Yandere Mirabel X G! Reader

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Suggestion was made by  Kai_Like_Anime

Y/n and Mirabel have always been friends for a very long time, As Mirabel introduced you to her Family years ago, her family started to like you and now you and her family became very very good friends. Everything's going well until your family is about to move, and you have to break it up to her.

( Y/n's P.O.V)

As I grabbed my house phone, I was dialing up Mirabel's phone number, trying not cry.

As the phone rang, I whispered " please answer, please answer...."

As the phone answered, I heard Mirabel's voice through the phone

" Hello?"

" Hey, Mirabel." I said

" Y/n.. are you okay? It sounded like you've been crying."

" Y-yeah... I'm fine." I lied

" Now you not. I'm come over.."

" You don't have to."

" It's too late, I'm coming."

" No, wait-"

As the phone hung up, I have to hide all of the boxes in the rooms, I grabbed all the boxes and hid them in the basement, until the doorbell rang

" Y/n, Y/n you there."

" uh, hang on!" I yelled As I carefully placed them downstairs, I sighed of relief until I saw one box I forgot to hide,and that was my stuff, I quickly hide them under the chair and opened the door

" hey  Mirabel." I smiled " what's up."

" Y/n..." Mirabel said in a worried tone " are you okay? have you been crying?"

" nope."

"then why are your eyes red?"

damn it! 

" it's because I didn't blink my eyes."

Mirabel shook her head and said " Y/n... come here."

As she walked up to me, she wrapped me in a warm hug and said " you can tell me anything Y/n, I'm your friend."

I took a deep breath and said " okay.... Mirabel... me and my family are moving..."

Mirabel pulled me away from the hug and said " r-really?! t-tell me if this is a joke! please! TELL ME NOW!"

I replied " It's not... I moved out the way and picked up my box and said " here's proof."

" T-That can be true!" Mirabel yelled

" Look at my room and see for yourself!"

I yelled as I pointed upstairs. As me and Mirabel walked upstairs, I opened the door to my room and it was competely empty

" now you believe me...."

Mirabel shook her and said quietly " I.... I can't believe it... your actually moving... your leaving Colombia... why?"

" It's because of my dad's job, we have to move there... I'm sorry...."

Mirabel pulled me for a hug and said " I don't want you to leave! I want you to stay here forever."

" me too. Mira... but I have to stay with my family..."

As we was crying while hugging for a few minutes, Mirabel pulled herself away and said

" we can't just spend the day crying like babies."

" heh, yeah."

" come on, let's drink some tea, it'll calm us down."  smiled

" yeah, lets! I always loved your tea."

" thank you."

( Mirabel's P.O.V)

As me and my Y/n walked downstairs to the kitchen, I couldn't bare to see my Y/n leave, I just love them to much! there's no way in hell I'll let her go. Inside of my pocket I was holding some sleeping drugs to make Y/n go to sleep. And when they  wakes up, they'll be all mine! forever!

As we made it to the kitchen, I insisted Y/n that  I was going to make the tea, they agreed! god I love them so much! As I grabbed all of the tea supplies, I poured the hot water, the tea powder, then the drugs. As I gave them to Y/n, I drunk my tea and waited for them to drink theirs.

As they did, we started to have a conversation, then Y/n said "oh god.... I feel... a bit... sleepy..."

I walked up to Y/n and picked them up and said " Now Y/n.... you are finally mine."

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