Chapter 12

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 12: Getting used to the game (2)

Friday afternoon, I was already at home from my tiring day of classes. My classes today was specifically mentally tiring because Miss Du our homeroom teacher, wouldn't give up on inviting me to join the competitions. Last year, I have also join one of the competitions and won in the school. And I know what comes next after that. A free pass to ticket competition that would have each schools fight each other in the region. Thinking of the competitive environment and strict school schedules of this country, I am already missing my past life a little bit since they are less strict when it comes to education.

Arriving at home, my mother asked how was my day at school and I answer her as always and talking about yet another homework that was assigned to us by the teachers. After the small talk, instead of watching TV shows with my father, I headed to my room with my Father accompanying me.

" The glory have really catched your interest huh? As expected of the game! I am glad that you are enjoying our gift, but make sure to don't forget the class and your health. Got it Jun Feng? "

" Yes. "

He helped me change my clothes and opened the computer after that.

" I would call you if the dinner is ready. "

After reminding me, he left the room. I have already my game account logged in the glory. chat account. Looking at my friend list, I saw that Moon Ziqin and the others were online again. There was also message that instantly popped out.

[ Moon Ziqin: Finally you are online Grand Caster. ]

[ Grand Caster: Moon Ziqin is there something that you wanted to ask?

It looks like that he was waiting for me. I expected that they would just add me in a friend list and they would go in their own business since I am not available because of our differing play schedule or should I say that they have more free time to play than I am?

[ Moon Ziqin: I am planning to have a dungeon run in the spider cave. I already have the others invited. You are the only one missing. ]

So he was planning to have another dungeon run. I was quite surprised that he considered me and planning to have me invited in another dungeon run again. Typing on the keyboard, I replied.

[ Grand Caster: I am still level 10. You may look for other teammates since everyone is already a level 12. ]

Moon Ziqin is quite nice for considering me. But I heard that the Spider Cave is a level 10–15 dungeon. I can enter the dungeon since I am already level 10 and pass the minimum level requirement. But I am quite worried that my I would ended up as a burden to my fellow players in the game.

[ Moon Ziqin: It's alright. We would manage entering the dungeon. ]

Moon Ziqin is really a nice guy.

[ Moon Ziqin invited you to join the team

« Accept »       « Decline »       ]

[ Grand Caster: Thank you for the invitation Leader. ]

I accepted the Team leader's invitation.


   Yue Ziqin sighed in relief when he saw Grand Caster accepted his invitation. It was quite a headache when he learned that Grand Caster was a student during one of their previous dungeon runs yesterday since he knows that students doesn't how much time to play unlike them. Grand Caster was in a tight schedule and he would have a hard time to match their playing time and levels. But despite those demerits, Yue Ziqin can see the potential in Grand Caster just like how can he saw the potential of his other teammates. Mostly, it was Cross Knife. Twilight Rose and Watchful Hound are above the average but the two newbies Cross Knife and Grand Caster are a diamond in a rough that needs Guidance. The former more than the latter.

When Grand Caster wasn't online, they have also did some dungeon runs. They have even recruited a new mage for the Spider Cave. The result was a complete disaster. Cross Knife can't cooperate with the mage that they recruited. The team work of the two was a tragedy. The mage also happened to have a personality that would clash horribly with Cross Knife's personality. They decided to postpone the dungeon run in the Spider Cave after that since they have been continuously wiped out by the monsters.

[Grand Caster Joined the Team]

[Cross Knife: He was finally online. Let's do a dungeon run now. ]

[Watchful Hound: Let's wait for him to arrive first.]

[ Twilight Rose: I hope that we wouldn't be dead this time. Ugh.. Remembering that mage that we recruited annoys me. He was just a complete newbie but he so egoistical. We're lucky that we have someone like Jun Feng. That guy was so toxic! ]

[Watchful Hound: It's normal that there are that kind of players even it was in the game of Glory. I agree with your sentiment Twilight Rose. ]

[Cross Knife: anyway, why are we just typing to each other?]

[Twilight Rose: Because team leader Moon Ziqin is typing?]

They just keep bantering until Grand Caster finally arrived at the dungeon. Twilight Rose and Watchful Hound was happy to see to him. Even Cross Knife who always express his annoyance at Grand Caster was also happy to him.

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