Chapter 52

407 36 4

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 52: Discussion

   After a while, the atmosphere at the restaurant was tense and awkward at the same time. My brother was sitting on the opposite side and facing Sun Xiang with a cold expression. Besides my brother, was my sister Chao-Xin.

After calling me, sister Chao-Xin turns off her phone and immediately choose to head to the restaurant. Between my brother and sister's seats was me who was in my wheelchair.

Beside Sun Xiang on the opposite side of our seat, Yue Ziqin (Moon Ziqin) was on his left and Meng Qiangwei (Twilight Rose) was on his right.

To the left side of the table, Zhang Yuan and the Wen Siblings sat with him, and on the right side are Guo Zhishi (Watchful Hound) and Hao Junya (Skyline Express).

After my brother arrived at the restaurant, I was immediately swept into a hug. Then Brother Hao Lan started to fret over me and keep asking me different questions and I answered them one by one and reassured him that I was fine.

After he made sure that I was okay, he decided to look at the culprit responsible for bringing me here to the restaurant and kidnapping me (I consented). He coldly looks at everyone. His eyes swept over them like he wanted to dissect them under a surgery table.

With his gaze and question, Meng Qiangwei immediately throws Sun Xiang under the bus.

But before brother could have some words (threaten) to him, Sister arrived. She immediately decided to head here when she learned of my location.

Now, we have this situation.

While it was still quiet, I decided to tug on my brother's clothes. I don't want to make the situation complicated.

" What is it, Jung Feng? "

" As I said before, I am a fine brother. I have also permitted Brother Sun Xiang to bring me here and he just wanted to help me. "

" Jung Feng.. "

Brother Hao Lan frowned.

" I'm a fine brother. We should have thanked Brother Sun Xiang since he helped me get here. "

I said to him smiling. His tense body loosened. Brother Hao Lan sighed and turned to face Sun Xiang again.

" I apologize and thank you for helping my little brother and not kidnapping him. "

I shoot brother the 'look'. He didn't appear bothered by the 'look' that I was directed at him. Brother! I thought you would behave! You don't imply someone who helped me get here has kidnapped me. (I ignore the fact that I have made a joke about Sun Xiang kidnapping me earlier and accusing him before he brought me here).

Thankfully, Sun Xiang didn't seem to look offended. He only nodded and replied.

" It's fine. "

" Good. "

Brother said with a big smile on his face.

" Nothing good would happen to the people who would harm my little brother. "


" Sometimes, I think about those cretins and wondered what was wrong in their minds. I always imagine picking their mind apart under the surgery table, you know? "

There was a terrifying smile on my brother's face. Meng Qiangwei squeaked when she heard what my brother said.

" Surgery table?! "

Brother's attention was diverted from Sun Xiang and to Meng Qiangwei when he heard her.

Before Brother could threaten someone again, their sister interrupted him.

" Brother..  "

" Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shen Hao Lan. Jung Feng's brother. "

Sister sighed while muttering softly and sounding frustrated.

" That's not it.. "

But we still heard her. After that, she decided to just follow her brother's example.

" Anyway. I'm Shen Chao-Xin the second oldest among us siblings. "

Followed by my sister's introduction the others introduced themselves one by one. When everything was finished introducing themselves, Zhang Yuan offered to have everyone order their food.

Since Zhang Yuan offered, I look at the menu and started ordering dishes and drinks that I could eat and able to finish. Brother and Sun Xiang were both reluctant at first but they eventually started ordering.

While we waited, Zhang Yuan initiated the conversation again.

" I'm glad that everyone would be able to arrive. "

He said with a slight smile on his face.  But the smile disappeared when he continued to speak.

" Truthfully... My expectations were different for everyone. "

I frowned when I heard it. Of course, I know that he wouldn't probably expect me to be a child.

No parents would allow their child to play computer and online games quite at a young age. They don't want their young minds to be affected or influenced. Also, playing computer games was detrimental to a child's mental development and studies. For parents who place great importance on their child's education, they must never be allowed to play computer games. Even if it was allowed, it was only for a limited time.

As for why did my parents decide to gift me a computer and allowed me to play online games and even allow me to browse the internet without supervision and more than 2 hours a day, well I'm built differently.

Shen Jung Feng isn't a normal child.

He was someone who was able to think for himself and wouldn't be irresponsible by searching the dark web of the internet and going to porn sites. He was also someone who wouldn't deceive by scams and phishing links, websites, etc online.

Other than that, he was always doing well in his classes and at the top. Even when he started playing games online, he was still at the top of the classes, always doing his homework, activities, etc. He was a responsible student who wouldn't forget about his studies.

( I should stop inflating my ego )

And most of all.. and an important decision on why my parents allowed me...

Well, Shen Jung Feng was friendless.

No classmates wanted to be friends with him and only approached him when they wanted him to help them or they decided they want to bully him and wanted to be mean.

So with a computer, I can entertain myself without feeling lonely.

That was what my parents were thinking.

It was truly unexpected for Zhang Yuan for me to be a child. But I didn't expect his reaction to being more serious than I thought.

He look so devastated when he didn't deny the possibility anymore that I was Grand Caster.

While pondering, an idea entered my mind.

Could it be.....

" And upon meeting everyone, as I have said before, there was something important that I would like to discuss with everyone..."

He then took out something under his winter coat. It was a single piece of paper whereas some words printed on it.

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