Chapter 41

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 41: Bombardment

At the same time that Grand Caster is online, a message was then sent.

[ Grand Caster is online and at the guild base of Conquering Clouds ]

Steam Engine smirked as he saw the message sent to him in the QQ chat. After receiving the message, he forward it to their Captain Chu Yunxiu who was the user of Windy Rain, the first Elementalist of Chinese Glory Pro Alliance.

[ Windy Rain-Elementalist: Thank you for the Information Steam Engine. (^ ^) You were a big help.

Steam Engine 100%-Mechanic: As long as I can help the guild, I am grateful to the Captain for making me the Guild Master of the 8th server.

Windy Rain-Elementalist: You have the talent, potential, and sense of responsibility towards our guild mates. I think that there was no one more appropriate in being the new guild master than you.

Steam Engine 100%: Qdjvros ]

From behind the screen, Zheng Qiji can feel his face feel so hot and his heart pounding wildly.

[ Windy Rain-Elementalist: ??? ]

Looking at the message that he sent, his face feels hot again because of embarrassment.

[ Steam Engine 100%: Sorry Captain, my cat has smashed my keyboard.

Windy Rain-Elementalist: Again, thank you for the information, Steam Again. I would go and relay the information to the other pros but not without some benefits that we would gain. After all, nothing is free in this world. Air, water, land- everything has a price. ]

Zheng Qiji's lips quirked up in amusement. He typed and asked.

Steam Engine 100%-Mechanic: Captain, are you watching drama again? If I am not wrong, that is a butchered quote from that Fantasy Drama Reader's Solitude.

Windy Rain-Elementalist is offline. ]

It was a known fact from other familiar pro players towards their captain Chu Yunxiu and their Club and Guild's main roster that their captain is fond of different kinds of Dramas. Other than dramas, she likes to gossip about random things.

But their captain is someone who gets embarrassed when they teased her about quoting things from the drama.

After their Captain left, Zheng Qiji stared at the other active QQ chat.

Compared to the other big-name clubs, Misty Rain is someone that others found lacking. Their guild Misty Castle is seen as soft and weak by most of the players.

They were seen as inconsistent by everyone. And Zheng Qiji could admit that they were right. They lack strength and stability. The experts, pros, and Chu Yunxiu herself weren't stable when it comes to battles.

For every wild boss drop looting, compared to the guild in the same level as their own, Misty Castle would often find themselves losing the battle.

They were lacking in strength compared to another big-name guild. So they could only rely on other things. Strength in the game would make you acquire a lot of things. But Strength isn't the only way.

Blackmailing, Coercion, Bribery, etc. - All of those actions required the use of mind. All of those things are something that Steam Engine used and permitted as long as it stays within the game, Steam Engine can do anything that he wanted.

He may lack strength, but Chu Yunxiu wouldn't make him a guild leader of the 8th server if he doesn't have those qualities. Wits and cunning to keep up with the other bigwigs was what Misty Castle have.

Typing a message, Zheng Qiji then sent it to his informant.

[ Steam Engine 100%-Mechanic: Good work, I am looking forward to our continued cooperation in the future. ]


After being welcomed by everyone in the Conquering Clouds guild base, we started discussing our plans.

Decide whether it's good to just hide or risk myself to gain more naughty points.

There would be only 8 hours left.

I decided to check out what has happened with the total rankings in the naughty list.

[Santa's Naughty Point Total Rankings

1. One Autumn Leaf (Battle Mage) (Level 70) (1st Server/Heavenly Domain)- 13,699,000 points
2. Grand Caster (Summoner) (Level 40) (8th Server) -4,650,000 points
3. Dazzling a Hundred Blossoms (Spitfire) (Level 70) (4th Server/Heavenly Domain) -4,552,000 points ... ]

Starting at the rankings, I wasn't surprised that it has changed. But at the same time, I was shocked.

Since I started playing glory, my sister wouldn't let me live under the rock. Sometimes she would pull me and mention the glory pro alliance and the gods of the game which sometimes gives me headaches.

Of course, I was familiar with One Autumn Leaf which was considered a long-time icon of the Glory China Server. It was always what my sister blurts out most of the time and Chasing Haze when it comes to Pro Alliance.

When it comes to life, it wasn't bad for a man to dream. But when it comes to decisions, it was right to be realistic.

And the realistic and easy choice was to don't be greedy and wander around to kill monsters. What was best was for me to hide and don't attract the attention of experts.

I may have indeed played a lot of games in my past life, FPS, Gacha games, Horror Survival, Puzzles, Rhythm game, and RPGs.

But despite my past life experiences, those games aren't glory.

I am merely nothing compared to those experts who have played glory for many years. A mere fledgling bird who was only learning how to take flight.

So when there was suddenly a group of people from other guilds and servers planning to attack our base and kill me for points?

I didn't resist, I couldn't resist, there was no difference in front of the Top Predator in this game.

So I stand there and did nothing as a spear stabbed my chest without me wearing any of my armor on.

Let's be realistic, the moment that I stepped into the game and participated, I am just a mere free point to them.

[ You have been killed by One Autumn Leaf (Battle Mage) ]

[ You lose all of your points ]

Staring at the avatar of the player Ye Qiu, there was a pain on my head that started buzzing again.

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