Chapter 56: Waiting Game

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"It's gonna be okay," I said softly as he pulled me into him.

It felt like the entire world around us had stopped. The skin tingled where his fingers pressed into my back. My head was tucked into his neck and shoulder perfectly and I could smell his cologne... it was so familiar. I'd been snuggled into this same spot so many times and it always felt like home. I felt safe. Like nothing could get to me right here.

... and then I breathed in another wiff of his cologne and was reminded of how I'd spent a week curled up in bed crying next to one of his old shirts that smelled just like this...

Before I could decide if I wanted to pull away or not, Vince did. Loosening his grip around my waist, taking a step back and letting his arms fall to his side.

The second I felt him let me go, my heart sank. I felt my anxiousness rushing back in as soon as he started to pull away. I wanted to jump back into his arms... but I knew better.

"I-I'm sorry, I just-" Vince started to trip over his words as he stared down at the floor, looking guilty.

"I get it... me too." I said, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder, causing his eyes to dart up from the floor and meet mine.

He opened his mouth to say something, but just as he did, Tommy yelled his name from behind us. We both swiveled around to see Tommy and Heather in the corner of the waiting room standing in front of a doctor.

I looked at Vince and he looked back down at me. We didn't say anything, but I knew what it meant. He was scared. We were both scared. I knew better than to trust MTV's reporting, but whatever this doctor has to say about Nikki is gonna be true and... and I didn't know how the hell I was gonna handle that.

Vince started to walk toward them, with me trailing slightly behind. I don't know if it was because of all the people crowded around us, or my nerves or... just instinct? But I reached up and grabbed Vince's hand with one of my own, clutching his arm with my other and walking closely behind him.

He slowed down, almost to a pause, for a split second, glancing down at me as we walked but I kept looking straight ahead. He led us over to Tommy and Heather and squeezed my hand as the doctor began talking.

"I don't know how to say this any other way but your friend is lucky to be ali-" He said.

"Alive?" Tommy blurted, a smile spreading across his face.

"Holy shit, Nikki fucking Sixx." Vince said with a hint of laughter in his voice. I felt the air I'd been holding in release from my lungs and I dropped my hands away from Vince as I relaxed. He immediately looked down at me when I let him go, but I stared straight forward at the doctor, pretending not to notice.

"Well... he is alive, but... he was dead. His heart stopped and we aren't sure for how long. It could've been for a few seconds and he'll wake up and be fine... but, if it was a few minutes... he... he may be severely brain damaged..." The doctor said, trailing off as he looked timidly between Vince and Tommy.

"Wait wait wait... wake up?" Tommy said again, this time with anger filling his voice rather than excitement.

"Um... yes. We had to put him in a medically induced coma to restart his heart. It really will depend on how strong he is when or... um, if... he wakes up." The doctor said, eyeing Tommy.

"Strong? He's strong. He broke that guys jaws like a week ago in Seattle!" Tommy blurted out hopefully turning towards Vince for backup.

"Um... I'm more so referring to his internal organs..." the doctor started to explain, going in depth about organ damage before Tommy cut him off, speaking over him in an annoyed tone.

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