January 15th

14K 868 277

12:38 p.m.

Yoongi stares out the window in amusement, watching as Jimin races to catch the bus. Yoongi assumes the boy has an afternoon class today. He noted that Jimin has been late quite often this week, and Yoongi believes it's because the cold weather. He could relate. He hated walking to work in the winter. He preferred the summer best.

He rolls his eyes as Jimin nearly slips on a patch of ice as he boards the bus. One more thing he can add to his list of things I know about Park Jimin was that the boy was incredibly clumsy. Yoongi didn't think he was that clumsy, but lately the boy had been tripping and falling down a lot over nothing, so again, he blames the cold.

He moves away from the window as the bus pulls away from it's stop and picks up the box of books next to him. New shipment.

Something about new, unpacked books made him excited. He didn't do much reading - which always confused Jin because Yoongi's apartment was littered with books from Twilight (lame, he knows) to Shakespeare - but the truth was Yoongi thought they looked nice. Maybe it was because of the roses on the front that decorated the whole book in reds and greens, or maybe it was the smoothness of the black cover with eye catching lettering in the front. Whatever the case was, if Yoongi thought it looked appealing to him, he was taking it home.

Yoongi set the box down on the floor by his feet and opens it. The scent of fresh, unread books fills the bookshop. He picks one from the collection and pulls it out. The cover is white with faceless people hooked up to machines. It's titled, Purity: The Innocents. He pulls out another one. This one is black with bold, red letters on the front. It's called Primeval. There's a picture of a mouth wife open and looks sorta like it's growling. The front teeth are pointed and covered in blood. Another vampire novel. Great, he thinks to himself. He sets the two aside on the counter next to where he's standing. He reaches down to pull out another one. It's a dark green - juniper, if you wanted to get technical - with thorns and some weird looking plant covering both the front and the back cover. It was called Venus Flytrap and Yoongi suddenly laughs. The thought of a man eating plant pops into his mind.

Yoongi went on for about an hour, pulling books out of the box and sorting them. He stops to admire every book -which is why it tool him so long. But Yoongi can't help it. He's attracted to art work.

It took him another hour to place his sorted stacks onto the shelves and on the displays in the windows. There were a total of 84 books that he sorted through. There were still several boxes in the corner to be unpacked.

Once he's finished, he goes to get a second box to begin unpacking it when April, the owner of the store and his boss, comes out of the back room. April is an older lady with dark brown hair that is always tied up in a bun. She's always wearing something very colourful and bright. It hurts his eyes sometimes. He waves to her. "Yoongi, you can head home." She tells him. He sets the box down in confusion.

"I'm here till four today." He tells her.

"I know, but they just called for a really bad storm that's supposed to hit tonight. I don't want you to walk home in that kind of weather. Go home, stay warm." She tells him. Yoongi nods and graves his jacket off the coat rack.

"Call if you need anything." He tells her.

"Oh don't you worry about me. Go, shoo." She teases, playfully shoving him out the door.

"Bye April!"



5:35 p.m.

April wasn't kidding about the storm.

Yoongi had just got home when the snow had started, and it just got worse from there.

He found himself bundled up on the couch later that evening, all decked out in his pajamas, snuggled into a blanket with some hot chocolate to warm him hands. He had turned the heat up to warm the place up. The window howled outside, accompanied by the blowing snow. It was so bad out there that Yoongi couldn't even see across the way to see Jimin's apartment. And that made him sad. He couldn't see what Jimin was up to on a night like this. He was probably hunkered down with a book and some hot chocolate reading a book. The thought made him smile to himself.

Yes. That was exactly what Jimin was doing.

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