Chapter 44

354 36 1

Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 44: The birth of Gloom Dungeon's new strategy

   Gloom forest. A level 44-46 leveling area. Just its name implied, the Gloom forest is dark. Literally and figuratively. The monsters in this area mainly consist of goblins.

' The Glory developers must have some unspoken desire with how much they enter so many goblins and dungeons consisting of those monsters. '

Wen Dui Fang thought inside his mind. Truthfully, he was getting tired of seeing goblins in the game.

Gloom's forest dungeon is located in the deepest part of the Gloom Forest. The reason why they were here today, accompanying Yue Ziqin and his friends?/ acquaintances was that the gloom dungeon is a 5-10 player dungeon.

Just like the Gloom Forest, the Gloom Dungeon is very dark. Darker than the Gloom Forest and players couldn't even see anything on them. To finish the dungeon, players need to use unconventional means and rely on their hearing to attack the monsters in the dungeon.

Before going to the dungeon, Yue (Moon Ziqin) Ziqin and Zhang Yuan (Storm Conquest), have delved into the glory forums to gain a guide for the dungeon.

The two of them should have a strategy already planned for the dungeon since it wouldn't be their first time in the dungeon, they have already done a gloom forest dungeon run on other servers, but it was bound for them to forget about some things.

Before entering, Zhang Yuan has shown a map layout of the dungeon. The map was acquired from a guide from the 7th server. Players have roughly sketched the map and it was close to accurate as it can be.

Other than the map, there is also information about the monsters in the dungeon. As have said before, Gloom Dungeon and Gloom Area mainly consist of goblins.

The goblins are very quick and stealthy. They have an enhanced aggro range and they can hear very clearly. They mainly rely on their hearing to sense their enemies and they were blind.

Gloom Dungeon consists of 3 mini bosses and 1 final boss. And there was also 1 hidden boss located on the secret floor in the Gloom Dungeon. Through, the secret floor was hard to find. Only very few players have entered them and the Gloom dungeon secret floor was only discovered last year in the 7th server. It was a complete coincidence that a player ended up discovering it because she ended up getting lost and separated from the other players.

Zhang Yuan other than information about the map, monsters, mini-bosses, and the final boss, informed them that they need to stick together so that they wouldn't end up getting lost.

The strategy that was written in the guide needs someone in the Knight's class to endure all of the onslaughts from the monsters since they would be sticking together.

The guide said that the dungeon clearing would take 50-1 hour time. The pros have their clearing time at around 49 minutes and a second gap from the other pros.

The best-recorded record belongs to the Excellent Era and One Autumn Leaf's party which is 49 minutes and 1 second. Gloom forest is a game of endurance. It is required to be patient if the players don't want their party to be wiped out.

After discussing strategies with them, their party entered the Gloom Forest Dungeon.

When they entered the dungeon, Grand Caster suddenly summoned his dark spirit and typed.

[Grand Caster: I have a faster idea for us to locate the monsters and aggro them. It is also safe and would cause less chunk towards us and the Opposite Balance do you want to hear them? ]

[ Storm Conquest: Why are you telling this just now? ]

[ Grand Caster: I just started to think of it when you were discussing with us the strategy captain and I am not sure if this would be very effective and there was a risk of us dying. ]

[ Storm Conquest: Yet you still entertained the idea. Do you want us to try it, Grand Caster? ]

[ Grand Caster: If Captain and the others agreed. ]

[ Storm Conquest: Let's see. ]

[ Moon Ziqin: Then, let's try. ]

[ Twilight Rose: Agree. ]

[ Disordered Elegance: Okay ]

[ Opposite Balance: What the majority wants ]

[ Watchful Hound: √  ]

[ Cross Knife: I just want us to be faster. ]

[ Storm Conquest: Looks like everyone wanted to try it out. ]

[ Grand Caster: Thank you, Guild Leader, Everyone. ]

Grand Caster summoned 5 dark spirits with him. It surprised Wen Dui Fang since Grand Caster seemed to increase the proficiency of his Dark Spirit skill too much.

Wen Dui Fang hasn't seen someone who can summon 5 Dark Spirits at once. Grand Caster then drinks a mana potion before activating another skill. The Dark Spirits move in 5 separate directions. Wen Dui Fang and the others noticed that Grand Caster has dark spirits going to the location of the monsters.

Grand Caster was planning to have his dark spirits kite the monsters.

Worried, he decided to ask.

[ Opposite Balance: Won't your dark spirits be killed? ]

[ Grand Caster: Don't worry, I just use my mark skill in the farthest aggro range of the blind goblins that they could muster. ]

[ Opposite Balance: I see. Thank you for the explanation, Grand Caster. ]

He doesn't also want to roleplay this time and he was just acting like a normal person right now.

[ Grand Caster: Don't worry about it. Ah, everyone please prepare your highest firepower skills, the blind goblins are near. ]

As Grand Caster types those words, he then summoned 3 ice spirits and 3 fire spirits. He consumed another mana potion again.

They were confused when Grand Caster have the ice spirits freezing the ground around them and the ice melted by the flame spirits. The floor was drenched with water and puddles. But then they understand what he wanted when the goblins arrive and stepped into the water puddles around them. They couldn't see clearly, but the goblin's footsteps made contact with water, they could hear it.

Grand Caster then summoned 3 thunder spirits and have them attack the puddles of water. All of the blind goblins were then electrocuted and their effect stun status has been triggered.

Shrieks of agony came from the blind goblins.

Using their high-damage skills, they erase the remaining life points of the monsters.

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