January 25th

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3:45 p.m.

Yoongi is just about ready to kill Hoseok. After walking home in the freezing cold, Yoongi had gotten himself sick, and since Jin and Namjoon were out of town for a few days, visiting Jin's family, the only one around was Hoseok. Now, Yoongi loves Hobi. He really does. But there is one downfall to him... Hobi can't cook to save his life. He tried to make Yoongi soup the other day and he burnt the water. He burnt the fucking water. Only Hoseok was capable of burning water. So Hoseok braved the cold, went out and bought Ramen noodles instead. They sat on the living room floor pigging out until Yoongi passed out.

Right now, he was sitting in his living room bundled up on the couch in his pajamas and a heavy blanket while Hobi was jumping up and down and yelling.

Yoongi glared at the boy as he pranced around the living room. "Hoseok, shut up." Yoongi rasped.

He stopped Jumping up and down with a sheepish look. "Sorry." He whispered.

Yoongi groaned and flopped back against the couch. "How are you feeling today?"

"I want to die."

"That's very dark."

"I'm a dark person."

"I know. But that's deep."

"I'm sick. What did you expect?" Hobi shrugged.

"Something I little more dramatic to be honest."

"Fine. I'm sick and I'm never going to get better. I'll just sit here and rot until I die.... Better?"

"Much. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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