Chapter 13

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 13: Spider Cave Dungeon

     Spider Cave Dungeon. A leveling area for level 10 to 15 players. The monsters of the area are composed of spiders. It has even said and emphasize in the name of this dungeon. And finally, the place of the dungeon was a very gigantic cave. Moon Ziqin said that the most common monsters of this area are Poisonous spider and Web shooting spiders. The poisonous spider fights close range and always tried to leapt at players and attempting to poison them. Meanwhile, the web shooting spiders fights at long distance and shoots spider webs.

As for the boss of the area, it would be either a poisonous or web shooting spider. Moon Ziqin says that they would be able to hear a shriek before fighting the boss. The boss of the spider dungeon is 3 times the size of the normal spider. And unlike the Midnight Phantom Cat, it was easier to hit since it's speed was similar to normal player's speed. They would have an easier time to defeat it than the midnight phantom cat with proper teamwork and as long as they avoid being hit by a poison or immobilized by the boss webs, they would be okay. Twilight Rose would have an important role as a healer since she has an ability to cure the poisons coming from the spiders. Low grade antidotes doesn't work on the boss poison but a healers cure would be effective. Much more when it was properly invested with points. Also, Moon Ziqin remind them that unlike the web shooting boss, their team would have a hard time dodging the poison since it was a long range attack. The boss spider would shoot a purple mist. Moon Ziqin advice that everyone would be poisoned. And it would happen continuously. He advice that it was for the best if we would finish the poisonous spider as fast as possible so Twilight Rose wouldn't need to repeatedly use the cure skill in removing the poison and wasting her own Mana. (Looks like they still doesn't know that Twilight Rose isn't a female player but a boy who probably done it for shit and giggles)

As for the 2nd boss of this dungeon, depending on the 1st boss of the dungeon, either a poisonous or web shooting spider– it would be the opposite of each other. When it comes to web shooting spider boss, it would also fight long range like the normal web shooting spiders. What was unique to the boss was it's action of jumping around the area according to Moon Ziqin. Considering the place of the dungeon is a cave filled with rock and stalactites, it just suits to the spider boss needs. They would have a hard time hitting the boss if it likes to jump and move around.

Finally, the 3rd boss of the dungeon would show up after they defeated the first 2 bosses of the dungeon. It was twice the size of the 1st two dungeon bosses and it possess both of it's signature poisonous and web shooting attacks. It was called the Spider Lord.

After that, it would depend on our luck if we would encounter the hidden boss of the dungeon, Spider Emperor and the hidden and special mobs spider elites and spider warriors. Moon Ziqin said that the Spider Emperor spawns 8 spider eggs. Players can't do anything to interrupt it. He said that we should avoid getting bit by those small spawned spiders since we would enter a paralyze state for 3 seconds. 3 seconds was enough time for the spiders to sent us to the graveyard if we are careless. Again, Moon Ziqin said that healers can cure status ailments and they are crucial in that stage. Unfortunately for us, if Twilight Rose have already use the cures for the poisonous spider, then he wouldn't be able to cure us. Moon Ziqin says that we should have hope that the cure is ready for us and it have already cooldown when the time comes.

I am not hoping at all since I know that Twilight Rose cure skills has long cooldown. He can only use those cures on necessary things and if it was important and crucial to our victory.

Moon Ziqin are really passionate when he started saying those things. From his behavior, you could see that he was really serious about this game– Glory. Twilight Rose was cooperative with the plan and Watchful Hound was listening attentively when our unofficial leader Moon Ziqin directed the task that we would do once we entered the dungeon. As for Cross Knife, he doesn't seem to understand why the leader is so passionate to the game. Even it was a popular one game.

I can sympathize a little bit from his point of view. But I can also understand how this players who was enthusiastic at the game feels. I was once like them so full of passion and competitive spirit on the games during my past life. I have threaded the path of different type of games. From simple to difficult like dark souls. A generous to diving into those vicious games that employed the Gatcha system. Spending so much with your money but still getting nothing can cause even a faithful player to rage quit from the game sometimes.

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