Chapter 77

366 34 11

Arc 2: Conquering Clouds

Chapter 77: Y Town's infamous mid-rise apartment

[ January 31, 2021 ]

    Outside of J City center– On G district near Y town, a taxi stopped near the town. Opening the door of the taxi, Yue Ziqin dragged the suitcase out of his car and paid the driver.

The taxi then left after that. Looking around and walking on the streets, Yue Ziqin notices that Y town is better than his town. In the morning, there weren't many people that were walking around, and he could only see a few small cars passing by. There are no trucks, buses, or gigantic vehicles.

He also passed by a park where there were a lot of trees, a greenhouse, a pond, and a golf course. Yue Ziqin came across different sights, rivers, old restaurants, bookstores, convenience stores, and gas stations until he finally arrives at the front of the low-rise apartment that the 3 rich second-generation young masters and young miss have bought.

As depicted in the presentation a few days ago, it is a mid-rise apartment that has a total of 6 floors. But then Yue Ziqin blinked.

The paint on the apartment is an old and dirty white color different from the presentation gray paint which was looking brand new.

Currently, Yue Ziqin has a deadpan expression on his face right now. But inside his mind, he was complaining about the photoshop and photo edits.

' fucking special effects and photo edits! '

Around the low-rise apartment, the tiles of the pavement and the road shows signs of cracks. There weren't any buildings or establishments besides the apartment.

It would take a while for them to arrive at the nearest establishments and buildings near the apartment. It is probably around 10 minutes. On the back of the apartment– not far away was an array of trees and bushes that it looks like it was some sort of mini-forest.

Walking toward the apartment gate, he was greeted by the guard who was looking like he have a sleepless night. The guard then noticed and stopped dozing off. The guard then yawned and asked from his guardhouse.

" Your name sir? "

" Yue Ziqin. I informed Qianmei that I would arrive here today. "

The guard then took out his phone and attempted to call. After a minute of attempt, the guard revealed an irritated expression and muttered.

" Shitty signal.. "

Frowning, Yue Ziqin took out his phone and look at the signal connection.

It was set in the lowest signal strength. Yue Ziqin then asked the guard.

" Is it always like this? "

The guard shook his head and replied.

" No. The cellphone signal here is a bit unstable this morning. But around the approaching noon and midnight, the signal is stable. Then it would turn shitty again when it was approaching around 3:00 am. "

Yue Ziqin then asked another question.

" How long have Zhang Yuan and the young master and miss Wen and have been staying here? "

" January 24. "

" So, one week? "

" Yes, Sir Ziqin. "

" Have the other guests arrived? "

" Mr. Qiangwei arrived yesterday while Mr. Hao Junya arrived on January 28 which is Thursday. "

Yue Ziqin that both Hao Junya and Qiangwei played glory with him. It doesn't seem that they have internet connection problems. (Though, why did the two of them didn't mention anything about already moving to the apartment? ).

Remembering the state of the road and pavement, Yue Ziqin asked.

" So what's the matter with the road and pavements? "

" The renovation crew isn't still finished repairing things outside of the apartment. According to Miss Qianmei, it would be starting tomorrow that the old paint of the apartment would be changed by the renovation crew. And another next week for the pavement and another week for the road. "

When Yue Ziqin heard the guard's explanation, he was starting to grow apprehensive about the building. He then asked the guard.

" Why didn't the former owner take care of the apartment? "

Before the guard could answer, the guard's cell phone started ringing. The guard answered the call. Yue Ziqin could tell that the guard was talking with Dui Fang.

After the call ended, the guard told Yue Ziqin that the other was waiting for him.

" Other than Mr. Meng and Junyan... Mr. Zhishi and Xiang have already arrived earlier to attend your practice sessions today. "

" I see... How about Jun Feng? "

" Ms. Chao-Xin was accompanying her little brother. Mr. Ziqin should hurry inside. "

" Okay... I should go now. "

When the door opened and Zhang Yuan welcomed him inside, Yue Ziqin remembered that the guard didn't answer his previous question.

After welcoming him, Zhang Yuan apologize for the misunderstanding regarding the apartment. He has used too much beautification on it that the apartment looks lew in the photo. But in fact, it was the opposite.

While Zhang Yuan told him that the kitchen, dining room, parlor, living room, and community bathroom are on the first floor, Zhang Yuan then mentioned a casual fact about the building.

" The apartment is 66 years old. It's been around since 1955. Anyway, the whole second floor is where our training and gaming room are located. "

Nodding his head Yue Ziqin asked, while they walked towards the living room.

" Why are you renovating the building, didn't the former owner have taken care of this apartment? "

Zhang yuan contemplated for a little bit before answering.

" The apartment doesn't have an owner for 2 years. Occasionally, there would be a cleaning crew that would come around every 2 months since the Y town mayor placed importance on the apartment since it was considered one of their oldest buildings and tourist attractions. It took a while for me to convince him that the apartment needed new paint and repairs. He said that he wanted to preserve the apartment's beauty. "

Yue Ziqin's doubts grow more when he heard the word 2 years ago and tourist attraction.

" 2 years ago? Tourist attractions? "

" Well... The former owner of the building died in this apartment. According to the local police, he was murdered by the person that he have let stay in his apartment for a night. The former owner was said to be famous for being a good Samaritan. The former owner is the 13th person that died in this building since it was built in 1955. "

Yue Ziqin looks at the calm and unfazed Zhang Yuan. He didn't appear to be bothered by what he told him.

Gritting his teeth and gripping the handle of his suitcase tightly, Yue Ziqin started heading towards the exit of the apartment.

" Hey, Yue Ziqin where are you going?! "

" Back to my parents!! "

Yue Ziqin shouted.

He, Yue Ziqin on the other hand was scared shitless! There's no way that he would stay in a haunted apartment!

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