Chapter 46

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Arc 1: The Reincarnated Noob

Chapter 46: New Year

[ January 1, 2021- Friday ]

     3 days later, it was already the year 2021. The new year was celebrated and it was a public holiday unlike Christmas so there are no classes. Before January 1 approached, I have already passed my suggestions and ideas to the email of the Glory main website. There were even digital art and drawings attached to it. But it's an absolute mess since I was hurrying the supposed blueprint for my ideas.

I hope that the developers of the Glory would look at it. And maybe who knows? Maybe they would adapt some of my ideas.

A person can dream, right? Right?

Imagine a gravity-based dungeon with a boss who can control gravity.

Fall damage in the game would matter and be realistic as possible. The higher you drop, the higher the amount of damage you would take instead of remaining constant.

And please Glory Gods (Developers) let us explore every nook and cranny of the game!

Even the lakes and seas were just peaceful areas and don't have any dungeons or monsters.

We wanted to know what was at the bottom of the sea! Do we find a hidden treasure? A hidden wild boss? Do we start our pirate journey?

Also, it would be cool if we can fall into cliffs. Maybe we would find another treasure lying there or an NPC grandpa in the ring.

A limitless dungeon where the use of health potions and mana potions are forbidden. A battle of endurance.

Dungeons where you randomly separate the parties into different locations and have them face different monsters and bosses.

A 'mind control' status where your fellow friend would be turned enemy by a boss monster and that player would be forced to attack the other players for a limited amount of time.

Pets and mounts...

Building a house in glory.

Beast Tamer and Druid Classes!

Where the heck is archers?

Secondary classes like Alchemist, Builder, Farmer, Engraver, etc.

Other races than humans and elves that a player could have in glory.

Guild wars. Absolute guild wars where you can destroy enemy guild bases.

Let us hire NPCs to hire on our guild! Cleaning the guild sucks!

Those were some of the ideas that I put into my mail and sent to the Glory Main official website.

Thankfully, I still have reservations and common sense about not putting the 'Why not develop Glory into a VR game?' suggestion.

It sounded stupid and not possible with this year's current technological advancements. Maybe give it 20+ years before someone on this Earth can make a VR game that isn't Among us rip-off version, Phasmophobia Vr, etc.

A genuine RPG VR game is still far off in the distance. Its faint silhouette could be seen but not grasped and reachable.

After my ideas were passed on December 31, my parents, brother, and sister were excited for the new year. Mother has prepared a bunch of food for the celebration. Unlike them who were excited about the new year, I can't muster the same level of excitement as them considering that they wouldn't let me spend my time awake past 8:00 in the evening.

The Shen family has some unofficial rules. And one of them was my not being allowed to be lacking in the proper amount of sleep time.

When I woke up on January 1st in the morning, my parents, brother, and sister were in their bedrooms sleeping. When I called one of them, nobody answered.

They all stayed at night awake and now they were reaping the consequences.

No fireworks for me. But thanks to earplugs, I have a restful sleep.

Since they are asleep, I struggle a little bit from moving to the bed and the chair so that I can open the computer and play Glory.

When I logged in, the game system informed me that I have received a new year's gift from Glory. The gift wasn't bad. 3 great exp potions for 1 hour along with 50 pieces of health and mana potions. After receiving my gift, I walk around and notice that the 8th server is so quiet and empty. I have only encountered a few players that I can count on two hands before I went to the Conquering Clouds base.

There, I found out the only ones who were online today were Cross Knife and Null Envy. Only two.

Did they go out with their New Year's huh? What did they do? Rave on the dance floor? Karaoke? Eat all you can food? Watch fireworks? Go on a date? Stay at night with family and friends?

I tried to not sound bitter and envious as those thoughts entered my mind.

With the other, I'm already familiar. Cross Knife is my regular teammate after all. Null Envy on the other hand wasn't someone with who I was familiar. A female player (genuinely) who acts like some sort of Storm Conquest's secretary. She was one of the people who helps in managing the guild other than Moon Ziqin and Disordered Elegance.

" Good morning. Did you not celebrate the New Year? "

" You miss a New Year Event. "

Cross Knife informed me. Looking at him, he was already level 47 while I am still at level 44.

" Oh, I didn't know that Glory has one. "

" It was announced on December 31. "

" I see. "

I was regretful that I missed an event but at the same time, I wasn't.

Being killed by One Autumn Leaf gives you an interesting perspective regarding events.

While I was thinking about the event, a notification appeared.

[ Cross Knife invited you to a party. Do you accept?

< Yes >  < No > ]

" Brother Knife? "

" We can't have you pulling down the team with your level. "

I can feel a smile, tugging up on my lips.

" I would never dream of it. "

I can hear Cross Knife huffing in dismissal.

" Let's go. "

He said to me but I remember that we also have another online member in our guild. I turned my character to face Sister Null Envy's avatar.

" Sister Envy do you want to go with us? "

" No, it's fine. Cross Knife can help you level up. I still need to take care of the guild even if it's empty. "

" Let's go now, Caster! "

Brother Knife was already leaving the guild, I hurriedly went after him but not before thanking Sister Envy.

" Good luck. "

I hear Sister Envy muttering before I catch up to Brother Knife and went to the gateway portal.

Now that I think about it, there's a strange atmosphere between Sister Envy and Brother Cross Knife before I arrive.  Is it just me thinking nonsense? Or it was just me being too suspicious? With the others offline because of New Year, only Brother Knife and Sister Envy are online. What could they possibly talk about?

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