Chapter 28

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 28: A little bit of infamy

  The next day within the Glory Chinese Forums, a certain thread about the 8th server became popular.

The thread title was “Blood Gunner Yagg Wild Boss War”

Many players who left a comment on the thread were involved in the said war. But some outsiders decided to take a peek at the thread.

One of the most popular things on this thread was a certain video of a guild leader being killed by members of a completely unknown newbie guild until now.

The said person shown being killed in the video was the 8th server guild leader assassin Burst Blood of the Blossoms Valley.

< Under the complete chaos and war among the different guilds, The Assasin Burst Blood keeps killing the players who were approaching him and wanted him dead.

" Tch! Is that all you got dirty fuckers?! "

Burst Blood exclaimed in the video as he killed two players from Samsara and a healer from that newbie and unknown guild Conquering Clouds. Unknown to him, two people were behind him.

" What?! "

Burst Blood exclaimed as he suddenly felt himself being stunned by a skill. But before he can look back and respond to the attack, he didn't get the chance as an × cross formed on his body and he started bleeding. Then he a sword pierced his character's chest and Burst Blood dropped to the ground dead.

" Nice shot Cross Knife! "

One of the killers of Burst Blood exclaimed happily. The voice that came out from this person was very creepy and odd. This someone has his character falls into the mage class judging from his appearance.

This was the culprit who has stunned Burst Blood.

" Hmmph... "

The other culprit who appeared to be in swordsman class ignored his mage class companion. This is the one who has used berserker skills on Burst Blood and killed him.

" Well, we have avenged Twilight Rose and the Guild Leader. But I take it that you aren't still satisfied? Oh, wait. There's a drop! Let's take it! "

" Okay. Let's take this bastard's items and kill more of these bastards! "

" Yup! Yup! Let's kill more and collect more loot! If you were in a pinch then you can log out so that you wouldn't drop your items and the loot that we got! "

" You told us that you are a newbie.. "

" Indeed I am a newbie! Look! They are coming again! I would support you as usual Cross Knife. "

" You don't need to tell me, Grand Caster! "

" It's killing time~ but don't you think that we should kill the little rabbit that has been hiding all this time? "

" What rabbit? "

The mage class player named Grand Caster move his player and activated his skill

" Found you! "

[ Player Grand Caster killed Player Aeon ]

" you're acting creepy Grand Caster. "

" Should I roleplay? "


Aeon has his character dropped to the ground heard their banter and felt miserable. He has just recorded all of the happening and he doesn't have any plans of killing anyone.

Aeon felt bullied.

" What the hell?! I'm just recording the battle! I'm innocent! Fuck.. "

Aeon complained. After a while, he decided to end the video.>

The other guild leaders laughed at Burst Blood's misfortune while most of the players thought that this mage-class Grand Caster who has a very creepy voice was completely insane.

They also felt pity for Aeon who just wanted to record a video faithfully and honestly.


   It wasn't still one week, but I already had my first PK experience which was a new record compared to my previous life. It also shows that Glory was much more competitive and intense than those RPG games.

Yesterday, was complete chaos.

I have killed players and supported Cross Knife with the help of Twilight Rose.

Among all of the guild members, Cross Knife has killed a total of 18 players. It was a lot. As for my record, I have killed a total of 10 players. The 2nd player who has the highest kill record in our guild was Miss Disordered Elegance who was a total of 13 kills.

Before we could get killed, we decided to log out of the game and have enough of the Chaos. Even with the drops that we got, if we would be killed by those big guilds, it would outweigh our gains.

Logging into the game on December 9 of Wednesday, the first thing that we did was to clear our names. It was either by killing each other or throwing ourselves at monsters.

We have also prepared ourselves on facing the PK penalties.

I don't know the penalty for other people, but my penalty happened to be an experience loss.

I was always worried that I was a bit late to catch up with the other player's levels, now, I have this kind of penalty... It hurts thinking just thinking about it.

Thankfully, it seems that the others have also faced this problem. Before we went to start grinding our levels, we decided on arranging all of the spoils that we got.

We got a total of 23 spoils from the other guild and we lost 7 items. 4 of those belongs to our Blade Master Guild Leader Storm Conquest.

I thought that our guild leader seems like an unlucky person.

How high is his probability of dropping items?

[ Blood Staff (Level 25) Orange Tier ]

[ Blood Ring (Level 25) Orange Tier ]

At the end of sorting out the items, I was given two orange tier equipment which I could use when I reach level 25. But first, I need to level up to 25. Even though I can reach level 25 today, it is estimated that it would happen in the afternoon because I have lost a lot of exp as a PK penalty.

As for Cross Knife, his luck must be soaring right now because he got silver equipment. A silver sword that can be used by his class.

I am a little envious of his luck. But I think that he deserves it and am happy for him. He has killed a lot of players after all so he deserves to take the silver equipment sword.

Other than that, I also wanted to borrow the silver equipment so I can study it and further my research on making silver equipment.

After the distribution, Storm Conquest reminded us to be cautious and don't attract attention from the people of the guild from Blossom Valley, Samsara, Void Walk, and Misty Castle.

Specifically, the guild leader was talking about Cross Knife and me.

He mentioned that there was a video of Cross Knife and me in the forums which I found unbelievable.

Also, after the battle, I notice that a lot of our guild members are staying away from me.

Maybe, I should change the voice that I was using since they are afraid of me? Did I roleplay too much? Or did someone say bad things about me in the forum?

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