Chapter 80

407 31 6

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 80: First Match (Part 1)

       In the distance was a road covered with slippery ice. Not far away from him was a broken motorcycle.

Not far away from his broken motorcycle were some body parts.

Lots of snow falls down the ground

His body was entirely enveloped by snow

His clothes weren't enough to cover the cold.

Despite that, he doesn't feel cold at all.

He doesn't feel anything.

He lay there unmoving as a doll

His blue eyes stared at the motorcycle and the separated body parts with calm acceptance.

He doesn't call for help or even uttered a word.

It was foolish for someone to go outside of a snowstorm driving on a motorcycle fastly on a slippery road

Tears unconsciously fall from his eyes

A slight smile on his face

His heart doesn't hurt anymore.

' I'm sorry... '

He closes his eyes


[ February 5, 2021 - Friday ]

In the Challenger's League for the qualifiers in Season 7's Glory Professional Alliance, there was a whopping amount of 12666 people that registered online.

Every fight that the player's team would have is a single-bracket elimination style in the Online Stage.

It was only through the Offline Competition that the players could have an experience of what the regular season in Glory Pro Alliance was... as close as possible to it.

Our first obstacle is the Team Twilight Marshmallow. Entering the room at the time that the staff moderator from glory alliance announced, our opponent has also arrived 10 minutes before the match would arrive.

A total of 6 members.

Team Marshmallow...

Looking at them, based on their equipment and clothing style they have 2 swordsman classes... It was confirmed that those aren't berserkers.

It could be possible that they are either a blade master, spell blade, or ghost blade.

Looking at the 3rd player's clothes, they have a confirmed cleric on their team. Cleric was always easy to tell from their equipment alone.

Yue Ziqin has once jokingly told me that if a player has a very horrible fashion choice, they must be unspecialize.

The fourth member of their group is someone from the fighter class. And the fourth player was someone who has one pistol.

The launcher class is automatically out.

Either a spitfire, sharpshooter, or mechanic...

If the player has two pistols, they are a sharpshooter. Unfortunately, in glory, there are only a few players that are capable of dual-wielding the pistols and they can't be the gun version of Kirito wanna-be who was capable of dual wielding.

( Is Zhou Zekai the gun version of Kirito? Nope, they are too quiet and don't seem to be as edgy as frick. He wasn't a loner (fricking Kirito being a loner at the start of the story) and he was someone who knows the meaning of teamwork )

The last player has a rifle. Even I haven't seen the mechanical box attached to his hip, since he has a rifle he was a mechanic.

Looking around the Arena, I notice the lack of audience from both sides of the team. There was only the pro-alliance staff to observe the fight.

In our case, Only the core members of the Conquering Clouds guild are aware that there are team conquering clouds. And even those who were aware, Zhang Yuan didn't invite them.

For him, we need to pass the offline stages first before we could even think about having fans. And another reason, having none of the cheerleading squad or audience who would support us, there would be less pressure on us.

Zhang Yuan has a point. Even though having an audience and cheerleaders for us was supposed to boost our morale, having people with expectations on you is a burden or a heavy pressure.

The others agreed with Zhang Yuan's idea of not bringing any audience and I also agreed. Even if Sister wasn't here online, she was beside me offline watching me and the others right now.

Unfortunately, my brother was busy with his work.

5 minutes before 8:00 pm, the referee for the match, called Zhang Yuan and the Captain of Twilight Marshmallows to flip the coin into heads or tails.

Head for us and Tails for our opponent.

The flipped coin result was tails.

The first round of the challenger's league individual match would be an away map for us.

Then the group would be a home map and lastly, the team match map would be decided by the opponent again.

After the point was flipped, we were given 5 minutes of preparation time for the match lineup.

For tonight's match...

In the individual, it would be Cross Knife, Storm Conquest, and Watchful Hound

For the group battle, it would be Cross Knife, Skyline Express, and Storm Conquest

and for the team battle,

It would be Storm Conquest, Cross Knife, Twilight Rose, Moon Ziqin, Skyline Express, and me, Grand Caster as the team Conquering Cloud's substitute player.

From start to finish, Cross Knife has been involved in individual, group, and team matches. He would work up to his bone.

I was worried at first when team Captain Zhang Yuan put forward the suggestion but my worries were for naught.

Sun Xiang was the one who suggested them. According to him, he can afford to play from start to finish of each round.

Unlike us who have done nothing but a stay-at-home shut-in cough, cough (me, Meng Qiangwei, Yue Ziqin, and Hao Junya). And there are some young masters or miss that can't afford to work out. cough, cough ( Zhang Yuan, Wen Dui Fang, and When Qian Mei ), he regularly exercises every day.

Currently, Sun Xiang is 179 cm tall and his body wasn't the type that looks like it lacks exercise. I think that in the future, his body has more room to grow.

All of us feel attacked when he compared himself to us. But since his logic and point seems reasonable, Zhang Yuan decided to put him in the 3 rounds. And after this match ends, he would make sure to buy exercise equipment since he can't afford to be flexed by a high school kid.

After the choices has been put forward, soon everyone clicked the word ready on our screens.

It was now the start of the first round of our first match.

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