Chapter 98

325 36 11

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 98: Heavenly Domain Challenge Speedrun (Part 5)

  Sun Xiang who was watching the live stream on his phone while playing Glory on the computer sighed.

During the Christmas event, Jun Feng informed them of the reason why he was number 2 on that naughty list at that time. The reason and culprit for that were the Feudal Blacksmith and it was the negative reputation that Grand Caster earned as a result of his failing a very difficult quest.

As a result of that, Jun Feng developed a very deep grudge towards the NPC Feudal Blacksmith.

Team Conquering Clouds know why Jun Feng was acting psychotic right now.

Grand Caster chooses the second option.

[ You have gained 100 reputation points from Shunned Magical Engineer of the East ]

[ Shunned Magical Engineer of the East:

I am grateful for your honesty. But even if you aren't a disciple of the Feudal Blacksmith, would you still help me get my revenge and kill him?

→ Yes
→ No         ]

Choosing the first option, a quest was then revealed. And the mountain and the narrow path remained.

[ You have unlocked the Special Hidden Quest 'Last Wish of the Shunned Magical Engineer of the East ]

While the live stream was bombarded by comments asking Grand Caster about the Hidden Quest, the NPC started to reveal his backstory.

He was a runaway from a faraway empire and the feudal blacksmith saves him from his death. The feudal blacksmith took care of and nurse him back to his health. When the NPC woke up, it was discovered that he suffered from amnesia regarding his identity, and the only thing that he remembered was the name of his empire.

The said faraway empire was destroyed thousand years ago.

Since the NPC has amnesia, the feudal blacksmith decided to take him in and not abandon him on the streets. From childhood to his youth, the feudal blacksmith takes care of the NPC.

When the NPC was a teenager he expresses his desire to learn from the Feudal Blacksmith of his craft. The Feudal Blacksmith accepted him and taught him everything that he knows.

When the NPC became an adult, he surpassed the Feudal Blacksmith when it comes to Blacksmithing. Feudal Blacksmith decided to pass the title of the Feudal Blacksmith to the NPC but the young man rejected it.

He doesn't want to take the title of a feudal blacksmith at all and he also wanted to create a new craft of his own.

After that, it became a convoluted series of dog-blood dramas, and the feudal blacksmith and the NPC ended up as enemies according to the NPC. At that time the NPC also became a Magical Engineer of the East.

Challenging the Feudal Blacksmith and the condition was that the loser would listen to the winner, and the Magical Engineer lose. The Feudal Blacksmith ordered him to never came back to the East City.

After that, the Magical Engineer regained the lost memories of his childhood and then he doesn't explain why did he end up on this mountain there was also a lot of missing information.

[ Quest 1: Last Wish of the Shunned Magical Engineer of the East

→  The desire for revenge on the Feudal Blacksmith was indecipherable. Since you wanted to help him enact his revenge, the Magical Engineer of the East wanted you to help him acquire an item that came from Feudal Blacksmith

An item from the Feudal Blacksmith:



Quest 2: Last Wish of the Shunned Magical Engineer of the East ]

After reading the quest content, the viewers could see Grand Caster messaging one of his friends Opposite Balance in the game chat.

[ Grand Caster: Balance-ge could I have the Attracting Hatred Handbook back?

Opposite Balance: I am currently watching your live stream like some of the others. And since it is yours I could send it to you through the mail. But do you consider it a wise decision to sacrifice the item?

Grand Caster: If I could have the chance for revenge and kill the feudal blacksmith, I would sacrifice everything!

Opposite Balance: Already sent it. Go to any town and check your mail through a courier.

Grand Caster: Thanks Balance-ge. I promise that I would make it up to you in the future.

Opposite Balance: It's your item, you just let me borrow it. ]

Arriving at one of the towns, Grand Caster checked the mail sent to him by Opposite Balance and he got the item.

When the viewers saw the item description they cried foul, the Glory Knight players also felt their hearts broken to pieces when Grand Caster turned in the item to the NPC

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When the viewers saw the item description they cried foul, the Glory Knight players also felt their hearts broken to pieces when Grand Caster turned in the item to the NPC. It was also like Grand Casters have desecrated the graveyard of their ancestors. They were filled with anger as the item was turned in.

' It was a precious item! How could you sacrifice it?! '

But considering Grand Caster's strange hatred towards the Feudal Blacksmith– the viewer realized as they watched the events that transpire on the live stream, it doesn't seem farfetched considering his behavior.

Grand Caster is a Chuuni role player who has immersed himself deep into the role and forgotten that Glory is just a game.

[ Quest 2: Last Wish of the Shunned Magical Engineer of the East unlocked  ]

Grand Caster then continued the next given information to him given by the NPC. Reading them loud and even repeated some of the sentences sometimes to make sure that he didn't miss something. But when the quest was given to him. His eager and crazed tone was replaced by anger and disappointment.

{ What the hell?! Why?! Goddamnit! }

[ Quest 2: Last Wish of the Shunned Magical Engineer of the East unlocked

→ The Shunned Magical Engineer can't leave the mountain. So he beseeches you once again to do an important task for him.

There was the scorned charmer of the West that resides within the tallest tower of the heavenly domain. Deliver the item and talk to her.

0/1 Deliver the item to the Scorned Charmer of the West.      ]

Grand Caster who was still in the process of doing the heavenly domain challenge wouldn't be able to complete the quest.

Sighing, Grand Caster then continued to do his Heavenly Domain Challenge. After the Heavenly Domain Challenge, he would make sure to finish the damn quest so he could seek his revenge for the Feudal Blacksmith.

He then went for the 5th portion of the Chain Quest.

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