Chapter 125

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AN: Would it be okay if I decided to just update this 3 chapters for every week? I have difficult time updating my other fanfics and stories and I would become busy again with some IRL stuffs.

I thought that there wasn't much to take after our research but there's a lot of things that our teachers has suddenly brought to us.

Arc 3: Chances

Chapter 125: Class Advancement

With the end of June, many things have happened. In the end of June, with Zhang Yuan's help, we manage to coordinate with Royal Style's CEO, Misty Rain's CEO and 301 Degrees CEO to pull Tian Sen, Chu Yunxiu and Yang Cong together in the June's end of the month's live stream.

Not just in my Reminiscing in Glory segment  but I have also decided to add some changes. Other than reminiscing in Glory on the last day of month of June for 1 hour, there would be an additional 2 hours added. And that 2 hours would be spent with the Glory Pro players spending their time playing another game than glory. It has been requested by the viewers. Even those viewers who plays glory. They were interested in seeing on how would the experts would do in other games.

After the reminiscing glory session, the game that I have chosen for the 3 glory pro players to play was Phasmophobia.

The Phasmophobia is a paranormal horror game that can be played by 1 to 4 players. If I can summarized it properly, the players would do like a reenactment of ghost busters where the players would gather evidence of paranormal activities and determine what type of ghosts is in the every locations.

A few days before the live stream, I asked the each of the invited guests if they are okay with playing horror games. Since I was given an OK by each of them, then it was decided that we would play Phasmophobia.

Of course, I would also play the horror game with the other 3 experts. Phasmophobia is a game that I haven't played in my past life and this would be my first time playing the game.

When the reminiscing glory ended and we start playing phasmophobia, even if we are noobs in the game, I still choose to play the normal difficulty.

During the live stream, I didn't expect that Tian Sen and Yang Cong would be the one who would scream the most. Then Chu Yunxiu would be the one who would always let out a string of curses and I would be the one to always die first.

Fuck my luck.

In the end, we have enjoyed the game and the viewers have a good laugh watching us fail at surviving and guessing the type of ghosts before we started getting better.

With this new added part of at the every end of the month, viewers were starting to wonder how would the other experts do in other games.

For example, viewers are wondering if Zhou Zekai and the other gunner pro players would be good at playing FPS games. Some viewers wanted the 4 master tacticians playing among us together and manipulate and marinate their way to survival as imposters and etc.

Other than the regular end of the month live stream, offline, there are many things that happened to me.

With the end of June, my life as a Year 3 student would finally ended.

Starting at September I would be a Year 4 student if there aren't any complications. But I counted the years, I don't think that I can just let myself remain as a Year 4 student.

Talking to my parents and siblings, I talk about my desire for taking a school year test advancement exam to Year 6. Advancing 2 years only wouldn't change much my performance in school. I have the confidence that I would still do well in my studies since I would be definitely be worried if I advance to high school which was a very ridiculous notion of thought that I don't want it to become a reality.

If I really advance to high school, there's no way that I would be able to keep up with the other students while also spending my time playing glory. And there was also no way that whoever in charge in the exams would let a little child advance into high school. And I have no desire if ending up mistaken as a demon or ending up being taken by mad scientists so that they could dissect me and examine my brain.

Nope, not at all. I don't want my scary imagined situation to ended up as a reality.

At first, my parents were surprise with me bringing the idea of me taking tests to advance classes. For the past year's, Some of my teachers have already suggested this matter to my parents including Miss Du since I have doing well in my school performances. In my tests and exams, there wasn't any miss that you would find in my papers.

But during Year 3, I decided to have 1 to 3 miss in my tests and exams so that my teachers wouldn't bring up the idea to my parents again. But this time, I was the one bringing the subject to them.

" You... you're doing this so you could play more glory don't you? "

My sister Chao-Xin give me an exasperated look.

" Why would advancing a school year meant more playing glory time for me Sister? Isn't it the opposite? "

" Don't give me that innocent look. You are doing this so you could avoid being roped in school competitions aren't you? "

" If I did that, I should have just advance to middle school. "

My parents and brother give me their infamous 'look'. This look was them expressing that they aren't stupid and know what I have something that I was planning.

Sighing, my sister was correct. I am advancing so that I wouldn't get roped much in school competitions and contests anymore but I don't want to make it obvious.

As for the last important thing that happened during the month of June, it has something to do with the publishing company that was responsible for the printing of my first book. The owner wanted to meet me according to sister and brother.

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