Yandere Pepa x Reader part 2

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( Y/n's P.O.V)

As I slowly opened my eyes, I mumbled  under my breath " What happened?"

" You forgot already mi amor?" said a familiar voice from the shadows " You can be so forgetful sometimes mi amor."

I turned around and saw a dark figure not near the lights. I then yelled " W-Who are you?!"

The dark figure laughed hysterically and said " You don't recognize me? You are so cute! let me come to the light so you can see how disappointed I am at you!"

As the dark figure walked closer to the light, My eyes widen as I saw who it was: Pepa Madrigal. With an angry, lovesick look in her eyes.

" Pepa?!" I yelled " Why am I back in this hell-hole basement?!"

Pepa replied " Because, mi amor, I love you! way too much! But sadly, yesterday you tried to leave me!"

" Yeah!" I spat " It's because you're crazy AND I don't lov-"

I quickly stopped myself when Pepa started to storm, while giving me the most angry glare ever.

" Say that last part." she whispered in a hunted tone " Say it."

I didn't say the last part, which caused Pepa to scoff " That's what I thought."

As Pepa's storm faded away, she then said " But, you will be punished, but I promise, your punishment won't be THAT painful, if you cooperate."

" What do you mean by copper-"

I was interrupted as Pepa grabbed my legs and broke them

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed in pain " Why did you do that?!"

Pepa replied with a smile on her face " I did that so you can't run and leave me! And now for the arms!"

As Pepa grabbed my left arm, she twisted it and I screamed louder which caused Pepa to laugh

" We're almost done now..." Pepa said as she grabbed my right arm, " What else do you have to say before I break your right arm?"

" I hope you die Pepa." I growled 

" And you're going to die with me too." Pepa said as she twisted my arm even harder.

I then screamed in pain for a while, then I put my head down.

As Pepa put her cold hands on my chin, she made me look at her, and then said  " I'm sorry I have to do this, but you promised that you wouldn't leave me, and you did. And something must have to be done... But I still love you."

" ..."

Pepa then rolled her eyes and kissed me on the cheek and said " I'll bring back something to eat."

As Pepa left the basement, I thought to myself ' next time, I will escape.. but until my legs and arm heal, I will leave her and be free."

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