Chapter 99

329 34 3

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 99: Heavenly Domain Challenge Speedrun (Part 6)

    Quest portion 5 involves a player rolling on a generated obstacle course for the quest without colliding and hitting anything. If you hit something, your character would automatically die.

The obstacle course was quite long like the narrow path on the mountain. Thankfully, the road to the obstacle course was wide but there were many obstacles that you needed to avoid and hit from start to finish.

This time, many viewers were relieved when they saw Grand Caster has taken 5 tries before he completed the obstacle course without hitting anything.

The total time for the obstacle course was 55 minutes and 45 seconds. But some recorded his 5th attempt try. His total time was 12 minutes and 36 seconds.

{ Ughh... I'm dizzy from all of the rolling. Let me take a break for a little bit. }

No, Grand Caster's time was still inhuman for normal players. 5 tries. Watching him, the normal players could see that his technical skills doesn't have to do with luck.

Every time he failed the obstacle course, the obstacle would change once again.

After failing 4 times, each of his rolls on 5th attempt while he was rolling fastly– The Pro players who were watching could tell that he have a good reaction time and he was able to adapt to the changes that happened.

After completing Quest Portion 5 and taking a rest for a few minutes, Grand Caster headed to take Quest Portion 6. Part 6 is titled Comprehensive Exam. It is a challenge that involves a player passing all of the different terrains and obstacles using the proper movements on each terrain.

The terrain's number range from 5-12 terrains. 5 is the luckiest while 12 is the unluckiest. Unfortunately for Grand Caster, the game has generated 12 terrains for him that he needed to pass through.

Thankfully, the only requirement for the Comprehensive Exam was for you to make it from the start to the end of the terrain. There was no time limit but the player could still die if they aren't careful and watched over their health. Some things can affect the player's health on different terrains.

Grand Caster is truly unlucky with the combination of the 12 terrains generated by the game. All of them are difficult. And even if he dies and try tries again, the terrain would remain the same until he completed it.

The important thing to remember for players was that the all-terrain that was generated by the game came from different PVP maps from Glory.

The first terrain for Grand Caster is a difficult one. If it would be rated by normal players. It is rated 10/10.

The first terrain is the Status Geysers map. A hit from one of the geysers would cause the player to fall prey to status effects. Glory has different status effects. What may come from the Status geysers may be a burn, freeze, static, stun, sleep, poison, bleed, etc.

The player needs to be avoided to be hit by geysers so they wouldn't be affected by the status effects.

When the viewers saw the status geysers' random explosions, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets and they let out a lot of swear words cursing the glorious developers of the game.

It was impossible...

For the very first time, the viewers felt pity for Grand Caster and cry out for the injustice that he experienced.

The viewers lit a candle for Grand Caster when they saw him just looking at the geysers from the distance and he hasn't still approached the terrains.

' What kind of bullshit is this?! Are you glory developers still human?! '

The geyser's eruption hasn't a clear pattern. They don't erupt at the same time and are completely random. Most of the geysers erupt very fast, there are some fast, a few moderate, slow, and very rare very very slow. That's how irregular the status of geysers is.

Walking to this status geysers are a suicide mode. This first terrain is very impossible to clear at all.

Some of the viewers commented that Grand Caster should report it to the Devs so that this issue would be fixed by them soon.

After a few minutes of waiting, Grand Caster suddenly started humming to their confusion, and he headed rush towards the geysers.

{ tu, Tu, Tu, Tu, ... Tututu. All that stuff you like, stuff 'em in! Almost too overflowing, and voila, it's just right! Even all that stuff you hate, hey, throw all that in! It's too late for regrets! Even your taste buds are useless! Even the repulsive stuff is fine! Put as many favorites as you have! This feeling is always H A R D C O R E!!!!!....}

While he rushes forward to the geysers, he started singing a random unknown Japanese song to the viewers. The tempo of the song was irregular, fast, and very fast, there were slow parts and some very slow parts. There were points where the song is complete gibberish to them since it looks like Grand Caster doesn't memorize the lyrics of the song or whatever he was singing.

Would it be even called a song? When Grand Caster looks like he was rapping?

Their fright and confusion turned into excitement when they saw him avoid the erupting geysers one by one. They almost had a heart attack when Grand Caster barely missed death moments.

Then at the near end when that fucking geyser erupted.

{ and this is the real final blow! }

A lot of curses came from the viewers when that 'real final blow' gave them the ultimate scare of their life.

And then they sighed in relief when Grand Caster completed the first terrain. For those viewers who don't expect Grand Caster to ever complete this Status Geyster terrain but still record, they look at their record in disbelief.

From the moment that Grand Caster entered and left the first terrain, 2 minutes and 13 seconds.

In excitement, the viewers started calling Grand Caster the Status Geyser God. They then cursed at Grand Caster when they discovered that the Donation option was unavailable.

They then remembered what Grand Caster posted on his page. Donations are deactivated during his Glory Live streams.

' Damn it, Grand Caster! '


( AN: Yay! 'Happy' 1st month of me not being able to clear the Yaminabe in expert mode.

I tried earlier again and failed...

And as a result of that... This chapter came. Also thanks to everyone reading this fanfic. We are near chapter 100! This is my longest fanfic! )

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