Chapter 77: Old Tee Shirt

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Heidi's POV

"You know he's not gonna wait on you forever." Heather said, throwing her arms up in the air for added dramatic effect.

"I don't expect him to wait forever! I just need some time to figure out what I want." I said back defensively.

"Okay... well you want him and he wants you. There. Case closed, problem solved!" She said matter of factly, causing me to roll my eyes and huff in frustration.

"I guess it's less about what I want and more about timing, you wouldn't underst-" I started, before she cut me off cheerfully.

"I wouldn't understand? Do you think me and Tommy wanted to get engaged right as our careers were both taking off? There's no such thing as right person, wrong time, Heids. You make the time for the right person." She said casually as I walked beside her in silence.

I was so used to her being ditsy and a touch self involved that I didn't really know what to think of her actually making sense.

"I'm just-"

"You're scared. Admit it." She interjected.

"Scared? I'm not scared!" I replied quickly and a little louder than need be. She stopped walking and gave me a look that said I'd just proved her point, before continuing without another word.

"I... I just need to figure out how to be by myself again. I don't wanna be crying a river if things don't work out and I end up alone, you know? I've gotta learn how to feel happy and safe on my own, so that I don't need him. He's just, like... an accessory! A good pair of shoes or that new Louis purse you got last month. You want it, but you don't need it." I said jokingly, hoping that she'd laugh and we could move on from the subject.

She cocked her eyebrow up at me disapprovingly and I groaned, knowing we weren't done yet. She was still in her lecturing-mom-mode... I suddenly realized why her and Tommy worked so well. He was a kid and she kinda liked to mother.

"So you'd be going into the relationship expecting it to end with you being alone?" She asked rhetorically.

"Well, no but-" I started as we walked up to a store front and she swung the door open, letting me walk in ahead of her.

"Heidi, needing someone doesn't have to be a bad thing. Sometimes it's nice to rely on someone other than yourself for a change." She said quietly, a little smile forming across her face as her eyes fell down to the engagement ring on her left hand. She flexed her fingers and watched the light sparkle off of it for a second before a loud, high pitched voice filled the room, calling out her name.

Thank God, I thought to myself, more than happy that we were done with this conversation... I was trying my best to focus on how annoyed I was at her thinking she was some kinda expert on love just because things between her and Tommy were so good... but I couldn't help but replay her words over in my head... maybe needing somebody wasn't so bad...

"Well where's the groom??" The woman that greeted Heather asked.

"Ugh, I don't know. They should be here by now... you know Tommy, he's always late." Heather said back, catching me off guard.

"Who's 'they'?" I asked, confused because I didn't even know Tommy was gonna be here, much less anyone else.

"Tommy and Vince? Duh." Heather said with a hint of sass.

"What?!" I shouted in surprise, my eyes growing wide.

"Heather, you told me we were trying on my bridesmaid dress today?" I said, trying to figure out what the hell that had to do with Tommy and Vince.

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