Yandere Demon! Camilo X Fem! Reader

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This was made by me! Suggestions are still open :)

As the bell rang for dismissal, I grabbed my backpack and my computer and headed out to go home

" Y/n!" My friend, Tiffany yelled " Your not going to stay in your dorm?"

" Nah." I said as I shook my head.

" Why?" She asked " We're having a sleepover in my dorm, you have to be there."

" Maybe next time." I smiled as I exited my school, As I was on my way home, I felt footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and saw nobody there. I was a bit confused, I just shrugged my shoulders and continued walking, then I heard the same footsteps but It felt like someone was running

" SHOOT!" I yelled as I started to run in full speed

" Stop running!" a voice yelled " I'm not that fast as you are! please stop running from me!"

I didn't follow that person's instruction, I kept on running like I was going to die, which I felt I was going to anyways! As I was trying to find something to hide, I noticed a gas station I go to fill my car with gas in, So I ran in and locked the door. As the person ran to the window, he yelled


The person that was calling me 'darling' has curly brown hair, his eyes are green and had red horns coming down from his head

" no way idiot!" I screamed back as I was catching my breath " why are you dressing like it's Halloween?! It ain't Halloween until next year."

" I'm not in a costume doll." he replied " open the door!"

" Why are you calling me doll?!" I yelled " and mostly, WHY ARE YOU CHASING ME?!"

He replied " I've been stalking you since you came to college my love, I even killed those bullies that always bullied you and i even killed your toxic boyfriend!"

my eyes widen, I yelled " IT WAS YOU THAT YOU KILLED THEM?! WHY?!"

" Because they hurt you mi amor!" he yelled " And I won't allow that! not to my darling! now please, open the door and we can talk about this!"

" Nope!" I yelled " Anyways, the door's locked and there's no way for you to get in!"

the demon boy gave me a death glare, his frown quickly turned to a creepy smile which he started to laugh

" W-What's funny?!" I yelled

" Oh my dear.." He laughed as he was wiping his tear " I'm a demon, I can teleport anytime I want! like.... *pop* NOW!"

As he made it inside of the gas station, he was about to grab me when the owner, Mr.  Mark walked in

" huh, what's going on here?" he yelled " and what are you going to do with that girl?!"

" Oh shut up." the demon boy growled as he snapped his fingers, which caused Mr. Mark to fall down. I ran to the front desk and saw a huge hole that leads to the netherworld.

" OH MY GOD!" I yelled as I turned back to the demon " WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

" I took him to the netherworld dear." I cooed " And there's a game I want to play with you?"

" W-What's that!?"

" Hide and seek." he smiled as he grabbed my chin " If you win, I'll leave you alone. But, If I win, your mine, okay?"

" game on." I smiled confidently

" good girl." he said as he let go of my chin.  I'll count to 15, and you better be hiding."

" One....Two... Three...."

As he started to count, I unlocked the gas station and ran back to my house. I locked every door and windows and ran up to my room, I also locked my bedroom door and window and crawled under my bed while holding my phone and a cross.

" Eleven.... Twelve...... Thirteen.... Fourteen....FIFTEEN!"

As I heard the front door being busted open, I heard him saying " Y/n.... where are you... come out... come out where ever you are..."

I covered my mouth, trying not to cry as I heard my doorknob being twisted. As the door was opened, I could see him walking around my room, he opened the door to the closet and checked everywhere,except under the bed

" well played darling." he said " You won, I guess I'll leave you alone." As I heard his footsteps leaving my room, I pulled myself out of my bed. I was about to leave my bedroom when I felt arms being wrapped around me


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