Chapter 91

310 25 4

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 91: Borrow

[ March 2, 2021- Tuesday ]

    The next day after Zhang Yuan-ge's visit and after talking to my mother, I walk up at around 5:00 am and opened the computer as usual. Mother noticed that I am already awake so she give me a warm glass of milk.

I then opened Glory. (ignoring Zhang Yuan-ge's recommendation of taking a break. ) In my most recent routine, I created a PVP room and choose a new map again.

[ Astra Castle ]

Currently, I have studied a total of 62 maps of Glory not including what was on my screen right now. I learned that with every new server opening and anniversary of Glory, the Glory Devs would add 100 maps.

At the start of the game, there were only 50 PVP maps on Glory. On the first anniversary, they added 100 maps. It then became a tradition to add 100 maps for every Glory Anniversary.

Glory has a total of 850 maps right now. Ranging from different designs and aesthetics. Glory wasn't a pure magic fantasy game, what's with the presence of Mechanics which summons mechanical robots and uses gadgets. Sci-fi maps are also available. And there was also something stupid like a normal parking lot beside an Ikea. Yup, Ikea is sponsoring Glory. The first time I heard it from my sister, I thought that she was lying. Then she explained how they were also sponsoring the most promising team in Sweden Glory Pro Alliance.

From taking notes in a notebook, I decided to move from typing to the laptop I borrowed from Sister Chao-Xin. It was more convenient and efficient. I also made sure to always save and back up the notes that I have typed so far on my Sister's Laptop.

The computer desktop was big so there was no problem with placing the laptop beside the computer.

Even though I have already researched a total of 62 maps. I know that all of my research on that map was incomplete and I didn't learn everything regarding those 62 maps.

Researching the maps as a summoner wasn't enough. The ideal way to learn the advantages, disadvantages, and effects of the 25 classes on each map that exist in Glory. And to discover any loopholes in the map by using the 25 classes.

My research wasn't enough and my ideal is very farfetched. Searching online, I discovered that a max-level character in Glory cost a minimum of 5,000 RMB. Excluding my Summoner, I need 24 classes. I can't borrow the other's accounts since they were using them.

If I would buy an account for all 24 classes that I don't have, it would cost a minimum of 120,000 RMB.

I then logged into my WeChat Account and checked my e-wallet. Surprisingly, I have around 12,000 RMB. My brother and sister must have sent a 3,000 RMB red envelope for me during the new year.

I could buy 2 Glory max level account online.

I only need to do it to the max level or decent skill sets. And I even don't care if the character hasn't made it to the Heavenly Domain or even the equipment. I don't need to use those characters for PVP but for my experiments.

Since I could only maybe afford 2 max-level accounts in Glory... I also thought of another idea.

Just the exact time I thought of my idea, my door opened, and Sister entered already dressed in her School Uniform.

" Sister, Let me borrow your account. "

" Wait, what? "

Upon entering, she was surprised and confuse by my question.

" How many accounts do you have? "

" Do you mean glory? "

I nodded my head. She narrowed her eyes with suspicion and asked

" What do you need them for? You're not gonna sell my equipment, aren't you? "

" No. I need them for my experiments. "

When Sister heard the word experiments she sighed. Along with Zhang Yuan and the others, Sister was aware of my planning to study every map that exists in Glory.

She was also there the day after the others started taking the heavenly domain challenge and I have re-explored the 38 maps that I have already explored and claim to Zhang Yuan and the others that I want to start recording the map.

For example how wide the map is, the directions on the map, important landmarks, the distance of each corner of the map from the center, possible shortcuts to reaching the center of each map, the safest route, the most dangerous route, fastest route to reach the middle of the map, the longest and slowest route, the exact time you would reach from north to south,  etc.

" So you haven't given up on you're idea, Jung Feng? "

" Nope. "

Rolling her eyes, she then take out her wallet and handed me two cards.

" What class are they? "

" Witch and Elementalist. "

" I thought that you are a fan of Su Mucheng? "

" Just because I am a fan of hers doesn't automatically translate to me taking a  Launcher class. and I am also a fan of Chu Yunxiu. "

" Okay. So you're not a fan of Wang Jiexi? "

" No. "

" Are they max level? "

" Did we spoil you too much?... "

Sister muttered loudly before replying.

" Yes... Most are purple equipment but there are a few oranges. They have also reached the Heavenly Domain. "

" Thank you. Is brother already gone to the house? "

" Yes, he already left. Are you also asking for his account? Jun Feng, you are becoming too greedy you know that? Borrowing an account from me is fine...but you are planning to take his cleric, Spellblade, mechanic, thief, warlock, and unspecialized... "

After hearing Sister mention 5 classes, my eyes lit up. And also intrigued when I heard Sister mention that Brother has an unspecialized account. I know that Brother was a fan of glory but not extreme as Sisters. For being fans of Glory, it was almost a natural rule that you must be a player or have played the game if you're a fan.

But I didn't know that my brother has so many accounts. Sister continued talking.

" 4 accounts are maxed level except the unspecialized which was stuck in Level 50. "

Brother Hao Lan has so many Glory accounts, he must spend a lot of time playing Glory.

I suddenly feel my heart clench.

" .. No, need. I think I am fine with Witch and Elementalist. Since I am a mage class, I would be more at ease using those 2 classes. "

Smiling, I decided to not borrow the accounts from Brother and just the accounts from Sister.

My Brother is currently 23 years old while my sister is 20 right now. My Brother started going to college when he is 18 years old.

Before my brother has gone to college, his dream and goal used to be different.

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