Chapter 7

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 7: This player is weird


« You accepted Twilight Rose friend request. »

« Twilight Rose is added as your Friend. »

Just who is this Twilight Rose?

« You have a message from Twilight Rose. »

« Twilight Rose: Thanks for accepting my friend request. ^_^ »

I don't remember interacting on any players today, or this morning. Hmmm.... It wasn't like probably a not a common occurrence for a complete stranger to add someone as their friends. From my past life, I remembered that this is just a common occurrence in games, social media platforms and the whole cyber world. I look at the chat box and decided to start typing on the keyboard to reply.

« Grand Caster: No problem »

« Twilight Rose: Can I ask what level are you now? Are you still killing white horned rabbit? »

I frowned as I saw the message. Why is this player asking my level? How does this player know that I am killing a white horned rabbit? Is this player a stalker? I unconsciously gulped as my thoughts run idly somewhere. Impossible. There's no way right? I have just played Glory today. Hesitantly, I typed on the keyboard and replied.

« Grand Caster: I am currently level 4. I am finish in killing white horned rabbit and I am currently killing wild boars. »

« Twilight Rose: Wild boars? Good! You are already level 4? I could help you grind your level, would you want help? »

This is getting suspicious...

« Grand Caster: Why would you want to help me level up? You are a suspicious person. State your motives. »

« Twilight Rose: Oops. Sorry, I swear that I am not a suspicious person! I have no bad motives. I just want to help you level up to 5. »

Too suspicious...

« Grand Caster: No need, I can do it by myself. »

« Twilight Rose: I see. Once you are level 5, do you want to join on the Green Forest Dungeon? »

« Grand Caster: You are very suspicious. Why do you want me to join? Are you planning to kill me and have the loot all for yourself? »

It is common on very kind of RPG to have those kind of players. I happened to be a victim of those players in my past life.

« Twilight Rose: No! I don't have that kind of intentions! I just want to invite you in our party! I saw you killing white horned rabbits earlier. I can see that you have a fast APM and quite good skills. But I don't understand why you just keep killing white horned rabbits earlier. Those poor Rabbits are so miserable. »

How can he type so fast? Is this player a keyboard player like me? Hmm.. from this player's message Twilight Rose sounded so upset. But I can't just trust those words so simply and easily. I need to be certain that this player wasn't approaching me so he/she can take advantage of me. This player's name sounded so girly. I don't know if I should address this player as a she or he. Let's test or see if this player was really sincere.

« Grand Caster: I see. Then I shall join your party. Regarding those rabbits– I was honing my skills and getting used to the game. »

« Twilight Rose: Wait, I would ask the Team Leader to sent you an invitation request. Anyway, what's about that 'getting used to the game?' Is it your first time playing glory? »

Hmmm, this player isn't the team leader? The probability of this player taking advantage of me has decreased. This player was also sounded too much curious and interested about my information. Could it be that this player is really a stalker?

« Caster: Thank you. Yes, it was my first time playing Glory. »

« Twilight Rose: Really?! »

« Grand Caster: Today was my first day. »

Is this Twilight Rose in disbelief? Maybe this player thought that I am lying. Or it could be the opposite. It could be a disbelief or this player sounded so excited.

While wallowing in my thoughts a notification appeared in the monitor.

« Moon Ziqin (Yue Ziqin) invited you to join the team. »

« Accept »       «Decline»

I clicked the accept button.

« You have joined Moon Ziqin's team. »

I guess I need to hurry up to level 5. I shouldn't make them wait. And I guess it's time for me on some real mage skills. They would probably curse me if I spend my time dodging and hitting the enemies with my staff and this automatic 'Mana' ball.

Yup, I shall do them.

Magic Missile, Flame Explosion and Dragon Tooth. This should do.


Meng Qiangwei started humming as he heard the impatient voice of Cross Knife.

{ Where is that Mage that you recruited Twilight Rose? That player is making us wait. Moon Ziqin should kick that player for making us wait. }

Meng Qiangwei started typing on the keyboard to reply.

« Twilight Rose: Just 2 minutes and Grand Caster said that he would arrive. »

{ Is he some kind of expert in this game to make us wait for him? }

Meng Qiangwei lips rose up as he heard that impatient and mocking tone of Cross Knife. This person was really impatient. Why does the team leader recruited this person? Meng Qiangwei could admit that this impatient young man really have a potential despite being a complete Noob in this game.

« Twilight Rose: No~ He was a newbie like 'you'. »

{ Are you insulting me?! }

« Twilight Rose: Absolutely, yes. »

{ You!! }

Meng Qiangwei wondered what expression does Cross Knife have right now. He must be currently fuming red in his anger while gnashing his teeth. At that imagination, Qiangwei become more pleased with the situation.

{ Should I stop them Moon Ziqin? }

Qiangwei can hear Watchful Hound asked their team leader in a worried tone.

{ Nope, it's alright. They are just playing. }

{ ... Playing? Can this be also called playing?  }

{ Anyway, we should plan our run in the dungeon. For that to happen, we should state our current general classes and avoid unnecessary casualties in the dungeon later. }

Along with Qiangwei, the two other players agreed with their team leader.

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