Chapter 78

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Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 78: First team opponent and Auction

   After convincing Yue Ziqin to come back and not run away, Zhang Yuan and Yue Ziqin went to the 2nd floor of the mid-rise apartment.

Everyone is there except the two of them. The others are playing Glory on the computer. Glancing at Sun Xiang's monitor, Yue Ziqin could see that they were currently in the Bone Dragon Abyss dungeon. They were fighting the final boss of the Dungeon Bone Dragon Aldton. One of the Dragon brothers in the Bone Dragon Abyss Area. The other 2 dragons are the wild boss and the hidden boss.

Beside Jun Feng, his sister Shen Chao-Xin was on a chair sitting beside him.

Yue Ziqin saw Sun Xiang's character activating one of his berserker skills Crimson Storm. It was the last hit before the final boss's life has been depleted to zero and it was defeated.

All of them sighed in relief when they haven't triggered the hidden boss of the dungeon. After rolling the drops from the boss, Sun Xiang and the others left the dungeon.

" Good job. "

Yue Ziqin said as he approached Sun Xiang and patted his shoulder.

" Your performance is exceptional as always. "

Sun Xiang removes Yue Ziqin's hand from his shoulder and says

" Don't patronize me... "

He then asked.

" Are you staying here? "

Yue Ziqin nervously chuckled when he heard the question. He doesn't want to stay in this haunted apartment, but Zhang Yuan convinces him.

Believing in ghosts was ingrained in his mind since he was young age. His parents happen to be superstitious people. While he hasn't replied, Sun Xiang, told him.

" The place is fine. If I could, I also want to stay here. "

Ignoring Yue Ziqin's disbelieving expression, he continued

" Unfortunately, commuting from J City to N city every day isn't sustainable for me in the long run. I'm a student with no job. I could only travel here every weekend for the practices and offline matches. But maybe, I could permanently stay here starting in the summer. "

Guo Zhishi then butted into the conversation

" J City has good high schools that Sun Xiang could transfer to for his 3rd year once he finishes his 2nd year. And I could look around J City to apply for a part-time job and work my ass off once I finish my vocational education. "

" You two are thinking of staying here permanently? "

Yue Ziqin asked and both of them responded.

"Yes. ""

Sighing, Yue Ziqin thought of the situation. If there would be many people staying here in this haunted apartment, maybe he wouldn't be afraid as much. As long as random paranormal events and shit started happening in this apartment. But if that happened, then he's fucking out.

Forget about playing Glory and his dreams of being a pro player, he needed to make sure he keep his life first and did not end up getting possessed.

While Yue Ziqin was thinking along those like of thoughts, since everyone has finished their dungeon run, Zhang Yuan then brought his hands together and clapped.

" Good timing that everyone has finished their dungeon run. Later, we would start practicing again. But before that, I should inform you that the registration for the challengers league 7th season qualifiers would end later midnight..."

Everyone was brimming in anticipation when they heard the information.

" Also, our first opponent is announced for the challenger's league. "

Wen Qianmei asked.

" Who is it? "

Keeping his face straight as possible, Zhang Yuan responded with a serious tone.

" Our first opponent is Team Twilight Marshmallows. Our fight would happen on February 5 on Friday. And the time of the fight is 8:00 pm. One of the moderator staff of the alliance for the challenger league has also given me the private room number. "

After everyone listened to Zhang Yuan, everyone was silent. Unfortunately, it only lasted for a few instant moments before everyone was trying to keep their laughter.

" Twilight Marshmallows? "

Meng Qiangwei asked with tears in the corner of his eyes.

" Fuck, my stomach.. "

Guo Zhishi wheezed while holding his stomach. Jun Feng was chuckling and Hao Junya was covering his mouth to stop his laughing. Sun Xiang's reaction wasn't as prominent as the others, he has a rare bright smile on his face. A sight to truly behold.

Clapping his hand once again to call everyone's attention, Zhang Yuan says

" Okay, that's enough everyone. Their name may not be intimidating and they sounded like a joke. But we would be the ones turning into a joke if we are defeated by them. Are you allowing that situation to happen? "

There was a chorus of no from everyone. Nodding his head slightly, Zhang Yuan said.

" Good. "

Sitting on one of the game chairs, he then opened one of the computers. After a while, he entered Glory once again and created a private room Arena.

" We couldn't let our guard down. Let's start our training and everyone should start reading the info and guide about different classes in Glory. You are familiar with your classes, but you should also familiarize yourself more with the other classes. "

While everyone was listening to Zhang Yuan's lecturing and advice, Jun Feng was also listening but he was also looking at his character in glory right now.

All of his equipment is level 70. The only problem was that all of them are orange equipment. Unlike others who have one or three pieces of Silver Equipment, Shen Jung Feng is the odd one out.

As Zhang Yuan told everyone the password and name of the private room, Jung Feng was determined to have silver equipment. Unfortunately, all of his silver equipment created during December wasn't something that can be called silver equipment at all.

He currently has 21,000 + gold right now in his inventory. He has a ton of fortune with him, but he was afraid to create another product that consists of trash and he doesn't want the 21,000 + gold to turn into waste.

The best solution for him right now was to buy silver equipment from players or the auction.

Tomorrow, he would start searching!

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