Chapter 90

341 35 5

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 90: Identity

     On the online matches against their opponents on February 26 & 28, Team Conquering Clouds won by 10-0 against their opponents consecutively.  The month of February ended along with the online matches.

In total, They have a total of 5 that they have battled against their opponent and 5 matches that their opponent automatically forfeits. On February 28, Conquering Clouds have a match against 2 teams that they won with a clean sweep of 10-0 points.

Team Conquering Clouds passed the online matches and them making it to the last 20 teams that were qualified for the Offline Stage of the Challenger's League.

The offline stage of the Challenger's League would be held in City B at the Glory Professional Alliance Cadillac Arena along with the draws on who would battle who. Just like the offline matches, it would be a single elimination bracket style and the teams could earn a maximum of 10 points.

The Winner of the Challenger's League would earn the Challenger's League trophy award and a total of 20 million RMB and then they would be introduced to the Season 7 Glory Professional Alliance.

Currently, it is March 1 of 2021. The day of the start of a 3-month break for the 20 participating teams in the offline matches. The offline matches would be held in the match in June. The same month as when would be the playoffs for the Season 6 championship of the Glory Pro League.

For the first week of March, Zhang Yuan decided to recommend everyone on his team take a break from playing Glory and relax. After that, they would go back to their regular practices plus some additional things and he would discuss some important topics with his team. It's up to them whether they would heed his advice. It wasn't like he would berate them if they still keep playing Glory for this week.

Right now, Zhang Yuan was once again at the Shen residence in B City accompanied by Wen Dui Fang. Placing tea on the table, Mrs. Shen greeted them with a smile on her face.

" So it is time for the contract again, Mr. Yuan? "

Zhang Yuan was currently sitting on a sofa. Beside him was Dui Fang who was sipping the tea served to him. He was also watching an animation show with Jun Feng that was called Spirit Fox Matchmaker on television.

According to Jun Feng, it was one of his favorite animation shows released by their country. And it was one of the most popular shows right now. Since the day it was released, every week during the online matches, there was never been a day that Jun Feng wouldn't bring up the name of the Spirit Fox matchmaker. Meng Qianwei has been convinced by Jun Feng to watch the TV show along with Wen Qianmei, surprisingly. Since she has been convinced to watch the show, she has been addicted.

As for Sun Xiang, Jun Feng hasn't still managed to convince him to watch his favorite animation show from their country. Jun Feng's enthusiasm for the TV show has even been shown on his Weibo account. There is a lot of fan art for the animation show that was posted and created by Jun Feng.

For the conquering clouds, it was surprising to learn that Jun Feng was a surprisingly good digital artist. If there was an alternate path where he didn't play Glory, maybe Jun Feng would have ended up as a very popular digital artist or comic artist.

Jun Feng's Weibo account was named currently named Ultimate Evocator which was originally named Grand Caster. Currently, it has around 30,000 followers and those followers are mainly fellow spirit matchmaker fans and guild members of conquering clouds that have a Weibo account.

After glancing at Dui Fang and Jun Feng who were engrossed in the animation show, Zhang Yuan nodded his head.

" I came here to discuss the contract with you once again Mrs. Shen."

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