Chapter 102

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Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 102: I just know a 'little bit

    Tuesday afternoon, Rex V. Anima's live stream started once again. This time, different from his stream last week and yesterday, his stream today wasn't about glory.

Since his game wasn't about glory, a lot of donations came pouring into him. Jun Feng was dumbfounded by the number of donations that came through. He chuckled wryly when there was a donation chat cursing him for not activating his donations in his glory stream while there were others happy with it since it shows that he respected Glory.

Today, there were 40k viewers which was different from the number of viewers that he acquired when playing Glory which was around 70-100k viewers.

Glory was a popular game and Jun Feng's streaming style made them entertained. But when he decided to stream a different game which wasn't even those FPS, Dota games that were popular to live stream, many decided to pull out.

Puyo Vs Tetris 2? Most of the viewers who pulled out the thought of the Puyo Puyo Vs Tetris 2 is just a child's game. And it was an unknown game to this country where Glory, FPS, and Dota games are dominant.

Still, he would continue the same as usual on his live streaming. And today was a special day.

{ Hello everyone! Welcome! Welcome! This is Rex V. Anima! Today, we would have no Grand Caster to see in Glory since we would play a puyo puyo vs Tetris 2! Everyone may think that puyo puyo vs Tetris is a child's game. You're right that Tetris is a child-friendly game.  But.. Ahem. Ahem. This game may not be child friendly because of a certain character. Anyway, even though this is a child's game I promise that this game is fun and this was not an easy peasy game! And today is a special day for we have our very first guest! Let's welcome one of my fellow members of Conquering Clouds, Skyline Express my team's exorcist! }

A little chibi icon illustration appeared beside's Rex V. Anima's 2D avatar.

{ .. Hello. I'm Skyline Express. I'm here because Rex invited me to play Tetris with him today. Among the other members of conquering clouds, I'm the only one who knows how to play Tetris. }

{ So since when did you start playing Tetris brother Skyline? }

{ I played during my childhood so I know a little bit. I may have become rusty over the years. How about you Rex? You told us that you know how to play some Tetris. }

{ Yep. Just also a little bit. Let's start our 1 v 1 then we can enter the puzzle league and we can have a 2 v 2. }

They then went to the character-choosing screen.

Hao Junya chooses the character Ai. A character that is a humanoid dog with glasses. He gives off an intellectual feeling to him.

[ Sega. Tetris.  Puyo Puyo Tetris.. }

{ Really? All of the characters that I have to choose it was the one to have the advertisement voice line.? }

{ PffAnyway, I prefer Jap dubs over English dubs so pardon if viewers wouldn't understand what they are saying. Anyway, one of the reasons I choose this game was because of their voice lines and the 2D animations. Anyway, not all of his voice lines are about Sega or advertisements. All characters have them saying Sega. Ai is an elegant and scientific type of character. }

On the other hand, Rex chooses the character Sig. A boy with light blue hair. And a pair of odd-colored eyes of blue and red. One of his hands is red.

[ Yaruzo.. ]

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