Chapter 111

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Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 111: Training arc

     When the month of May started, it was the start of the intense training arc for team conquering clouds. Working and practicing their team cooperation. Watching the footage of their enemies online matches and generating strategies to counter each of them. There were also Zhang Yuan who were asking problem questions for each of the members of team conquering clouds. The culprit for this training method was of course, Jun Feng who can't keep his mouth shut up again off on his imaginations.

" What would you do if you were separate from the other members of your team during a team challenge? "

Zhang Yuan asked while he was holding the test problems that he have created.

" Regroup. "

Sun Xiang muttered. Narrowing his eyes towards Sun Xiang, Zhang Yuan followed it with another question.

" How? "

Hearing the question, Sun Xiang was irritated.

" Tch, I would look around and find the others as fast as possible. "

" How would you look around? How would you find them? "

Sun Xiang's glare intensified. Holding down his irritation, he thought for a moment before answering.

" I would listen to the sounds from the game. "

Zhang Yuan has a satisfied expression on his face before he formulated another problem.

" You have listened and followed the sound of footsteps, instead of finding your teammates, you find the enemy team. What would you do? "

Instead of glaring, Sun Xiang sighed as he started massaging his head. Most of the other members of team conquering clouds were in the same state with the exception of Wen Qianmei and Jun Feng who was happily munching on his pop corn.

Noticing Sun Xiang looking at him, Jun Feng tilted his head attempting to look cute and smiled innocently.

Sun Xiang glared at Jun Feng before clicking his tongue.

' Cheeky little devil. It's your fault that we are suffering. Why are you acting cute?'

" Fuck! I feel like I'm back at school doing my math test! Please no more!"

Ignoring Meng Qianwei's complain. Zhang Yuan then called him.

" Meng Qiangwei. It's your turn again..."

' My turn to die. '

" Sun Xiang take a break and rest your mind and think of the problem carefully and the things that you would answer to my questions. I would ask you again later. "

For the rest of the day, the questions continued. For every week, there are 2 days where they spent their days being asked different problem questions by Zhang Yuan.

Hearing this training suggestion from Jun Feng, Zhang Yuan thought that it was a good idea. Asking the team members of conquering clouds regarding different situation problems about the game, it is a useful practice that helps his team members develops their critical thinking abilities and to think for themselves.

He was indeed the captain. But what if there was a situation where he can't possibly given commands. Or his commands are delayed and the team are facing an unexpected situation. He need them to think to assess the situation and think for themselves.

But he can't just also make them casually make a decision of their own. So here he was asking situation problems that based on the things that happened in the Chinese glory pro alliance matches.

They would make it. They would enter the Glory Pro Alliance. He would make sure of it!

Zhang Yuan then started his questions towards Meng Qiangwei.

" So here's the situation. The captain and the summoner of your group was in at below 5% health. The enemies are slowly approaching and determine the location where you guys are hiding. Who would you prioritize to heal first? "

Without hesitation, Meng Qiangwei answered.

"  The Captain is useless and always die first. The dying first curse is unbreakable. It is useless to heal and fight the curse. I better heal Jun Feng first so that he can save our asses and turn the tides. "

Hearing the answer, Zhang Yuan has stopped the urge to murder Meng Qiangwei in cold blood. He sighed in move on to the next question.


Other than the new developed training method, they continued with their former training like the random map selection method. They were still going at it to train their environment adaptability and flexibility.

Fighting players random PVP maps, Fighting each other, working together and practicing synergy.

That's how the train of Conquering Clouds have gone. During their intense training arc, Jun Feng also doesn't stopped in his continuous map research. At the end of the month of May, Jun Feng have studied at total of 349 maps of Glory. Compiling the data that he have gathered and discovered in his computer and relaying his findings to Zhang Yuan.

Of course, Jun Feng was also aware that they wouldn't have any home advantage in the offline matches since the Alliance would be the one that would choose the maps for the players.

But his map research wasn't useless at all. The map would be use in the future when they entered the regular league.

At the end of May, for the 3rd episode of Reminiscing Glory live broadcast, the guest was Fang Shiqian. The challenge that Jun Feng have given to the player known as god of healing was a 1000 monsters solo killing challenge.

In the end of the live broadcast, Rex V Anima smiled when Fang Shiqian have wish him good luck for their offline matches. Rex then informed his viewers that there wouldn't be any streams for the first week of June since the offline matches of challenger's league would be within on the first week of June in Friday. Starting 6:00 in the evening. The exact date is June 4, 2021.

Other than that, the regular season of the glory pro alliance season 6 would also finally end. And the second week would be the playoffs for the Glory Pro Alliance season 6 championship.

After ending the live broadcast, Jun Feng turn logged out of his bilibili account and his other accounts. He turn off the computer monitor and stares at it.

Bringing his hand on his left chest, he could feel the heart beating so fastly. A grin made way to his face.

" The challenger's league championship. It's ours... I would pulverize the players who would stand our way. "

The grin on his face widened resembling truly his character's earlier reputations in the 8th server as the mad psychopath.

Arc 2 End

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