Chapter 35

430 34 8

Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 35: PVP Arena & Reward

[ December 20, 2020- Sunday ]

Within the 8th server, the guild conquering clouds became little known and infamous. After the 2nd time that they have fooled a big-name guild backed by big-name clubs, the guild leader Storm Conquest decided for the Conquering Clouds to lay low again which irritated most of the big-name guilds which were affected by them in the 8th server.

On the other hand, the guild Storm Conquest was prospering and steadily gaining more power and materials as time goes on. Even if it is little by little.

What is important was that they were improving and that there was progress.


   Today, Watchful Hound was alone while spending his time with people outside of their guild conquering clouds. He was either going with them to the dungeons or he was in the area killing monsters.

Moon Ziqin was busy with the matters of the Conquering Clouds. He was assisting Storm Conquest in observing the guild members of Conquering Clouds and made sure that there is no rotten member to sprout out of the guild. They can't afford to have defectors or spies on their still little-developing guild.

As for Twilight Rose, Watchful Hound learned from her that she would be occupied doing quests. It was the same for the Grand Caster in the last few days.

Grand Caster has told them that he has unlocked a hidden quest and it was difficult. If he has failed the quest, then he loses reputation points on some type of NPC's. Other than that, he didn't say much.

They can understand how rare or unusual a hidden quest and some of them are bound to be difficult. From what he heard from Moon Ziqin, a hidden quest or just a quest in general that makes you lose reputation was quite unusual.

He wonders if Grand Caster can share the details about the hidden quest once he has finished it.

And as for Cross Knife, he was spending his time honing his PK skills in Arena.

Cross Knife has told him that he was doing well in killing his opponents in Arena. Which Watchful Hound was very doubtful about.

There's no way that he would be able to defeat all of his opponents. The only people who could do it are those pro players and the God of Glories.

He was lying. Watchful Hound didn't believe his claims. The situation is probably he wins some and he loses some matches. Overall a 50/50 chance.

There's no Grand Caster to assist him or support him at all in the Arena. So any mistake that he would make is bound to cost him his life. Bearing a hotheaded temper, it is destined for Cross Knife to lose some fights in the Arena.

The Arena consists of all players of all kinds. You can encounter a noob, average players, and players that have potential, great potential as well as pro players.

Arena's matches are probability matches. But once a player started winning more and more, the Arena would pit you together with a player who has the same level of skills or there was a high chance that someone who was a professional player or someone better.

It is impossible to win all of the matches unless you were a God in Glory.

[ Your Friend Cross Knife (Berserker) has sent a message for you. ]

[ Cross Knife: Watchful Hound, I'm already at my 13th win streak for today! ]

Watchful Hound press doubt.


[ December 21, 2020 - Monday ]

These last few days have been tiring. I racked my head with thinking about how would be I able to complete my quest.

But I persevered and manage to create two silver weapons which were complying with the standards of the hidden quest. A masamune style and muramasa style silver equipment sword.

For the first few times ever, I manage to create silver equipment.

Unfortunately, the silver equipment(weapons) stats that I made were not something that I was proud to call silver equipment at all. Its stats are worse than orange and purple equipment. And even blue equipment is just a little better than it. At most, it is like or appropriate to even call it green equipment.

I wasted a lot of materials and I successfully made a trash silver weapon.

Hopefully, I would be able to complete the quest. It wasn't like the blacksmith would be able to tell the quality of silver equipment right?


It seems that I was wrong and I have jinxed it.

Once I arrived and turned in the quest and gave the weapons to the blacksmith. It seems the programming of Glory is more advanced than I originally thought.

[ You have completed the hidden quest Regaining favor Murasama or Masamune? ]

[ Checking the Silver Equipments... ]

[ The Silver equipment is lacking it has the quality of Green equipment. ]

[ The Silver Equipment is a little better than trash ]

[ The Silver Equipment is lacking the traits of Silver Equipment. ]


With a sense of apprehension, I can feel myself losing hope in my eyes as I started at the screen while the Blacksmith was inspecting the swords that I have made.

He turned his gaze from the swords and to me. Even if he was expressionless, I can feel that he was judging me and looking at me in disappointment.

' No, no, no, nope! '

[ Loading.... ]

' Please! '

[ You have made silver equipment of Masamune and Muramasa style ]

[Feudal Blacksmith: It is lacking. But this would do. I expect nothing less than someone indecisive and cowardly. Your heart is lacking in will and passion when you made the swords. ]

What do you mean by lacking in will and passion?! Grumpy geezer, I wasted a lot of materials! All of that took time and effort on gathering them!

[Feudal Blacksmith: Can it be even called silver equipment? This is trash. ]

Jun Feng was stopping himself from throttling the monitor. If it was possible to attack the blacksmith, he would have done it already. And he wouldn't care if he wouldn't regain his reputation from the Blacksmith.

[ You failed the quest regaining favor.. ]


[ You have a -100 reputation from the Feudal Blacksmith ]

Jerk Geezer! I swear that I would kill you!

[ You gained the Consolation Reward (Attracting Hatred Handbook).
Umm.. What?

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