Yandere Button-Eyed Madrigals x Female Reader

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A/n:  Once again, the adults are Platonic and this is based on the movie "Coraline"  Those of you haven't watched the movie, please watch it, it's very good and creepy

-Yandere Freak

~~~~~~~Y/n's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

It was a chilly day today, I woke up and started to shiver because my room is cold.

"Ugh.. I hate this time of the season..." I grumbled with annoyance . I grabbed my host coat and walked downstairs.

"Good morning..." I grumbled loudly. There was no answer, I looked around and I didn't see my mom nor my dad, instead I found a letter on the kitchen table.

"What's this?" I said as I picked up the note and read it.

"Dear Y/n, If you're awake then that means you found this letter. Me and your dad went to the store to get some groceries. Do yourself a favor and clean up your room. We'll be back soon


I rolled my eyes and said "Great... I gotta clean up now."

As I grabbed the broom and walked up to my room. As I started to sweep my room, I was listening to my music when I noticed a small door on my wall.

"What the fuck is that..?"

I whispered as I stopped sweeping and started at the small door.

As I got closer to the door, I muttered

"What is this door doing here? And how come I didn't notice it?"

As I gently touched the door knob, I slowly opened the door and my eyes widened in awe as I saw a colorful tunnel that leads to another door.

"Woah!" I whispered with awe "This is some weird, but cool shit!"

I got on my knees and crawled through the tunnel, making my way to the second door. As I slowly opened the door, I slightly frowned as I saw the living room

"What is this a shortcut to lead to the living room?"

As I crawled out of the door, and into the living room, I smelled something heavenly

As I followed the smell, I found myself in the kitchen, but I wasn't alone. There were 12 people there.

"H-Hey??!" I slightly yelled, " who are you people and what are you-"

I was cut off as the 12 people turned around, showing me their faces, but the weirdest part was they had buttons for their eyes.

"AAH! Shit!" I yelled

"Hello there Y/n~" cooed the older woman

"We've been waiting for you."

I stared at the older woman and said "Me? Who are you? Who are all of YOU??!"

The older woman smiled, "We are the Madrigals, your new family dearie!"

I stared at the old lady and said "Clearly you need to see a psychiatrist, I'm not your family!"

Another woman with a light blue dress said

"Now Y/n, is that any way to treat your Abuela?"

I stared at the woman and said "A-Abuela?!?! She's not my grandma!!"

The blue dress woman said "Y/n...She's your new Abuela, I am your new mother."

This is getting really annoying, I shook my head and said "Why do you have a button for eyes? What are you, Raggedy-Ann?"

"Don't be rude Y/n." Replied the woman with a yellow dress "We have button eyes because we like them, Would you like to have a button eye?"

I stared at the lady and said "have a button- fuck no! I'm leaving!!"

Just before I could turn around and leave, The door that leaded to the exit was blocked, I then looked behind me and saw the 12 Madrigals, slowly walking up towards me

"There's nowhere to run." Whispered the older lady

"Now you're ours for the keeping." Smiled the woman in the multi-colored dress

"No escape." Smiled the chubby man wearing a yellow shirt

"You're our family now Y/n, forever!" Laughed the woman wearing the yellow dress

As the 12 Madrigals got closer to me, I tried to attack the girl that was wearing the multi-colored dress, but she dogged and kicked me, causing me to fall

"Restrain her." the older woman said with venom in her voice

"Yes, abuela/mom." replied the rest of the Madrigals as they surrounded me.

As all of the Madrigals were restraining me, I was trying to break free while screaming. But It was too late, I was already tied up.

"And now." The older lady said as she slowly walked towards me "You're going to stay with us....FOREVER!!"

I'm so, so,so sorry if it was shitty, I was out of ideas

~~~~~~That's All Folks~~~~~~

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