Chapter 20

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 20: A new field to experience


      Equipment. It was a vital feature in Glory and in any other games that I know of. Equipments are important as they influence the player's attributes. Just like in some other games, the equipment in Glory was divided into level and further ranked into tiers. In glory there is 5 tiers not including the special last one. This tiers are white, green, blue, purple and orange.

White equipment didn't have any additional properties. It was considered as a trash and useless. Green tier is an improvement since it has at least some additional properties even it was very little. The Green Tier could be dropped from regular field mobs and given in quest rewards. Blue equipments are found in fields, through it was very rare. A few quest also give them as rewards. But blue equipments could be commonly found as drops in a dungeon. Blue tier could be considered as decent and the most mainstream equipment. And as for the purple and orange equipment, according to my searching and looking through the Glory forums, they could be considered as the high-end goods. I could see in the trade forums section of Glory that there is some rich players wanting to buy purple and orange equipments. They were one of the most topics in the trade section of the Glory forums other than the buying and selling of materials. Yet, I could see no one mentioning of buying or selling silver equipment in the trade section.

It was probably that the players of Glory considered silver equipment as something very precious or priceless. Looking through the Glory forums international or in this country, I found the basic information that I already know that silver equipment can be made from the equipment editor which required materials, your creativity, control and chance. And that the pro circles of the game have them.

[ Player Name: Grand Caster
Level: 20
Class: Summoner




Head: Skeleton King's Crown (Level 20) Orange Tier
Shoulder: Revenant Leather Plate (Level 15) Purple Tier
Chest: Revenant Robes (Level 15) Purple Tier
Waist: Revenant Belt (Level 15) Purple Tier
Leg: Revenant Pants (Level 15) Purple Tier
Shoes: Revenant Boots (Level 15) Purple Tier


Left Ring:  Silk Ring- (Level 15) Blue Tier
Right Ring: Skeleton Ring- (Level 20) Blue Tier
Necklace: Phantom Necklace- (Level 10) Blue Tier
Badge: Moon Badge- (Level 5) Orange Tier
Cloak: Skeleton King's Cloak- Level 20 (Orange Tier)


Skeleton Mage's Staff -Level 20 (Purple Tier)        ]

This time, I want to try my hand on making silver equipment. Neither Moon Ziqin's group or Storm Conquest's team is currently online. It was still early. I have some free time to dabble into this unknown field while I would for them to be online. And I also like to forget my embarrassment on what happened earlier this morning. It was embarrassing that I screamed like a little girl when I received the message about the contract offer about my story that I have written.

Since the age of eight on this life, I was permitted by my parents to use phone and search through the internet. One of the first things that I have done after that was read stories online just like in my previous life. A few months after that, I started considering on making stories myself. At first, I dabbled into fanfictions and practicing my drawing skills again just like in my past life. That time, I thought that since this is a second chance in my life, even with physical obstacles on my way. Maybe, I would be able to fulfill my dream this time.

Two months earlier, I have posted drafts of the story on a online literary website. That story is the culmination of my dreams and experiences in my past and current life. To see someone seeing it have a potential, i couldn't help to let out the elation and satisfaction that I feel. So my parents couldn't really fault that I screamed like a little girl. But thinking about the situation, it was really... Shameful.

Moon Ziqin or Storm Conquest aren't online at this time. I decided to take this opportunity to start messing with the equipment editor. Of course, I expect that I would have a lot of error in this one. I didn't encounter any of this feature in any of the games on my past life. This would be a new experience for me. The idea of making your own weapon and equipment sounds very interesting to me. It was completely an unknown field. I am inexperienced. But, despite the complete lack of experience, I couldn't help but look forward and be excited by the results.

Since the day that I started playing glory, I have been collecting materials. Now it was time to put them into good and proper use. Eagerly opening the equipment editor, I started looking through it and read the basic manual and introduction about it. In the equipment editor, I could see all of the equipments that I had and the materials that I have all collected.

After a few moments of contemplation, I decided to start on something small. I should create a silver accessory. Later, I found out that the equipment editor need several calculations and mathematics than I would like. This isn't what I expected when I have started playing this game.

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