happier and I love it. I go by the beach and sit in one of the cabanas and eat my breakfast. I listen to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore and the birds synchronizing themselves with the ocean. Soon enough I see Brenton coming towards me. We haven't talked since we broke up and I was heated when I found out he was coming to Rio.

"Grace?" He asks and shyly comes closer to me.
"Yes Brenton?" I ask bluntly.
"You know. We've been apart for a while and I'm not asking you to get back together with me but I'm tired of you hating me." He says and sits down.
"I hate you because you let me down like I meant nothing to you." I say angrily.
"I actually love you Grace but instead, can we be friends?" He asks and I think about it.
"I would like that. Holding a grudge makes no sense and I'm sorry." I say and his small face lights up.
"Thank you Grace, thank you" he says and kisses my hand.


   I've been skeptical about Sean for some time. Since we started dating to be exact. He doesn't treat me with respect and I feel like all I do is bark at him until I get his attention. I want to be in a relationship with someone who I don't need to beg for attention. Someone who isn't going to stare at other girls more than they stare at me. So I'm actually going to end things with Sean officially. We've taken breaks before but now I'm ending it. For good. I have to.

"Sean" I say while he eats his breakfast.
"Sean!" I say a little louder.
"Huh" he says after stuffing his face.
"We need to talk." I say seriously.
"Later." He says and goes back to his breakfast.
"No now" I say and get up and soon he gets up. We go outside far enough from the dining hall so no one can see our drama.
"What is it oh my god" he says after chewing his food.
"I feel I don't get enough respect from you and I'm tired of it. You say you'd work on yourself and be different but I haven't seen a change since we started dating. We're done. We have to be. This just isn't right. I'm Worth so much more and I deserve more than what I'm receiving. I say and he looks at me shocked.
"Crystal, baby, you know I love you and I'd do anything for you." He pleas and it just sounds like all the lies he's been feeding me for a year.
"Cut the shit Sean. I'm tired of the same script." I say and start walking away. I can tell I hurt him but I've been hurt before and he'll get over it. I feel proud and like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I go back to our table, grab my stuff and sit next to Angie at the other side.
"It's done." I say
"You did it?" She asks
"Yup." I say confidently.
"Feel proud." She says and that's all.


Everything has just been falling apart. Relationships are ending things are changing and so are we. It's different and I don't like different. I don't like how my friends are losing love for the people they said they'd love forever. I don't like watching the people I basically grew up with and call my family hurt over love. Love isn't supposed to be painful but it is. It can be painful to lose love and it can be painful to find love. I would know because I lost and found love all in one day.

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