Ch 37

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          The idea of hating Isaac but still having a desire for every inch of him is debilitating. Fighting with him about something like this is serious. I was practically raped by someone. Isaac should know that I would never kiss anyone that isn't him. I feel like when he looks at me he sees disgust and disappointment. I don't want to be that girlfriend for him. I want to support him and love him. Yes we're always asking 'why' with our relationship but when two people love each other they try and make it work. I regret the fact that I let this happen with Henry. He will not be hearing from me ever again or seeing me and if he does I'll be with Isaac. 

Isaac said he wanted to talk to him and basically jump down his throat with threats and slander. I would rather he wouldn't because that would just cause more trouble between me and more people that I don't give a shit about. I try closing my eyes and imagining what happened all over again. Instead I just cause my heart to beat a mile a minute and cause my head to feel like its on fire. 

After spending a whole class period staring at Isaac watching him stare at me I want everything to be ok. He walks out tucking his phone into his pocket and I try to catch him. 

"Can we talk?" I ask creeping up behind him.

"Yes we can" he says and cups my hand in his. When he does that I grow confused as to why he's being so nice to me. I take his kind gesture and accept. 

"We're going to your house again ok?" he says and smiles down at me. 

"ok" I say cheerfully happy that he's happy.

No one is home when we get home so I'm glad Isaac is with me. We go straight to my room and I shut the door behind us.

"What did you want to talk about baby?" he asks me getting comfortable on my bed.

"Well I just wanted to apologize for Henry." I begin

"No please. Do not apologize for that pig. I realized last night when I got home they that wasn't your fault and you couldn't do anything to prevent that." he sympathizes.

"So you're not mad?" I ask

"come here." he instructs and sits up with his legs off my bed. I walk over to him and stand between his legs. he cuts my hands behind my thighs and looks up at me.

"I would never ever be mad at you." he says and looks at me with his dreamy eyes. I never thought I would ever be boy crazy. But I am boy crazy. For this boy. I grab his cheeks and squish them. After I look at him for a good 47 seconds and kiss his delicious lips. 

"Mm I missed that taste." I say and smile down at his innocent face. 

I crawl onto my bed with a cuddle session in mind and he cradles up next to me. I plant myself under him and relax my arm on his chest along with my head. I try to cuddle up under him but it isn't working because he isn't doing the same.

"Hug me." I whine and he does as asked. I get cozy and close my eyes and just smell his aroma that his clothes are naturally releasing. The smell that will always and forever please my nose. 

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