Chapter 42

373 32 2

Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 42: Gift Giving

[ December 25, 2020- Friday ]


It was Christmas day. But it's not a public holiday that was celebrated in this country. It was more like a commercial holiday like valentines.

The snow has receded a bit but we still don't have classes for today. Too dangerous for primary school students wandering around B city. My stuffy nose and cough are still there. There was only a very mild fever which I hope would never go up again.

While covered in blankets and the heater is turned on in my room, Sister Chao-Xing came behind me and asked.

" What's wrong Jung Feng? You seem so gloomy today. And why aren't you playing Glory? "

While making digital art on the computer, I answered.

" Our guild leader decided for us to take a break for one day. "

After our skills were attacked by players, experts, and pros and me being killed by the unexpected One Autumn Leaf, morale for the conquering clouds was a bit low.

Storm Conquest decided for all of us to take a break. And he was right. Also, I know that because of what happened there was a traitor within the total 100 members of Conquering Clouds. He would probably use this time to start investigating.

" But why do you look so gloomy? Is it because you aren't playing Glory Jun Feng? Maybe your brother is right that you need to lessen your amount of playing a little. You became addicted to Glory. "

I can feel a frown forming on my face when I heard my sister.

" My grades and test scores in school are the best. "

" We know that Jun Feng. You're always the best in your classes. But please take care of your health, won't you? Frowning and being gloomy wouldn't help you either. "

Pouting, I answered.

" It wasn't because of not playing Glory that I am feeling awful today. "

" What is it? "

While continuing my work with my digital art, I asked my sister.

" Do you know One Autumn Leaf? "

"  Of course! "

My sister answered while sounding a little offended.

" I know who One Autumn leaf is, Jung Feng! I am the one who introduced him to you. Forgetting One Autumn Leaf is like forgetting glory! "

" He killed me. "

" The God– what?! "

Parroting my word, I spoke again.

" He killed me. "

" What? Why? "

I then went to explain to my sister the event that happened and how One Autumn Leaf ended up killing me. After the explanation, my sister looked at me and asked.

" So are you gloomy Jun Feng because One Autumn Leaf killed you? "

" He's strong... "

I paused and continued.

" Very strong. "

" Yes, he is. One Autumn Leaf is the best avatar in glory pro alliance after all and the person controlling him is also strong and intelligent. "

I am listening to my sister as I continue to draw on the computer.

" It wasn't just One Autumn Leaf that was strong. But the players that were members of the clubs and participating in the glory pro alliance. A different kind of beast compared to the regular players and experts of glory. "

When I finished my digital art, it was the image of One Autumn Leaf looking at me with a smile as he prepare to unleash his last blow on me.

I posted it on my Grand Caster Microbo Grand Caster account and it received many retweets and like compared to my regular Grand Caster and Conquering Cloud players fan art.

I logged out a few minutes later.

When the evening of December 25th came, my gloomy mood disappeared when My parents along with my brother and sister, give me gifts.

Even though Christmas wasn't a widely regulated holiday, our family still celebrates it.

My mother's gift to me is a book that lifted a smile on my face. It was a hard copy of the book King of Yellow. I browse for a bit. It was written in English.

" It wasn't a child-friendly book but since I know that you love this kind of story and love craft lore is your absolute favorite, I hope you like my gift Feng-er. "

" Thank you! "

I tried to envelop my mother with my arms in a hug. After that, it was father's turn. He gifted me a collection of figures. My eyes lit up when I saw the gift.

" Miku!! "

Other than Miku, there was also Kaito, Luka, Rin, Len, Meiko, Gumi, and Gakupo.

Thank God that Vocaloids exist in this world. Even though they have only been released last year. But they have been very popular in Japan and gaining popularity in other countries.

" Thank you!! "

There was a bright grin on my face as I look at all of my Vocaloid figures. Lastly, there was Sister and Brother's gift.

Upon receiving an empty credit card and a mysterious I.O.U. telling me that I would receive my gift on January 1, 2021, unlike the enthusiastic response I got from my parents, I deadpan at them.

" Did you just forget it? "

Chuckling, my brother Hao Lan answered.

" We didn't forget it but we promise that your gift would be available on January 1. "

I didn't know what the empty credit card is for. But I still received it and thanked both of them. Even though their gift was peculiar.

As for my gift for them, for my sister, it was digital fan art of Dancing Rain. My sister's favorite in Glory. For Brother, it was a scarf. And for mother and father, I shooed my sister and brother away from my bedroom.

After they left, I sang a song.

At the end of the song, I can't look at my parents while feeling embarrassed.

There was a faint smile on father's face as he told me.

" It's amazing. But Feng-er should know that you don't need to be obligated to return the gift that we have given to you. "

" I know. "

I replied. I know that I wasn't obligated but since you have all kept giving me gifts, I thought that it was unfair, and makes me guilty that I didn't even think of returning your gifts until last year.

I don't want to be a burden.

I don't want to be a burden just like in my past life.

A spoiled rotten pig who was nothing but a useless piece of shit.

" I just want to thank you. "

I just want to make it up to you.

Even though you and them aren't the same person at all.

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