Chapter 131

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Arc 3: Second Chances

Chapter 131: War Over Materials (Part 3)

Friday. July 23, 2021-

Hearing what Xiao Shiqin told me, there was only one thing that I could say in my mind.

' Oops.. '

If Sun-Ge heard what I said and knew the consequences of it, he would already be berating me.

I didn't know that there was an unspoken role against allying yourselves with the other guilds. And so here we are currently suffering the consequences of the suggestions of my actions.

It wasn't just the Conquering Clouds that were suffering under the attacks of the other guilds when hunting wild boss materials out there in Heavenly Domain, but the Thunderclap and Royal Style too.

Both Xiao Shiqin and Tian Sen are aware of the unofficial rule. But even with those unofficial rules existing, when I proposed a Wild Boss alliance hunting with them, they agreed with me.

Together, our guilds would hunt wild bosses and after that, we would divide our shares.

The Wild Boss Materials shares are like this...

The Thunder Clap and Royal Style get 35% off each of the Wild Boss materials that we gathered and Conquering Clouds get the remaining 30% of the Wild Boss materials.

The Conquering Clouds are new to the scene so it was expected that we would get a lesser amount of materials over them. But considering the percentage of the amount given to us Xiao Shiqin and Tian Sen are generous enough to let the Conquering Clouds have the 30% percentage.

It was so generous that I knew that they had some motives. Even though I have left a good impression on them and got along fine with them with my interaction in our group chat, that wasn't for letting the conquering clouds have 30%. By letting us have the 30%, I'm certain that they want to gain our goodwill. But is it worth to exchange our goodwill by angering the other guilds?

Xiao-ge and Tian-ge are too nice. If we have possibly teamed up with other guilds hypothetically... For example, in Excellent Era, I'm certain that we wouldn't get more than 15%. Not just because of Liu Hao and the other self-sabotaging members of it but because there was Ye Xiu in it.

His shamelessness knows no bounds and the things that I remembered that happened in my past life regarding King's avatar, I think it wasn't far-fetched that it was possible to happen if we allied with the Excellent Era Hypothetically.

Not that it would ever happen.

For the Blue Rain and Tyranny, the two clubs in which the other two master tacticians are located, I think that they wouldn't possibly offer 30% if we hypothetically allied with them for Wild Boss materials.

They wouldn't be as shameless as Ye Xiu but they wouldn't be generous like Xiao Shiqin and Tian Sen either.

In the first place, why would Conquering Clouds ally themselves with Thunderclap and Royal Style?

It was pretty simple and obvious. We need the Wild Boss Materials. Unlike the 8th Server, getting wild boss materials at Heavenly Domain is 100% more difficult than the regular servers.

The Heavenly Domain consists of the cream of the top players. Experts, Skilled players, and people who have a lot of knowledge of the Glory are the enemy of Conquering Clouds here when it comes to Wild Boss materials.

The Pro Club guilds which weren't lacking in those types of players are our competition. And now, it was currently summer vacation.

Which was very unfortunate for Conquering Clouds.

Summer vacation is summer vacation.

The Chinese Glory Professional Alliance is currently on a summer break before the start of a new season of competition. That means that acquiring those Wild Boss Materials is harder than ever the regular difficulty of getting Wild Boss material in the Heavenly Domain.

Compared to the other guilds like Excellent Era, Blue Rain, Tyranny, Herb Garden, and even that one army guy Samsara, we would lose if we fought against them over Wild Boss materials.

Compared to them, we are just noobs.

Why not just go back to the Conquering Clouds' usual style of player killing and hopefully acquiring their silver equipment?

Nope, that wouldn't work.

Since Conquering Clouds is entering the Glory Professional Alliance Season 7 competition this upcoming month of September, it was required for us to have Silver Equipment if we wanted a chance to win.

Not just any ordinary silver equipment. But a top-tier one.

It wasn't only to be top quality but we needed silver equipment that would suit each of us. Taking account of the player's needs and play style. Something that suits each member of the Conquering Clouds.

A personalized one, if you will.

Having good silver equipment better our chances of having a chance to win in the upcoming Season 7 of the Professional League.

But it wasn't that we were expecting to become Champions in this Professional Alliance Season 7 tournament. That would be too ridiculous.

Zhang Yuan-ge is aiming for our team to enter the finals. That goal for our team is reasonable since it was our first time entering the professional alliance.

Today's day for Conquering Clouds, Thunderclap, and Royal Style is rough. Other guilds are waiting to kill us when we go together hunting wild boss materials. Big-name guilds teaming up against us and stopping us from getting wild boss materials.

And now those big-name guilds are making teams with each other well in pairs. The fighting over wild boss materials gets more competitive and ferocious.

After the killing that we experienced over the past few days, I think that it was a good idea to stop the wild boss killings in the meantime. For now, there are other ways to acquire materials.

The Heavenly Dungeon Bosses give out good loot and materials.

Tomorrow, we should start our hunting.

For now, I should contact Xiao-ge and Tian-Ge if they want to team up with Conquering Clouds on the dungeon runs.

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