Mirabel x GN Reader

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This suggestion was asked by Xana999

( Y/n's  P.O.V)

" Y/n!" yelled my boyfriend, Carols as he was chasing me " GET BACK HERE!"

I didn't even dare to stop, tears was rolling down my eyes, my stomach and legs were hurting me, but I didn't even dare to stop

" Y/n! please! let's talk about this... I don't want you to leave me!"

I still didn't stop, tears rolled down my eyes while my boyfriend kept on saying my name.

I then looked up and noticed rocky mountains coming to my direction

" I have to climb these mountains." I whispered. As I started to climb up, I heard Carols yelling

" Y/n! what do you think you're doing?! come down! please!"

" Fuck you Carols!" I growled as I made it up to the top " I don't want to see you again!"

" Y-Y/n..." Carols whimpered as tears rolled down his eyes " P-Please.... don't leave me.. I love you."

I replied " Well, I don't anymore... goodbye Carols."

As I turned around, I heard Carols saying " You will regret this L/n! I will find you!"

" It'll take a while for you to fine me." I scoffed as I turned away and continued waking .


As I was walking further, I slowly smile and said " wow... freedom is nice, I hope I can stay like-"

I was interrupted as I tripped on the edge of a rock, which caused me to tumble down.

As I fell to the river, my skin was bleeding due to the cuts, I was in pain, and the only thing I could do was to stare at the moon and slowly closed my eyes .

( Time skipped///) ( The next day)

I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I wasn't in the late and that I was bandaged up.

" Huh?" I said as I got up and looked around where I am. I was inside of a huge house with some glowing magical doors, but only one was green, And I was also laying down on a huge couch

" Where am I?"

"Oh!" a girl's voice yelled from behind " You're finally awake! We was getting worried that you died, I mean, I did see  you laying in the river with cuts."

I turned around and saw a teenage girl that was my age who gave me a friendly smile. She has short curly hair, her dress has butterfly decorations and her glasses is green.

" You saved me?" I said quietly " Thank you."

" You're welcome!" smiled the teenage girl " I'm Mirabel Madrigal! what's your name?"

I replied " Y/n L/n, nice to meet you Mirabel."

" Same to you! you have a nice name."

" Thank you." I smiled " Anyways, how did you find me?"

Mirabel replied " well, me and my Abuela was walking down to the lake to look at all of the butterflies, that's when we saw you. You was laying down in the lake with cuts all over your arms and legs and we decided to take you in. And also, Welcome to the Encanto!"

" The Encanto?"

" yeah!" smiled Mirabel " The best part is my Family has magical gifts... well except for me, But still, I'm special in their eyes!"

I smiled a bit and said " Mirabel, do you mind showing me around the Encanto?"

" Sure!" Mirabel smiled " oh wait, I made this dress for you!"

( Since I'm lazy, I'll tell you what the dress looks like, It looks similar to Isabela's but the dress has sleeves with your F/C skirt and the decorations  on the dress has Lines with hearts on it.. Sorry for that shitty description)

After I put on my dress, Mirabel grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

" Y/n, welcome to the encanto! and let me tell you all about it!"

( After all that, Lazy once again) ( And also, The Madrigals introduce them selves to Y/n)

" Wow, the Encanto seems an interesting place." I smiled

" Yep!" smiled Camilo " You're going to love it!"

" We're so glad to meet you!" smiled Julieta and Pepa

" Same to you guys."

" Hey, Y/n." Isabela said as she tapped on my shoulder " How did you get here?"

I replied " I-I don't wanna talk about it.. I don't want to bring up the bad memories. But I will tell you this, can you guys please protect me? there's this guy name Carols, and he's after me.. I need to be protected. Can you guys help me out?"

The Madrigals stayed silent, then Alma walked up to me, she gently grabbed my hands and said " Of course Y/n, we will protect you no matter what!"

I smiled at Alma and said " Thank you!"

" come on, lets go back to the Casita so we can show you around

( After the tour in the Casita)

" And lastly, the guest room!" Alma smiled " Mirabel, can you take our guest to her room?"

" Sure!" Mirabel smiled as she grabbed my hand " Come on Y/n!"

As I followed Mirabel to my guest room, She turned to me and said " You know Y/n, I think we're going to be good friends."

" I agree with you too." I smiled back.

( In the guest room)

" And here's your room!" Mirabel smiled. As I walked inside, It looked like I was in a hotel

" I'll leave you be." smiled Mirabel

As Mirabel closed the door I examined the room and then I noticed the bed and flopped in it.

I laughed a bit as I turned to look in the calling, I sighed to myself and said

" I'm safe now.."

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