Chapter 94

335 32 4

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 94: Heavenly Domain Challenge Speedrun (Part 1)

     Yesterday, a new thread became popular in Glory Forums.

< What the fuck is that 2D anime boy?

Zoom Zinc: Holy shit! Did you guys see everyone on the live stream in Bilibili yesterday? If not, I can just share the link.

Tea is Sacred: I did. It's so strange, but at the same time, it's so interesting. The Livestream behind the 2D anime boy is roleplaying.

Various Colors: If you are familiar with Kizuna Ai then you wouldn't find it strange.

Roadmap: Kizuna Ai? Who's that? Is she another hatsune miku?

Various Colors: You motherfucker! Fucking take it back! Kizuna Ai isn't a Vocaloid! She's a famous youtube creator who uses 3D anime models!

Various colors then went to a passionate tangent on Kizuna Ai who was just released this January 2021 she mostly posted Let's Play videos on YouTube and she currently has 2,000,000 million followers on YouTube.

Roadmap: Youtube is banned in our country so I apologize for my ignorance and the others.

Zinc Zoom: So you are using VPN?

Various Colors: Shut up and keep quiet about it.

3D Printer: So are you guys planning to watch the 2D anime guy?

Various Colors: The guy's name is Rex V. Anima.

Zinc Zoom: Sure. It's a fake name.

Tea is Sacred: I would try to watch the Anima guy but if it wasn't interesting, I would leave trash comments about him.

Zinc Zoom: +2


Fraction Z: + 50.     >

In the afternoon, there are a total of 5k viewers waiting for the live stream to start. There was an animated waiting screen showing Rex V. Anima walking, running, rolling, or crawling for 1 minute before it would be looped again. There was also chilling music in the background.

Not chill where you can relax or sleep. It was the Chilling that makes you frightened or creeped out.

Eventually, at 4:00 pm, the waiting screen ended and there was the Anima guy again being shown.

{ Good Afternoon! Hello! Hello! Thanks for coming everyone! Is the mic sound okay? Hmmm... Someone asked why I sound weird. Well, I am using voice changers for everyone so I apologize. Also, I am not comfortable showing everyone my real voice. Is something wrong with it? Well...not really but it's complicated. Anyway, let's move on shall we?

For those who are watching and don't play Glory, I am playing Glory today. It was a fun game so for those who haven't played Glory, please try it out! It's very fun and enjoyable! Glory has also had very amazing gameplay and graphics! And for those who like challenges, Glory has an interesting feature, it's Equipment Creation! Any Equipment can be made in the game and you're imagination is the only limit! And also make sure that you have the right formula for you to succeed in Equipment Creation.

Me? Well... To tell you guys I am already a max-level character so for the viewers who haven't played Glory it would be a bit difficult, but I would try to explain Glory as long as possible.

Anyway, for those who play Glory, should I show my character now? ... "

Removing the plain screen on the view, Rex V. Anima showed his character. A lot of bullet comments were then shown on the screen. But thankfully, the person behind Rex V. Anima, has the bullet comments turned off for him so it won't show on his screen.

{ Tada! For those who were familiar with my character, it is indeed I! The Spirit Overlord Grand Caster! Hahaha haha, tremble before me, humans and weaklings! }

The gentle and slightly pitched voice of Rex V. Anima turned deeper sounding like those main villain characters. Rex V. Anima turned back the setting of his voice changer again to the normal Rex V. Anima voice.

{ So, surprise for those who are aware of my identity. I am Grand Caster, Summoner of Team Conquering Clouds. For those who don't know Conquering Clouds, We are participants in the Challenger's League and one of the 20 teams that would participate in the offline matches in June. I am not certain of my team's victory but I promise that everyone on the team who conquers clouds would do their best! Please support us! Also, and for those who don't know much about Glory, I would also like to advertise that Glory has a game competition for Glory Professional players. It was always shown every Saturday at 8:00 pm on Esports Channel in China.. "

Suddenly, Rex V. Anima changed to English Language. He also advertised the Glory Pro Competitions for some countries and their times and channels. Rex V. Anima mentioned the Glory Pro for the U.S.A, Britain, Australia, Japan, Korea, Russia, Sweden, Indonesia, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, Canada, Vietnam, Philippines, and India. Then he went back to speaking Mandarin and explained that he had just advertised some of the Glory Pro Competitions from other countries.

Those who understand what he said in English started to have some suspicions regarding Rex V. Anima's identity.

Is he a player? From the sound of his knowledge of the other countries' glory pro schedule and channels, he was starting to sound more like a person from the inside.

The 2D avatar of Rex then smiled and glance at the corner of the screen when he noticed some people asking for the timer which currently has a 00:00:00.

{ For those who haven't managed to attend my debut stream, I have told everyone that I would play Glory for 1 week and challenge them to enter the heavenly domain. To challenge myself, I decided to put a timer for my Heavenly Domain Challenge Speedrun! }

The chat then exploded with various comments saying Grand Caster is too arrogant while others were shocked by the bomb that he dropped.

Rex once again smiled and replied.

{ Through I am calling it a speedrun, I didn't even manage to complete a heavenly domain challenge. This speed run would be my first attempt. Fun fact, I just started playing Glory last year in December! So I am a noob player.

But don't worry, I have watched some videos and read some guides! I also know some parkour games maybe I can use them in Glory.

Anyway, the heavenly domain challenge is divided into 2 parts. First is the Quest portion which has 8 parts and it is a chain quest. The Second Portion is an Arena that involves the PVP fight against the other players. Maybe the others could come to fight with me?

Anyway, See this NPC in front of me? He was the quest-giver for the first step of the first portion of the heavenly domain challenge. Once I accepted the quest, the timer for the speed run would start. Also, there would be a timer for each quest step for the first portion, a timer for the overall first portion, a timer for each step in the second portion, a timer for the overall second portion, and the overall time for the Heavenly Domain Challenge Speedrun Attempt.

I have put Glory in all of the schedules this week from Wednesday to Sunday in hopes that I would finish it in less than 5 days. Also every time I log out, the timer would pause and every time I log in until I completed the heavenly domain challenge it would start again.

Since I think I finish some of the necessary explanations, I shall talk to the NPC and start this speedrun attempt!  }

The moment that the first quest was accepted, the timer started.

From Zero, it started to be filled up by running numbers every few seconds.

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