Chapter 88

362 34 6

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 88: The Birth of domain researcher

      [ February 22, 2021- Monday ]

A few days after match 23 of the regular season, there was quite a ruckus in the Chinese Glory Forums. Other than the topics being about match 23 of the Season 6 regular season, some minority was about glory, guild wars, and recently, the thing that happened in the Challenger's League for Season 7.

[ Conquering Clouds → Team that I wouldn't fuck

Coffee is Sacred: Seriously, I wouldn't fck them. I think that I am the one that would get fcked.

3D Printer: Bruh, do you mean it literally or metaphorically? Please don't use too many dirty words we don't want this thread to get deleted, aren't we?

Coffee is Sacred: You are the one whose mind needs to get wash bro. Get your mind out of the gutter. I mean it not literally.

Candle & Lantern: Yup, I wouldn't also fck them. They are so scary! The thing that happened in the team challenge against the mountain peak is so brutal and vicious

You're not human: They are heartless monsters!

Roadmap: + 2

Various Colors: + 3

Zinc Zoom: + 4

Handle the Storm: + 25

Bamboo Signal: Imagine a team conquering clouds throwing you into a very deep snake pit that you can't get out of. With countless snakes crawling all over you and keep biting you with their venom until you die, bro... And what's more combined with Glory's realistic graphics. You could imagine what the team Mountain Peak went through when they were forced to GG the game. It's so brutal that I want to cry. (T - T) Imagine the psychological trauma.

Coffee is Sacred: Condolence to team mountain peak, do you notice how they immediately log out after the match?

Various Colors: Yup.

Roadmap: I didn't even know that snake island has existing deep snake pits. They must have researched the map extensively.

3D Printer: But it was to be expected that Team Conquering Clouds are brutal and vicious. Do you know the guild team conquering clouds in the 8th server?

Zinc Zoom: No. But please do tell. I am interested to learn.

3D Printer: I learned from someone that this guild was full of Chuunis, Degenerates, and Otakus. Their feats are often described as Brutal and Shameless by everyone in the 8th server.

Zinc Zoom: How so?

3D Printer: If they wouldn't be able to get the boss drops during the wild boss wars with the other guild, they would decide on the 2nd best.

Zinc Zoom: 2nd best?

3D Printer: Item drops from their enemy the enemy guild players. They like PK a lot.

Zinc Zoom: Shameless and heartless! They don't deserve any ounce of respect.


Team Conquering Clouds. This 3rd promising team in the Challenger's League gained more fame and infamy after what happened with their match against the players of Mountain's Peak. Many players were calling the team conquering clouds vicious and ruthless because of what happened on the map that they have personally chosen.

While some of the players were talking shit to them in the forum, Team Conquering Clouds were ignorant of what is happening in the Glory Forums.

Since the online match for Challenger's League started, Zhang Yuan has decided to implement a Glory Forum Thread Ban regarding any Challenger's League topics.

Players of Team Conquering Clouds aren't allowed to read any thread related to the Challengers League since Zhang Yuan thought that it would be bad if they read the trash talk, diss, and the player's hateful comments regarding the team Conquering Clouds.

Bad for the mental state of the player which may affect their gameplay.

For most of the team conquering cloud players they were fine with trash talks but some hot-headed people may get affected by the trash talk online. ( Sun Xiang, Wen Dui Fang, and Hao Junya )

Hao Junya may look calm person most of the time. He was diligent and serious. But for someone who was mostly a Straight A and serious type of guy, trash talks are one of his weaknesses. He easily gets worked up because he would take all of the comments and words seriously and keep them on his mind.

Wen Dui Fang was mostly a chill person who was fond of jokes and an amiable guy. But unlike his twin sister which was mostly mature and ignore most things, if someone decided to insult him and they get past a certain point of the line, Wen Dui Fang would retaliate. He would then plots to get his revenge while he endures the cold anger brimming in his body until he gets his revenge served on a silver platter. As a young master, he wouldn't just let someone casually trample on his dignity.

And for Sun Xiang, he was the one who was the easiest to rile up in the team conquering clouds. The second youngest of their team (currently 17).

Also, it was surprising to learn that he and Jun Feng have the same birthday.

Currently, the team conquering clouds were having a meeting again. For those who can't go to Conquering Club's Apartment right now, they have their video call turned on their houses.

After the match with the mountain peak, the team that they would face yesterday decided to call it GG when they learned that they were the team that they would be facing.

It was a disappointment for Sun Xiang who was looking forward to fighting the team and attempting to 1 V 3 again. For the entire challenger's league online to offline match, he decided that his goal was to win every 1 V 3 match in the group challenge.

So far, there are already 5 teams that forfeited and didn't even dare to face them. If that coward kept going, he wouldn't be able to fulfill his goal.

Jun Feng who heard his goal could only chuckle wryly.

' A 1 V 3 for every match. Sun-gege is too ambitious despite not being even a rookie. But if it's him, it wasn't impossible to attain. '

As for Jun Feng's goal in the Challenger's League. At first, he just wanted their team to conquer clouds to win the Challenger's League. He has no other side goal than that.

But as he watched the results of what happened on snake island. There's the particular thought of him dissecting every map that exists in Glory and finding every loophole and searching for breakthroughs and discoveries for every map.

Since they already have training methods of having all of them adapt themselves to every unfamiliar environment– A thought was born from his mind for their team's play style.

Truthfully, Jun Feng doesn't just want the team conquering clouds to merely rely on Sun Xiang's strength to push them through the professional league.

He doesn't want a one-man team nor does he want the Conquering Clouds to become a dual-core team.

When the day that they arrived in the Glory Pro alliance, he wanted the people to pay attention to not just one or two people... but the whole team.

Instead of having a merely limited map as their home map. Jun Feng wanted the team conquering clouds to familiarize themselves with every map that exists in Glory.

There should be no limited number of home maps for Conquering Clouds, every map that exists and shall exist in Glory and even the enemy player's home map shall become their domain.

Every map would be their home map.

That would be the difference between teams conquering clouds and the other teams.

It looks so impossible... But Jun Feng wanted to achieve this goal of his.

After all. Reincarnation should have been impossible. But here he is given a second chance in life.

He wouldn't know until he and they tried right?

After the meeting, Jun Feng went to the Arena in glory to enthusiastically and diligently research and familiarize himself more with
the maps that exist in Glory one by one.

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