Ch. 28

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Song for the chapter:

Girls on TV~ The Vamps


I never did get a chance to describe my friends and my girlfriend.

Paulina Miranda Casburn, my girlfriend, has long dark hair, beautiful big brown eyes. Plump perky lips and. She's about 5"1, she wears jeans all the time, lavender braces. She isn't that heavy. I'd know, I carry her all the time. And she has the cutest smile you'd ever see. She's the most beautiful girl anyone could ever stare at. When she looks at you, you feel like your heart is about to explode. 

I, Isaac Andrew Jones have green eyes, clean cut dirty blonde hair. I'm 5"5, I have muscle because I work out with my dad. I'm mixed, my dad's mixed and my moms white. We're all about the same age except Sean, the potato who was hitting on my girlfriend. I don't wear flannels because they're for faggots and I don't wear cargo shorts because they're for people like Daniel. 

Angelina Michelle Van Howllen, our friend, she has short curly hair that's always pulled back into a bun, brown eyes, she wears glasses because she's blind as fuck. She has tiny ass lips like are they even there. She's about 5"2 and she's mixed like me. That's why I consider her my sister. She's sweet but vulnerable which is where her best friend Crystal comes in. 

Daniel Martin Edwards, the sad little dork that I called a fat ass, is a dirty blonde, he's chubby, he's 5"5. He has hazel-green eyes and he dresses like a dork but he's Angie's boyfriend so I can't say anything or else Paulina will chew my eyes out.

Crystal Ethel Monterosso is one of Paulina's other friends. She has brown hair with pink tips. She's 5"3. I think the thug life hit her with a bus because she's very aggressive towards Sean and she's bossy. She's funny though. She's Angie's best friend but I don't get why they're total opposites. Last year she ditched the glasses and got contacts. Without Crystal, we'd all be nothing. 

Sean Lawrence, Crystals......boyfriend, is a giant rock that tried stealing my girl. The hobo has long hair and he's 5"8. He's a retard that can't tell left from right. It's like he can't get out of puberty yet because his voice is still cracking.

Kassidy Leslie Luis is also one of Paulina's friend, has shoulder-length hair. She's pale, she has multicolored braces. Tank tops and beanies are her life motto. She wears glasses just like everyone else.

Tommy Andrews, my best friend and also Kassidy's boyfriend. He has hazel eyes. Short dark brown hair. He works out with me so he's muscular. Poor thing has bad cheek acne. He's also a huge stoner but our groups plug. 

Finally, Grace Sandra Jacobs the smart alec who corrects everybody for every simple mistake they make is also one of Paulina's friends. She has shoulder length dark hair. She's really tall around 5"6, she's a little less perky than Angie and now that she's single, she's boy crazed.

My friends are pretty insane. Especially their personalities. I made this list one day and I gave it to Paulina and she laughed.

Paulina- the diva

Isaac- the protective one

Angie-the perky one

Daniel- the dork

Crystal-the boss

Sean-the douche bag

Kassidy-the "pop tart" (it's a good thing according to Paulina)

Tommy-the player

Grace-smart mouth

Brent-well, he's Asian

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