Chapter 109

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Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 109: Issues

     At the end of April, Conquering Clouds structure were established. Wen Qianmei being the CEO and Manager at the same time. She was the managing department head. Zhang Yuan who was the Captain of team conquering clouds and the team department head. The guild department head is Yue Ziqin the guild leader of Conquering Clouds for heavenly domain. The  Public relations, logistic, research and development and technical department are those people who have Wen Qianmei manage to hire. Someone she have research carefully and make sure that she has a clear grasp of their characters before hiring them.

Since the apartment wasn't enough for the whole conquering clouds, Wen Qianmei have rented the nearbiest apartment in the conquering clouds. No, it wasn't a whole apartment but merely 3 floors. It would be for the public relations and logistic department, and those would also the people that she hired would stay. The research & development and technical department rooms would be move to the 3rd floor of Conquering Clouds HQ.

Even if she was rich, she can't afford renting a whole apartment with the fund given to her and When Dui Fang by their parents. Their mother were happy to support them in their endeavor of following their friend Zhang Yuan as long as they don't end up sullying their family's name and wasting the money she have given on them on something illegal. Their father on the other hand wouldn't be so strict on them as long as their studies and grades are doing well which so far Wen Qianmei and When Dui Fang are managing to the best of their abilities.

The money given to them... Their monthly fund.. Even if they were supportive of them, Wen Qianmei wasn't someone who would request more funds from her parents if she found her allowance lacking. Her pride wouldn't allow it.

In the end, she should have probably just requested from her parents instead of ending up being helped by someone she didn't expect. She knows that with Jun Feng's live streaming career being successful and him entering in a sponsorship from the alliance– he have definitely earned some money. But she didn't expect that much to be given to her by Jun Feng's sister.

1.5 million RMB.

Surely the combined live streaming and contract from alliance wouldn't end up earning that amount of money for a very short time. Where did Shen family ended up acquiring it.

Wen Qianmei learned from Jun Feng that his father is a painter, but no... Jun Feng wasn't someone who would ask his father for help in their financial struggles. It wasn't about the kid's damn pride. Jun Feng wouldn't think about such things but the others may haven't discovered this important fact... There was something in Jun Feng that screams 'I don't want to end up as a burden'.

" It's for the team's sake! "

" No it's fine Zhang Yuan-ge, you should spend your time on other things, I can research the maps by myself. "

" A silver equipment for myself? Sun-gege is our Ace player! We should focus our silver equipment first on him than me. "

" Eheheheh... Uh..  I think Zhang Yuan-ge can use this excess materials for research and development and not give it to me. You know that I suck at creating silver equipment right? No! It wasn't because of my leftover trauma from the Feudal Blacksmith! "

" I would do my best for the team! "

" There's more map research to be done! "

" Strategies... Strategies... "

" Let me help with that trouble Sister Qianmei! "

" Hmmm... How about this? "

" Let me help! "

" I found this item! It should be useful for the others in the guild if I put it there right? "

" Let me help! "

" I would help you get out of trouble Sun-gege! "

" Let me help twilight rose! "

" Be careful! Phew! That was close! "

" Junya-ge did you need something? Are you troubled? Is there something that I could help with? "

" How about you Zishi-ge? "

Wen Qianmei was proven more right in her theory when she learns more about Jun Feng from his sister everytime she accompanied him here every Sunday for the weekly practices.

" Jun Feng is a good kid. He always does his best you know? "

" He was such a sensible little brother and different from the other children of his age. "

" He was doing well in his studies.. and he doesn't have any trouble from school. "

" When he was just a little infant, did you know that Jun Feng only cries when he needs something? ... Nowadays, Jun Feng doesn't cry anymore. Crying is a very rare occasion for him. Even if he cry, it was from tears of happiness. "

" My brother is always an odd child.. But he was just fine as he is. "

" He was a mature and sensible child for his age.

"  I'm glad that my little brother are enjoying playing glory. But I still can't believe the fact that he would end up entering the challenger's league at this age. No it wasn't because it was impossible.. But.. Well it was my bias working that I didn't even think of it. So the thing that happened during the all-star weekend was surprising. Meeting you all and Zhang Yuan declaring his goal. "

Wen Qianmei sighed as she remembered the things that happened. Currently, she was in her bedroom at Conquering Clouds on the 6th floor. Shaking her head from reminiscing things, she continued typing on her laptop for the plans, regulations and goals that she would present tomorrow for the people that she hired for the Conquering Clouds.

So far, the new people haven't still met Jun Feng. But once they started their intense training arc during the month of May, they would end up learning why there was so many secrecy conditions on their contracts.

Hopefully, those new people wouldn't end up breaking those contracts and agreements since they signed the contract, it was stated in the contracts regarding a certain member of their team's secrecy and privacy that she wouldn't end up accepting fines and bribes. The only result of them breaking the contracts are them ending up being filed a lawsuit and court.

While she was typing on her laptop of a very long document, Jun Feng have sent some files in the team conquering clouds QQ chat.

[ Team Conquering Clouds QQ chat group

Grand Caster (Jun Feng):

[ Plan A to Z. Doc ]

[ Code 1 to 1000. Doc ]

[ Map 150- 200. Doc ]

[ A brief analysis of 4 master tacticians. Doc ]

[ A brief analysis of the pro players behind the God level accounts. Doc]

[ A brief analysis of the 24 classes. Doc]

Upon seeing the brief word on some of the documents sent in the QQ chat. Wen Qianmei snorted. No, nothing about those things are brief at all. She have the previous documents sent by Jun Feng indicated on them as brief, but they were anything but brief.

They were a very long document containing a 30,000+ word.

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