Chapter 85

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Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 85: Chocolate

[ February 15, 2021 ]

Not far away from the front gate of B Elementary No. 13, A black-haired young man wearing a black jacket, paired with black jogging pants and white rubber shoes saw a tall blond-haired young man approaching him.

Waving to the blond-haired young man, he said quite loudly

" Sun Xiang. "

Crossing the street, and now close to the black-haired young man, Sun Xiang returned the greeting.

" Guo Zhishi. "

Glancing at Sun Xiang, Guo Zhishi frowned when he noticed the piercing on Sun Xiang's left ear. Sun Xiang noticed his stare and scowled.

" You got a problem with my piercing? "

He shook his head and replied.

" No, I am just curious about how you weren't still expelled from your school what's with your dyed hair and now you got a piercing in your left ear. "

Walking while they approached the front gate of B elementary No. 13, Sun Xiang replied while staring ahead.

" Our school doesn't have strict school regulations. "

" I see. "

While they were already at the front gate of the elementary school, Guo Zhishi was wondering if Sun Xiang have gone to a school with a bad reputation. That's the only school that would allow Sun Xiang to do whatever he wanted other than a private school where the school staff would allow the rich students studying to do whatever they wanted.

Sun Xiang may act like a domineering young master sometimes (mostly, a tsundere, an aloof cat, or a feral wild dog), but he wasn't a rich guy. He wasn't studying at a private academy for rich people but at a school with a bad reputation that was filled with delinquents.

Guo Zhishi has wondered since meeting if Sun Xiang has been a delinquent.

If he frequently got in a fight in his school, it would be better for Sun Xiang to utilize his leg kick people than him punching using his hand. For them and the pro players of Glory, the hands are their future and livelihood. It would be bad if it ended up being injured or damaged.

While they were talking, the guard at the gate then asked them and sent them a suspicious glance.

" We are waiting for someone. "

" You two, are unfamiliar faces. "

" We promise, we wouldn't do anything bad. "

Squinting and narrowing his eyes at them, the guard replied at Guo Zhishi.

" You may not look like the usual stereotypes on television crime dramas, but if I see you doing something suspicious or the two of you moving wrong, I would call the police. "

Sun Xiang grumbled and muttered to himself

" I'm just a high school student, not a kidnapper. "

After reminding them, the guard didn't bother them but didn't let them enter the school gates. A few parents who come for their children sent them suspicious glances but eventually ignore them in favor of entering the school.

It was supposed to be spring break from February 11 to 17, but Jung Feng informed them that their school would hold some school programs and host an important school competition against the other schools for this year.

Later, on the few arriving people who entered the school gates, they could see a familiar face.

" Oh, Sun Xiang and Guo Zhishi. You're here. "

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